05-14-2005, 01:49 PM
Is there anyway I can get "on-demand" help like a messenger or like it?
05-14-2005, 01:49 PM
Is there anyway I can get "on-demand" help like a messenger or like it?
05-14-2005, 01:55 PM
Hmm, explain a bit more.
![]() starting 9/24/2006 if your problem has been solved please edit your first post and add [solved] to the begining of the title. Thanks.
05-14-2005, 01:56 PM
Is there a faster way than to get help than a forum like a live chat?
05-14-2005, 01:57 PM
Probably not. unless srcds.com decides to open a channel.
![]() starting 9/24/2006 if your problem has been solved please edit your first post and add [solved] to the begining of the title. Thanks.
05-14-2005, 02:08 PM
64.0 fps 0/20 on map de_dust
Console initialized. Attempted to create unknown entity type event_queue_saveload_proxy! Game .dll loaded for "Counter-Strike: Source" ******************************************************** Loading Mani Admin Plugin 2005 V1.1.0i, http://www.mani-admin-plugin.com Loaded playerinfomanager interface Loaded engine interface Loaded events manager interface Loaded filesystem interface Loaded helpers interface Loaded networkstringtable interface Loaded IServerGameEnts interface Loaded effects interface Loaded sounds interface Loaded cvar interface Loaded servergamedll interface ******************************************************** Game Type [Counter-Strike: Source] Hooked SayText [3] Hooked SayText2 [4] Hooked TextMsg [5] Hooked HudMsg [6] Hooked ShowMenu [10] Hooked Fade [12] Hooked VGUIMenu [13] Hooked RadioText [21] maxplayers set to 20 Network: IP, mode MP, dedicated Yes, ports 27016 SV / 27006 CL mani_path = [mani_admin_plugin] Attempting to load english.cfg Processed 224 translations for file [english.cfg] Attempting to load [./cfg/mani_admin_plugin/language/language.cfg] Language to be used [english] Attempting to load english.cfg Processed 224 translations for file [english.cfg] Admin Group list No Rcon Or Sound Level 2 Access Admin steam id list WARNING YOU HAVE NO ADMINS IN YOUR ADMINLIST.TXT FILE !!! Immunity Group list NoFun No Kick Ban Immunity list WARNING YOU HAVE NO IMMUNITY MEMBERS IN YOUR IMMUNITYLIST.TXT FILE !!! Quake Style Sound list Loaded Quake Sound Name [firstblood] for file [quake/firstblood.mp3] Loaded Quake Sound Name [humiliation] for file [quake/humiliation.mp3] Loaded Quake Sound Name [multikill] for file [quake/multikill.mp3] Loaded Quake Sound Name [monsterkill] for file [quake/monsterkill.mp3] Loaded Quake Sound Name [ultrakill] for file [quake/ultrakill.mp3] Loaded Quake Sound Name [godlike] for file [quake/godlike.mp3] Loaded Quake Sound Name [headshot] for file [quake/headshot.mp3] Loaded Quake Sound Name [dominating] for file [quake/dominating.mp3] Loaded Quake Sound Name [holyshit] for file [quake/holyshit.mp3] Loaded Quake Sound Name [killingspree] for file [quake/killingspree.mp3] Loaded Quake Sound Name [ludicrouskill] for file [quake/ludicrouskill.mp3] Loaded Quake Sound Name [prepare] for file [quake/prepare.mp3] Loaded Quake Sound Name [rampage] for file [quake/rampage.mp3] Loaded Quake Sound Name [unstoppable] for file [quake/unstoppable.mp3] Loaded Quake Sound Name [wickedsick] for file [quake/wickedsick.mp3] Crontab list Advert list [{BLUE}Clan [Heresy] Public Server] [{RED}Next map is {NEXTMAP} in {TIMELEFT}] ************ LOADING MAP LISTS ************* Loading Map [de_dust] Mapcycle list [mapcycle.txt] [cs_italy] [de_dust] [de_aztec] [de_cbble] [cs_office] [de_dust2] [de_piranesi] [cs_compound] [de_train] [de_tides] [de_port] [de_inferno] [cs_brickhouse] [de_3 rdstreet] [de_contra] [de_deltamill] [de_go_nuke] [de_gristmill] [de_siberia_fin al] [de_westwood_s] [fy_payday] [knas_Rocktown_CSS] Map list [cs_italy] [de_dust] [de_aztec] [de_cbble] [cs_office] [de_dust2] [de_piranesi] [cs_compound] [de_train] [de_tides] [de_port] [de_inferno] [cs_brickhouse] [de_3 rdstreet] [de_contra] [de_deltamill] [de_go_nuke] [de_gristmill] [de_siberia_fin al] [de_westwood_s] [fy_payday] [knas_Rocktown_CSS] [clue_s] [cs_havana] [cs_spe