When I launch /serverlist.php with php.exe it works fine, but when it is launched by IIS with php-cgi.exe I get a 500 error:
HTTP Error 500.0 - Internal Server Error
C:\Program Files (x86)\PHP\php-cgi.exe - The FastCGI process exceeded configured activity timeout
I'm trying to get it to list all servers in a database alphabetically and get extra info for Source Engine servers. The error only comes up as soon as I add sourceengine servers.
PHP Code:
<?PHP include "lib/header.php"; include "lib/server_info/serverinfo.php"; ?>
<div class="post">
<h2 class="title"><?PHP echo $_SITENAME ?> Servers</h2>
<div class="story">
<p><?PHP print_all_server_info(); ?></p>
<?PHP include "lib/footer.php" ?>
PHP Code:
include "source_query.php";
include "format_source_query.php";
include "testonline.php";
function print_server_info($ip,$port){
$query = "SELECT * from `bluorb`.`servers` WHERE `IP`='" . $ip . "' AND `Port`='" . $port ."';";
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($SQL_result, MYSQL_ASSOC)){
if(($ip==$row['IP']) && ($port==$row['Port'])){
if ($row['GameEngine'] == "sourceengine"){
if (Server_IsOnline(gethostbyname($row['IP']),$row['Port'])){
$server_query = source_query( gethostbyname($row['IP']),$row['Port']); // $ip MUST contain IP:PORT
$q = format_source_query($server_query);
echo "<tr><td bgcolor=\"#eeeeee\">".$q['hostname']."</td><td>".$row['IP'].":".$row['Port']."</td><td>"."<Unknown>"."</td><td>".$q['map']."</td></tr>";
if( ($q['game'] !== $row['Game']) && ($q['game'] !== "Unknown") ){ echo "Error! recorded game does not match with server!"; }
echo "<tr><td bgcolor=\"#eeeeee\">"."<Unknown>"."</td><td>".$row['IP'].":".$row['Port']."</td><td>"."<Unknown>"."</td><td>"."<Unknown>"."</td></tr>";
echo "<tr><td bgcolor=\"#eeeeee\">".$row['Name']."</td><td>".$row['IP'].":".$row['Port']."</td><td><Unknown></td><td><Unknown></td></tr>";
function print_all_server_info(){
$query = "SELECT * from `bluorb`.`servers` ORDER BY `Game`;";
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($SQL_result, MYSQL_ASSOC)){
if (($row['Game'] !== $_lastgame) || ($_lastgame="")){
if($_lastgame !== ""){
echo '<div class="file_table"><table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" class="files"><tr><td bgcolor="#eeeeee"><a href=/games/'.str_replace(' ','_',$_game).'><strong>'.$_game.'</strong></a></td> <td width="200" bgcolor="#eeeeee"><strong>Server Address</strong></td><td width="40" bgcolor="#eeeeee"><strong>Players</strong></td><td width="150" bgcolor="#eeeeee"><strong>Map</strong></td></tr>';
PHP Code:
/* SOURCE ENGINE QUERY FUNCTION, requires the server ip:port */
function source_query($ip,$port)
//$cut = explode(":", $ip);
$HL2_address = $ip; //$cut[0];
$HL2_port = $port; //$cut[2];
echo "Server: " . $HL2_address . ":" . $HL2_port;
$HL2_command = "\377\377\377\377TSource Engine Query\0";
$HL2_socket = fsockopen("udp://".$HL2_address, $HL2_port, $errno, $errstr,3);
fwrite($HL2_socket, $HL2_command); $JunkHead = fread($HL2_socket,4);
$CheckStatus = socket_get_status($HL2_socket);
if($CheckStatus["unread_bytes"] == 0)
return 0;
$do = 1;
$str = fread($HL2_socket,1);
$HL2_stats.= $str;
$status = socket_get_status($HL2_socket);
if($status["unread_bytes"] == 0)
$do = 0;
$x = 0;
while ($x <= strlen($HL2_stats))
$result.= substr($HL2_stats, $x, 1);
$result = urlencode($result); // the output
return $result;
PHP Code:
/* FORMAT SOURCE ENGINE QUERY (assumes the query's results were urlencode()'ed!) */
function format_source_query($string)
$string = str_replace('%07','',$string);
$string = str_replace("%00","|||",$string);
$sinfo = urldecode($string);
$sinfo = explode('|||',$sinfo);
$info['hostname'] = $sinfo[0];
$info['map'] = $sinfo[1];
$info['game'] = $sinfo[2];
$info['gamemode'] = $sinfo[3];
if ($info['game'] == 'garrysmod') { $info['game'] = "Garry's Mod"; }
elseif ($info['game'] == 'cstrike') {
if ($info['gamemode']=="Counter-Strike"){
$info['game'] = "Counter-Strike 1.6";
}elseif ($info['gamemode']=="Counter-Strike: Source"){
$info['game'] = "Counter-Strike: Source";
elseif ($info['game'] == 'dod') { $info['game'] = "Day of Defeat: Source"; }
elseif ($info['game'] == 'tf') { $info['game'] = "Team Fortress 2"; }
elseif ($info['game'] == 'left4dead') { $info['game'] = "Left 4 Dead"; }
elseif ($info['game'] == 'ageofchivalry') { $info['game'] = "Age of Chivalry"; }
elseif ($info['game'] == 'diprip') { $info['game'] = "D.I.P.R.I.P."; }
elseif ($info['game'] == 'zps') { $info['game'] = "Zombie Panic: Source"; }
elseif ($info['game'] == 'insurgency') { $info['game'] = "Insurgency"; }
elseif ($info['game'] == 'hl2mp') { $info['game'] = "Half-Life 2: Deathmatch"; }
return $info;
PHP Code:
define('PACKET_SIZE', '1400');
define ('REPLY_GETCHALLENGE', "\x41");
function Server_IsOnline($_ip, $_port){
// quick script to check if the server is online or not\
// Open a connection with server
$socket = fsockopen('udp://'.$_ip, $_port, $errno, $errstr, 2);
echo $errno;
// Send command to server
$length = strlen($cmd);
fwrite($socket, $cmd, $length);
// Get response from server
$response = fread($socket, PACKET_SIZE);
if (empty($response))
return false;
return true;
}catch(Exception $e){
return false;
When I launch /serverlist.php with php.exe it works fine, but when it is launched by IIS with php-cgi.exe I get a 500 error:
HTTP Error 500.0 - Internal Server Error
C:\Program Files (x86)\PHP\php-cgi.exe - The FastCGI process exceeded configured activity timeout
I'm trying to get it to list all servers in a database alphabetically and get extra info for Source Engine servers. The error only comes up as soon as I add sourceengine servers.