Feel free to use it and do changes 
server.cfg (Size: 23.97 KB / Downloads: 1,971)

- 2010 27 August: added new cvars.
- 2010 6 August: added sv_nowinpanel and correct some errors.
- 2010 26 June: Fixed sv_maxrate, sv_maxupdaterate to fit with CS:S.
- 2010 24 June: Fixed some errors. -> Version 3.1.
- 2010 22 June: Added new cvars to suit the upcoming update to CSS.
- 2010 April 14th: Updated to 2.2, fixed tons of errors and added more content as well as new info.
- 2009 August 3: Final release
//* *\\
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//* VERSION 3.1.3 *\\
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//* *\\
//* *\\
//* *\\
//* *\\
//* Miscellaneous *\\
//* *\\
//* *\\
// Define your ServerName, this is the name there'll be displayed in the Internet tab.
// Default: Counter-Strike: Source
// Define your RCon(Remote Console) password, this is mostly used for match servers.
// I'll recommend you to set one, incase you suddenly needs it.
// Default: Just don't make it easy to quess! Use big and small letters and numbers!
// Look at the example I've set for this one. No one will quess that, only 1 out of ten billion times.
// Defualt: None.
rcon_password "W55aO1bL9"
// Define your server password, so only people who knows it can connect.
// Default: None.
sv_password ""
// Define your maxsize for a map(sounds, materials and models are included too)
// if your map exceeds the CVAR limit, will your map NOT be downloaded from your server.
// The number defined is the maximum amount of MB a client is allowed to download, for a single file.
// Default: 16
net_maxfilesize "50"
// Define your website for FastDownload.
// Default: None.
sv_downloadurl ""
// Allow clients to upload their custom decals to the server.
// Note this will disable clients being able to upload sprays.
// Default: 1
sv_allowupload 1
// Allow clients to downnload files.
// Default: 1
sv_allowdownload 1
// Define your servers max Frame Per Second(FPS).
// To recieve 1000FPS on Windows, try to use "fps_max 0" or a FPS booster.
// Default: ?
fps_max 300
// This controls your server framerate.
// Setting this to a lower value will make your server go in slowmotion.
// Default: 0
host_framerate 0
// Amount of time in seconds a player can spray their decal.
// Default: 10
decalfrequency 60
// If this CVAR is 0, both Internet and LAN players will be able to join.
// Default: 0
sv_lan 0
// This will define your location in the world, if somebody as Europe ONLY in their filtes and you have USA - then wouldn't be able to find your server.
// Default: 255
// 0 - Us Eastcoast.
// 1 - US Westcoast.
// 2 - South America.
// 3 - Europe.
// 4 - Asia.
// 5 - Australia.
// 6 - Middle East.
// 7 - Africa.
// 255 - World
sv_region 255
// This could be your own email or another email who do business within this server.
// Default: None.
sv_contact http://forums.srcds.com
// This will make doors open faster, especially the door in de_nuke
// Default: 0.5
phys_timescale 1.0
//* *\\
//* *\\
//* Brandwidth Rates *\\
//* *\\
//* *\\
// Maximum allowed brandwidth on your server.
// Default: 0 (unlimited)
sv_maxrate 50000
// Minimum allowed brandwidth on your server.
// Default: 0 (unlimited)
sv_minrate 15000
// Maximum updates per second as the server will allow.
// Default: 66
sv_maxupdaterate 66
// Minimum updates per second as the server will allow.
// Default: 10
sv_minupdaterate 33
// This controls your cleints maximum cmdrate.
// Do the same with this one as sv_maxupdaterate.
// Default: 40
sv_maxcmdrate 66
// This controls your cleints minimum cmdrate.
// Do the same with this one like: sv_minupdaterate
// Default: 0
sv_mincmdrate 33
//* *\\
//* *\\
//* Game Settings *\\
//* *\\
//* *\\
// This defines when to change map, if a player reached the fraglimit.
// Default: 0
mp_fraglimit 0
// This defines when to change map, if both teams has the totalt of the CVAR.
// Default: 0
mp_maxrounds 0
// This defines when to change map, if one of the teams wins the specified number.
// Default: 0
mp_winlimit 0
// This defines when to change map, when the entered time is reached.
// Default: 0
// Note: 0 = Unlimited.
mp_timelimit 25
// This controls everybodys start moneys, if they reconnect they'll have the amount as you had set.
// Or if the mp_restartgame 1 command is performed, you'll get the x amount of moneys.