tsnaz_v2] [de_alleyrush_s] [de_chateau] [de_dust3] [de_prodigy] [de_takedown] [d e_western_story] [office_space] [playground_x_s] [scoutzknivez_source] Maps not in [mapcycle.txt] [clue_s] [cs_havana] [cs_spetsnaz_v2] [de_alleyrush_s] [de_chateau] [de_dust3] [ de_prodigy] [de_takedown] [de_western_story] [office_space] [playground_x_s] [sc outzknivez_source] Votemap list [de_dust] [de_aztec] [de_cbble] [de_chateau] [de_dust2] [de_piranesi] [cs_italy] [cs_havana] [cs_office] [de_train] [cs_compound] [de_prodigy] [de_tides] [de_po rt] [de_inferno] Persistant Map Cycle [cs_italy] *[de_dust] [de_aztec] [de_cbble] [cs_office] [de_dust2] [de_piranesi] [cs_compound] [de_train] [de_tides] [de_port] [de_inferno] [cs_brickhouse] [de_ 3rdstreet] [de_contra] [de_deltamill] [de_go_nuke] [de_gristmill] [de_siberia_fi nal] [de_westwood_s] [fy_payday] [knas_Rocktown_CSS] ************ MAP LISTS LOADED ************* ********** LOADING WEB SHORTCUTS *********** command [plugin] url [http://www.mani-admin-plugin.com] command [google] url [http://www.google.com] command [steam] url [http://www.steampowered.com] command [csnation] url [http://www.cs-nation.net] command [stats] url [http://your-psychostats.com/index.php?search={STEAMID}] ********** WEB SHORTCUTS LOADED *********** Reserve Slot list Ping Immunity list Gimp phrase list [I like being a gimp ![]() [My master plays games with me] [I like dressing up in rubber suits] [A gimp is for life, not just for Christmas] Swearword list Sound list Alias [Waiting For Suspect] Sound File [admin_plugin/waitingforsuspect.mp3] Alias [Don't just stand there, pick up the gun and shoot it !] Sound File [admin _plugin/dontjuststandthere.wav] Alias [Who ate all the donuts ?] Sound File [admin_plugin/donuteater.wav] Alias [Do you smell something ?] Sound File [admin_plugin/doyousmell.wav] Alias [With my brains and your brawn we'll make an excellent team] Sound File [a dmin_plugin/excellentteam.wav] Alias [Hello] Sound File [admin_plugin/hellosoft.wav] Alias [Don't ask me] Sound File [admin_plugin/dontaskme.wav] Alias [Could it get any worse than this ?] Sound File [admin_plugin/getanyworse. wav] Alias [See ya later] Sound File [admin_plugin/seeya.wav] Alias [Oh you'll pay, you will definately pay !!] Sound File [admin_plugin/youwi llpay.wav] Alias [Laughing sounds] Sound File [admin_plugin/laugh.wav] Alias [Move !!] Sound File [admin_plugin/move.wav] Alias [Good luck out there, you're gonna need it] Sound File [admin_plugin/goodl uck.mp3] Alias [1069er 1069er We got whores in the city, we need backup now, cmon] Sound File [admin_plugin/whores.wav] Alias [I am the great Cornholio] Sound File [admin_plugin/cornholio.wav] Weapon Restrictions Weapon Name [awp] Weapon Aliases [awp] [magnum] Weapon Name [g3sg1] Weapon Aliases [g3sg1] [d3au1] Weapon Name [sg550] Weapon Aliases [sg550] [krieg550] Weapon Name [galil] Weapon Aliases [galil] [defender] Weapon Name [ak47] Weapon Aliases [ak47] [cv47] Weapon Name [scout] Weapon Aliases [scout] Weapon Name [sg552] Weapon Aliases [sg552] [krieg552] Weapon Name [famas] Weapon Aliases [famas] [clarion] Weapon Name [m4a1] Weapon Aliases [m4a1] Weapon Name [aug] Weapon Aliases [aug] [bullpup] Weapon Name [glock] Weapon Aliases [glock] [9x19mm] Weapon Name [usp] Weapon Aliases [usp] [km45] Weapon Name [p228] Weapon Aliases [p228] [228compact] Weapon Name [deagle] Weapon Aliases [deagle] [nighthawk] Weapon Name [elite] Weapon Aliases [elite] Weapon Name [fiveseven] Weapon Aliases [fiveseven] [fn57] Weapon Name [m3] Weapon Aliases [m3] [12gauge] Weapon Name [xm1014] Weapon Aliases [xm1014] [autoshotgun] Weapon Name [mac10] Weapon Aliases [mac10] Weapon Name [tmp] Weapon Aliases [tmp] [mp] Weapon Name [mp5navy] Weapon Aliases [mp5navy] [mp5] [smg] Weapon Name [ump45] Weapon Aliases [ump45] Weapon Name [p90] Weapon Aliases [p90] [c90] Weapon Name [m249] Weapon Aliases [m249] Weapon Name [flashbang] Weapon Aliases [flashbang] [flash] Weapon Name [hegrenade] Weapon Aliases [hegrenade] [hegren] Weapon Name [smokegrenade] Weapon Aliases [smokegrenade] [sgren] Weapon