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2000fps #sourcekernel
sourcetv will not necessarily ruin your fps, I never had problems with it. did you somehow optimize your linux kernel? stock kernels are never optimal for game servers. (Linux Kernel HOWTO!)
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Could anyone tell me how to get over the 1000fps and tell me the files i´ve to edit?
if I may conclude from your question to your level of knowledge, no Toungue
no offense, but this cannot be done by editing files. you need fundamental knowledge on how linux works, and write a small program. (Linux Kernel HOWTO!)
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thats right. but dont forget thats not good to play on the system timer and calls....normally use the vanilla kernel or RT and adjust it .... try some kernels normally you need to figure it out for every system which combination is the best. every system has other cpus .... other motherboards btw other chipsets ..... and so on.... there is no special solution for every system.... you can build a kernel with a middle solution for every system :-)
(09-16-2009, 08:45 PM)lasi Wrote:  Could anyone tell me how to get over the 1000fps and tell me the files i´ve to edit?

Lie to the engine about when a sleep is supposed to wake up.


“The two most common elements in the universe are hydrogen and stupidity.”

Are you using LD_PRELOAD to catch sleep()?

I find the subject quite interesting, although, I see no real-world use for it.

I've spent a long time experimenting to come up with the following:,view;20483.html

However, with SourceTV running, tv_maxclients set to 0, I cannot for the life of me, get the FPS stable.,view;20394.html

I should imagine, setting fps_max to 500 when running SourceTV would yield the most desirable results, either that, or run a separate SourceTV process.
but how to run a seperate Source Tv .. :/
500 fps are a solution without drops Smile
(09-30-2009, 06:18 PM)3v1l Wrote:  but how to run a seperate Source Tv .. :/

That's the problem, you can't :/
you can install a sourcetv relay, that is kind of separating the servers... (Linux Kernel HOWTO!)
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Yeah but you need a source tv master for connect the source tv relay ...
And the probleme is the same ... when you have a source tv the fps is very unstable ..
(11-26-2008, 11:19 PM)DiSTANT Wrote:  My first attempt at creating a stable kernel has produced a solid 1000fps bouncing between 999.00 and 1000.00. I am willing to share what I have done to get the very stable 1000fps. And I am sure if enough of us put our heads together we can figure this 2000fps out. Please join the cause Smile


pleas do make a tutorial Big GrinBig Grin
don't raise old threads please... srcds can be run at (almost) arbitrary fps using e.g. the lib presented in my howto. (Linux Kernel HOWTO!)
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(08-19-2010, 06:18 PM)BehaartesEtwas Wrote:  don't raise old threads please... srcds can be run at (almost) arbitrary fps using e.g. the lib presented in my howto.

It was worth a bump Wink
Derek Denholm, CEO, XFactorServers, INC.
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no offense, but bumping a 2 year old topic like this is kind of stupid. either he already did that howto or he had a good reason not to do it... (Linux Kernel HOWTO!)
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