// Default: 800 (Maximum 16000)
mp_startmoney 800
// This defines how long time per round, untill one of the teams is eliminated or if the bomb detonated/defused
// Default: 5.
// Note: 1.75 = 1 minute and 45 secs.
mp_roundtime 1.75
// Disables the autoaim function.
// Default: 0
mp_autocrosshair 0
// This defines how long time you will be able to buy new weapons in the current round.
// Default: 0.5
mp_buytime 0.5
// This defines how long time from the bomb is plated to the explosion of the bomb.
// Default: 45
mp_c4timer 30
// If you falls down and this one is set to '1' you'll lose damage, if not set to '1' you wouldn't lose damage.
// Default: 0
mp_falldamage 1
// This allows your cleints to use their flashlight if set to '1'
// Default: 0
mp_flashlight 1
// Those difenes if you'll be able to hear footsteps, I prefer you ALLWAYS have those set to '1'
// Default: 1 (Both)
sv_footsteps 1
mp_footsteps 1
// This defines how long time you'll have to wait in spawn before you can shoot and run.(And buy weapons, in wars set it high)
// Default: 6
mp_freezetime 7
// This defines if you can kill your own teammates, also known as "TA/TK", if its set to '1' you can kill your own mates.
// TA = Team-Attack
// TK = Team-Kill
// Default: 0
mp_friendlyfire 0
// If "mp_friendlyfire" is set to 1 and some one kills their own mate, will they do suicide in the comming round.
// Default: 0
mp_tkpunish 0
// Time in seconds to Kick players who team-kill after round restart
// Default: 5
mp_spawnprotectiontime 0
// Toggles monetry fines from killing a hostage.
// How many hostages a Terrorist can kill before being kicked, 0 to disable.
// Default: 13
mp_hostagepenalty 4
// Controls the teams doesn't get unfair, by limiting the different on both teams.
// Example: If the Terroists have 15 players and the Counter Terroists have 13, then you'll only be able to join Counter Terroists.
// Default: 2
mp_limitteams 2
// Controls what information player see in the status bar:
// 0 all names
// 1 team names
// 2 no names.
// Default: 0
mp_playerid 0
//* *\\
//* *\\
//* Log Settings *\\
//* *\\
//* *\\
// Defines if logs is enabled or disabled
// On = Enabled.
// Off = Disabled.
// Default: on
log off
// Toggels if the logged text have to be in one single file.
// Default: 0
sv_log_onefile 0
// If this CVAR is set to '1' then i will safe the log files in the srcds/logs directory.
// Default: 1
sv_logfile 1
// Defines if it has to log bans.
// Default: 0
sv_logbans 1
// Defines if it has to log the echo in the MAIN console.
// Default: 1
sv_logecho 1
// Chose the log details.
// Default: 0
mp_logdetail 3
//* *\\
//* *\\
//* Counter-Strike: Source Beta Update 2010 CVars. *\\
//* *\\
//* *\\
// -> These are only experimental cvars.
// Disables freezecam on your server.
// Default: 0
sv_disablefreezecam 0
// Disables the nemesis system for your server.
// Default: 0
sv_nonemesis 0
// Most Valuable Player at round end.
// Default: 0
sv_nomvp 0
// Disables achievements.
// Default: 0
sv_nostats 0
// When set to 1 the round end panel will not appear with statictis and the most valuable player.
// Default: 0
sv_nowinpanel 0
// Enables flash boosting.
// Default: 0
sv_enableboost 0
// Setting this to 1 will fix the armor vs. grenade bug.
// Default: 0
sv_legacy_grenade_damage 0
// Allows the fancy bunnyjumping.
// Default: 0
sv_allowbunnyjumping 1
//* *\\
//* *\\
//* *\\
//* *\\
// Defines how long time a ban will be if someone fails RCON authentication.
// Default: 0 (0 = Permanent)
sv_rcon_banpenalty 15
// Max number of times a user can fail RCON authentication before being banned.
// Default: 10
sv_rcon_maxfailures 3
// Number of times a user can fail RCON authentication before being banned.
// Default: 5
sv_rcon_minfailures 1
// Number of seconds to track failed RCON authentications.
// Default: 30
sv_rcon_minfailuretime 30
// Defines if the RCON has to be logged.
// Default: 1
sv_rcon_log 1
//* *\\
//* *\\
//* SourceTV *\\
//* *\\
//* *\\
// Define if the SourceTV should be activated.
// 1 = The TV will be activated, and will join spectator on next map as a bot.