Name [primammo] Weapon Aliases [primammo] Weapon Name [secammo] Weapon Aliases [secammo] Weapon Name [vest] Weapon Aliases [vest] Weapon Name [vesthelm] Weapon Aliases [vesthelm] Weapon Name [defuser] Weapon Aliases [defuser] Weapon Name [nvgs] Weapon Aliases [nvgs] No default weapons restrictions found for this map Weapon Restriction List for all maps No custom map config found for this map rcon list Alias[Default Server] Command[exec server.cfg] Alias[Low Gravity] Command[sv_gravity 150] Alias[Normal Gravity] Command[sv_gravity 800] Alias[Add a bot] Command[bot_add] Alias[exec ed.cfg] Command[exec ed.cfg] Vote RCON List Menu Alias[Low Grav] Question [Shall we turn on low gravity ?] Command[sv_gravit y 150] Menu Alias[All Talk On] Question [Shall we turn on all talk ?] Command[sv_alltal k 1] Vote Question List Menu Alias[Nice Map] Question [Is this a nice map to player on ?] Menu Alias[Random Vote] Question [Shall we have a random map vote ?] cexeclist_player list Alias[Disconnect Player] Command[disconnect] Alias[Say Hi] Command[cmd say "Hi"] Alias[Player Vote] Command[cmd say "Votemap"] cexeclist_all list Alias[Disconnect players] Command[disconnect] Alias[Everyone say Hi] Command[cmd say "Hi"] Alias[Everyone vote] Command[cmd say "Votemap"] cexeclist_t list Alias[Disconnect Terrorists] Command[disconnect] Alias[Terrorists say Hi] Command[cmd say "Hi"] Alias[Terrorists vote] Command[cmd say "Votemap"] cexeclist_ct list Alias[Disconnect CT's] Command[disconnect] Alias[CT's say Hi] Command[cmd say "Hi"] Alias[CT's vote] Command[cmd say "Votemap"] cexeclist_spec list Alias[Disconnect Spectators] Command[disconnect] Alias[Spectators say Hi] Command[cmd say "Hi"] Alias[Spectators vote] Command[cmd say "Votemap"] Did not load autokick_ip.txt Did not load autokick_steam.txt Did not load autokick_name.txt Did not load autokick_pname.txt Attempting to read mani_stats.dat file mani_stats.dat version [V1.1.0i] Read 0 player ranks into memory Attempting to read mani_name_stats.dat file mani_name_stats.dat version [V1.1.0i] Read 0 player name ranks into memory Calculating current stats list File mani_stats.dat exists, preparing to delete then write new updated stats Wrote 0 ranked players to mani_stats.dat File mani_ranks.txt exists, preparing to delete then write new updated stats Wrote 0 ranked players to mani_ranks.txt File mani_name_stats.dat exists, preparing to delete then write new updated stat s Wrote 0 ranked players to mani_name_stats.dat File mani_name_ranks.txt exists, preparing to delete then write new updated stat s Wrote 0 ranked players to mani_name_ranks.txt Maps Not Included for voting !! de_dust Maps available for user vote de_aztec de_cbble de_chateau de_dust2 de_piranesi cs_italy cs_havana cs_office d e_train cs_compound de_prodigy de_tides de_port de_inferno Attempting to read mani_player_settings.dat file mani_player_settings.dat version [V1.1.0i] Read 0 player settings into memory from file mani_player_settings.dat Attempting to read mani_player_name_settings.dat file mani_player_name_settings.dat version [V1.1.0i] Read 0 player settings into memory from file mani_player_name_settings.dat File mani_player_settings.dat exists, preparing to delete then write new updated stats Wrote 0 player settings to mani_player_settings.dat File mani_player_name_settings.dat exists, preparing to delete then write new up dated stats Wrote 0 player settings to mani_player_name_settings.dat ******************************************************** Mani Admin Plugin Level Init Time = 7.120 seconds ******************************************************** Executing dedicated server config file couldn't exec bot.cfg couldn't exec banned_user.cfg couldn't exec banned_ip.cfg couldn't exec de_dust.cfg Error: Material "sprites/bubble" : proxy "AnimatedTexture" not found! Adding master server Adding master server Connection to Steam servers successful. I can't seem to find anything wrong wiht this but no one can see my server.
05-14-2005, 02:19 PM
You have all the required ports forwarded, correct?
