09-01-2008, 11:24 PM
azler Wrote:Ok, first of all thank you, that was a great help! and i have munin working! and ive followed the tut best i can! and i get up to the part where it goes:
rcon -Ppassword -a1.2.3.4 -p27015 stats
Which works! my 600 fps server only runs at 340 heh.
but how do i see these graphs?! and how do i add more servers as i could not see it to work, and would you have a demo of this script to publish then to the web?
Where do you have the munin installation now? Default Munin installation should have for example CPU, memory, disk and network statistics. Munin creates website files for this.
The place where the statistics are stored is configured in /etc/munin/munin.conf. The configuration option is "htmldir". It's usually /var/www/, but you can set any directory there. Then after Munin has run for 10-15 minutes it can create the graphs, and it stores them in the specified directory. Usually the directory is the public web space on the server, but apparently you run Munin on your home server or something, and you want to copy the files to your public web hoster. You can do this automatically by script using for example FTP or scp.
I don't think you're yet in the point where you can start thinking about automatical publishing script. First make sure you get good statistics out of Munin.
There are short and long install instructions provided with my Srcds Munin plugin. You can read them at http://css.setti.info/code/munin-srcds/munin_srcds_plugin/README . The long instructions start at subtitle "=== 1. Install the rcon tool ===", which you have completed already. You can proceed to step "=== 2. Install the scripts ===", where it's described how you add more servers under monitoring.
I suggest you try to first get one server monitored. Then set up more servers. That way you can easily test settings for the single server and then practically copy the settings for the rest.