// Default: 0
tv_enable 0
// Connects a relay server to another SourceTV server/proxy
// Default: none
// Example: tv_relay <SourceTV IP:SourceTV port>
// Note: Remove the slashes infront of the command before use.
// Give the TV a name.
// Default: SourceTV
tv_name SrcTV @ 27020
// Change the port of the TV.
// You can set this port at any port, just not the same as the main server is running on!(27015, is standard)
// Default: 27020
tv_port 27020
// Sets the maximum bandwidth spend per client in bytes/second.
// How highter the value is, how more smooth will the SourceTV run.
// Beware, it will increase the brandwidth and CPU usage dramatically.
// Default: 5000
tv_maxrate 5000
// Set a password for the TV, just as "sv_password" for the server.
// Default: none.
tv_password ""
// Sets a required password for relay proxies.
// Default: none.
tv_relaypassword ""
// Sets maximum client number for local SourceTV server/proxy.
// How more slots on, how more cleints will be able to connect to it and that will increase your brandwidth/CPU usage!
// default: 128
tv_maxclients 20
// Sets a SourceTV broadcast title shown in the spectator GUI.
// Default: SourecTV
tv_title <WWW.SRCDS.COM>
// Disables other spectators chat lines (client only).
// Default: 0
tv_nochat 0
// Automatically records every game, demo file name format is auto-YYYYMMDD-hhmm-map.dem.
// The file will be safed in: "srcds/cstrike".
// This is recommended with much use of your server, so you won't miss your importan kills.
tv_autorecord 0
//* *\\
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//* Bots *\\
//* *\\
//* *\\
// Amount of bots to add.
// How more bots you add, how more CPU your server will use. Start by adding a few!
// Default: 0
bot_quota 0
// If 'Fill', the server will adjust bots to keep # players in the game.
// Where # is bot_quota (from above)
// Default: 0
bot_quota_mode normal
// This will adjust the difficulty of the bots.
// 0 = easy.
// 1 = normal.
// 2 = hard.
// 3 = expert.
// Default: easy (1)
bot_difficulty 1
// This controls what to be infront of the bot name.
// Prefix for bot names. A prefix is a tag that bots will have in front of their name.
// You can enter your clan tag or leave blank.
// Default: There's no prefix for default. Just standard bot names.
bot_prefix [WWW.SRCDS.COM]
// Allows the bots how much they may talk. Here's the available values for this setting.
// Off = If this value is set, the bots will not use the microphone speak option!
// Minimal = If this value is set, the bots will speak at minimal necessity.
// Radio = If this value is set, the bots will only use the radio commands to talk with(The "Gogogo!" commands).
// Normal = If this value is set, the bots will just speak quite normal when there's an action happening.
// We'll just set it this to off.
// Default: Normal
bot_chatter off
// If a bots cash amount falls below this($1750), the bot will not buy any weapons. Untill it has above the limit.
// Default: $2000
bot_eco_limit 1750
//* *\\
//* *\\
//* Performance, Spectator, Physics and other CVARS *\\
//* *\\
//* *\\
// Defines if the gravity has to be low or high, if its high you will not be able to jump.
// And how lower the value is, how higther you will rice into the air.
// Default: 800
sv_gravity 800
// Defines the friction.
// Default: 4
sv_friction 4
// Kicking idle or team-killing players.
// Default: 1
mp_autokick 0
// This controls how a dead client would be able to view the rest of the round.
// 0 = Free look both CT & T.
// 1 = Only the players OWN team can be spectated.
// Default: 0
mp_forcecamera 0
// Force clients to auto-join the opposite team if they are not balanced
// Default: 1
mp_autoteambalance 0
// Defines if both Terroists and Counter Terroist can talk together(Will sometimes make ALOT of noice, and slow down your server)
// Default: 0
sv_alltalk 0
// If this one is enabled teammates can talk with hetogether in-game.
// Default: 1 (Not recommanded when using big servers)
sv_voiceenable 1
// If this one is set to '1' EVERYBODY will be able the pause the server(Not recommanded!)
// Default: 0
sv_pausable 0
// Forces all cleints to pass consistency check for custom skins, sounds and maps.
// If you have those, you'll be FORCED to use standard!
// Default: 0
sv_consistency 0
// This controls if the players can use lawfully cheats, but is limited.
// WARNING: Setting this 1 would allow people to hack your server and use several server exploits.
// Commands for cheats:
// noclip - Makes you fly around and can't take damage.
// r_drawothermodels 2 - Gives a weird wireframe screen of everything through walls. (Set to 1 for normal game play)
// mat_wireframe 1/2/3 - Gives you a much worse effect of wireframe. (0 = Standard game play)
// Default: 0
sv_cheats 0
// The max speed a player can move with.