![]() starting 9/24/2006 if your problem has been solved please edit your first post and add [solved] to the begining of the title. Thanks.
Indeed I do and also I just connected to my dedicated server from the server itself. Do I have some weird listen server setup going?
Connection to Steam servers successful. Client Bugen connected ( Client Connected [Bugen] [STEAM_ID_PENDING] Dropped Bugen from server Reason: Invalid STEAM UserID Ticket Client Bugen connected ( Client Connected [Bugen] [STEAM_ID_PENDING] Recalculating stats Added 1 new players to the ranks Recalculating stats Recalculating stats (T) Wyatt attacked a teammate (T) Nate attacked a teammate (T) Josh attacked a teammate Dropped Bugen from server Reason: Disconnect by user. Dropped Wyatt from server Reason: Kicked by Console Dropped Orin from server Reason: Kicked by Console Dropped Josh from server Reason: Kicked by Console Dropped Calvin from server Reason: Kicked by Console Dropped Nate from server Reason: Kicked by Console Dropped Nick from server Reason: Kicked by Console Dropped Jason from server Reason: Kicked by Console Dropped Dennis from server Reason: Kicked by Console Dropped Martin from server Reason: Kicked by Console Recalculating stats Dropped Don from server Reason: Kicked by Console
05-14-2005, 02:24 PM
No, listen would only if you start the server from within the game.sv_lan is set to 0, right?
![]() starting 9/24/2006 if your problem has been solved please edit your first post and add [solved] to the begining of the title. Thanks.
05-14-2005, 02:26 PM
Heres my server.cfg
// server name hostname "Clan [Heresy]" // rcon passsword rcon_password "1q2w3e4r" // mani admin plugin exec mani_server.cfg exec bot.cfg // Advanced RCON sv_rcon_banpenalty 60 sv_rcon_maxfailures 10 sv_rcon_minfailures 5 sv_rcon_minfailuretime 30 // server cvars mp_friendlyfire 1 mp_footsteps 1 mp_autoteambalance 1 mp_autokick 1 mp_flashlight 1 mp_tkpunish 0 mp_forcecamera 0 sv_alltalk 0 sv_pausable 0 sv_cheats 0 sv_consistency 1 sv_allowupload 1 sv_allowdownload 1 sv_maxspeed 320 mp_limitteams 2 mp_hostagepenalty 5 sv_voiceenable 1 mp_allowspectators 1 mp_chattime 10 sv_timeout 65 sv_enableoldqueries 1 // round specific cvars mp_freezetime 6 mp_roundtime 5 mp_startmoney 800 mp_c4timer 45 mp_fraglimit 0 mp_maxrounds 0 mp_winlimit 0 mp_playerid 0 mp_spawnprotectiontime 0 // bandwidth rates/settings sv_minrate 0 sv_maxrate 0 decalfrequency 30 sv_maxupdaterate 60 sv_minupdaterate 10 // server logging log off sv_logbans 0 sv_logecho 1 sv_logfile 1 sv_log_onefile 0 // bots bot_add bot_quota 10 bot_quota_mode normal bot_difficulty 1 bot_chatter normal bot_auto_follow 0 bot_auto_vacate 1 bot_join_after_player 1 bot_defer_to_human 1 bot_allow_rogues 0 bot_walk 0 bot_join_team any bot_eco_limit 2000 bot_allow_grenades 1 bot_all_weapons bot_allow_grenades 1 bot_allow_pistols 1 bot_allow_sub_machine_guns 1 bot_allow_shotguns 1 bot_allow_rifles 1 bot_allow_snipers 1 bot_allow_machine_guns 1 // operation sv_lan 0 sv_region 1 sv_contact chafey.travis@gmail.com // execute ban files exec banned_user.cfg exec banned_ip.cfg
05-14-2005, 02:27 PM
and show me what ports your forwarded and which protocol (TCP/UDP) you used them with.
![]() starting 9/24/2006 if your problem has been solved please edit your first post and add [solved] to the begining of the title. Thanks.
05-14-2005, 02:30 PM
UDP 27015 - 27020
UDP 1200 - 1200 UDP 27000 - 27015 TCP 27030 - 27039 TCP 27015 - 27015
05-14-2005, 02:35 PM
Hmm, are you specifying an ip when you run the dedicated server?
![]() starting 9/24/2006 if your problem has been solved please edit your first post and add [solved] to the begining of the title. Thanks.
05-14-2005, 02:36 PM
not quite sure what you mean
05-14-2005, 02:37 PM
are you using the GUI for srcds? or console? are you specifying +ip?
![]() starting 9/24/2006 if your problem has been solved please edit your first post and add [solved] to the begining of the title. Thanks.
05-14-2005, 02:39 PM
I typed start /high /wait srcds.exe -console -game cstrike +map de_dust -maxplayers 20 into command prompt so no.
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