// Default: 320
sv_maxspeed 320
// Allows cleints to go be a Specator.
// Default: 1
mp_allowspectators 1
// When you reach the last round and everybody is dead, there be an amount of seconds before loading a new map.
// Lower value = Faster map load.
// Default: 10
mp_chattime 10
// After this many seconds without a message from a client, the client is dropped.
// Default: 65
sv_timeout 60
// Set this one high, if you're running surf maps.
// Default: 10
sv_airaccelerate 10
// The max speed a player can move with when they are holding down [SHIFT]
// Default: 75
sv_stopspeed 75
// The stepsize your cleints can take.
// Default: 18
sv_stepsize 18
//* *\\
//* *\\
//* ALIAS *\\
//* *\\
//* *\\
// Don't touch anything, otherwise it might not work!
// But if you are sure in what you do, you can calmly change something in here.
// For use this, do following with this example:
// login to RCON - type dd2 - and your server should change to de_dust2.
alias "wait10" "wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait"
alias "wait100" "wait10; wait10; wait10; wait10; wait10; wait10; wait10; wait10; wait10; wait10"
alias "wait500" "wait100; wait100; wait100; wait100; wait100"
alias "wait1000" "wait500; wait500"
alias "aztec" "say www.SRCDS.com @ Changing Level To: de_aztec; wait1000;wait500; changelevel de_aztec"
alias "cbble" "say www.SRCDS.com @ Changing Level To: de_cbble; wait1000;wait500; changelevel de_cbble"
alias "chateau" "say www.SRCDS.com @ Changing Level To: de_chateau; wait1000;wait500; changelevel de_chateau"
alias "dust" "say www.SRCDS.com @ Changing Level To: de_dust; wait1000;wait500; changelevel de_dust"
alias "dust2" "say www.SRCDS.com @ Changing Level To: de_dust2; wait1000;wait500; changelevel de_dust2"
alias "dd2" "say www.SRCDS.com @ Changing Level To: de_dust2; wait1000;wait500; changelevel de_dust2"
alias "inferno" "say www.SRCDS.com @ Changing Level To: de_inferno; wait1000;wait500; changelevel de_inferno"
alias "nuke" "say www.SRCDS.com @ Changing Level To: de_nuke; wait1000;wait500; changelevel de_nuke"
alias "piranesi" "say www.SRCDS.com @ Changing Level: de_piranesi; wait1000;wait500; changelevel de_piranesi"
alias "port" "say www.SRCDS.com @ Changing Level To: de_port; wait1000;wait500; changelevel de_port"
alias "prodigy" "say www.SRCDS.com @ Changing Level To: de_prodigy; wait1000;wait500; changelevel de_prodigy"
alias "tides" "say www.SRCDS.com @ Changing Level To: de_tides; wait1000;wait500; changelevel de_tides"
alias "train" "say www.SRCDS.com @ Changing Level To: de_train; wait1000;wait500; changelevel de_train"
alias "assault" "say www.SRCDS.com @ Changing Level: cs_assault ; wait1000;wait500; changelevel cs_assault"
alias "compound" "say www.SRCDS.com @ Changing Level To: cs_compound; wait1000;wait500; changelevel cs_compound"
alias "havana" "say www.SRCDS.com @ Changing Level To: cs_havana; wait1000;wait500; changelevel cs_havana"
alias "italy" "say www.SRCDS.com @ Changing Level To: cs_italy; wait1000;wait500; changelevel cs_italy"
alias "militia" "say www.SRCDS.com @ Changing Level To: cs_militia; wait1000;wait500; changelevel cs_militia"
alias "office" "say www.SRCDS.com @ Changing Level To: cs_office; wait1000;wait500; changelevel cs_office"
//* *\\
//* *\\
//* *\\
// Executing Ban files.
// Disable this if you use SourceBans.
exec banned_user.cfg
exec banned_ip.cfg
// Executing for other stuff - Do only remove the slashes if you have the following plugin installed.
// exec mani_server.cfg
// exec mani_quake_sounds.cfg
// exec cssrpg105.cfg
// Loading scripts for Eventscripts. Do only remove the slashes if you have the following script installed.
// es_load wcs // Loads Warcraft: Source (Python).
// es_load gungame // Loads GunGame.
// es_load sourcerpg // Loads SourceRPG by Freddukes.
//* *\\
//* *\\
//* VERSION 3.1.3 *\\
//* *\\
//* *\\
//* *\\