SRCDS Steam group

Fast download

I have rent a server because my home server was too laggy. But now i want to have fast download speed, now its very slow. I have read some tutorials but it still don't work. Sad

I have payed webspace: and I have add this to server.cfg:

sv_downloadurl ""
sv_allowupload 1
sv_allowdownload 1

If I test the map deathrun_pc_station_rc4.bsp, nothing happens. It don't download.. Its chmod to 777

How can i fix it??
[Image: cstrike2-01.png]
Did you bz2 compress the file?

- Otherwise, it would work as normally(But just downloading from your webhotel).

EDIT: Well, i came into your webhotel, and i saw that they wasn't bz2 compressed Big Grin
don't put a trailing / on the url and if that dosnt work can you PM me your website access logs
~ trewq
It still don't work, I have send you the logs of the server.

But another question: What is the best way to test sv_downloadurl?
[Image: cstrike2-01.png]
The best way to test it is to run a custom map on your server that is on the web server then delete it from your local(the clients) maps folder then join the server and it will aether download or fail.
Those logs you sent me where the right ones you don't have all your custom stuff on their it would be an idear to upload them
~ trewq
I have tested a map and again it isn't working. Maybe my webhost don't accept it?
[Image: cstrike2-01.png]
it should if you wait 3-4 days I will make a program to test it
~ trewq
Isn't it:

sv_allowdownloads  "1"

Your missing an "S".
What error are you getting?
Make the download size higher...
~ Mooga ...w00t? - on Twitter
[Image: 76561197965445574.png]
Please do not PM me for server related help
fqdn Wrote:if you've seen the any of the matrix movies, a game server is not all that different. it runs a version of the game that handles the entire world for each client connected. that's the 2 sentence explanation.
m0- Wrote:Isn't it:

sv_allowdownloads  "1"

Your missing an "S".

Nope, no s.

Try deleting the maps in your local machine inside your cs install dir, and try again. I've had strange problems before with a partially downloaded map causing fast download to not work...
[Image: sig_spam.JPG]
I think it works now, but im not sure.

Yesterday when my brother joins it was very slow and it takes about 5 minutes. Today its downloaded in 20 seconds I think. And the download process is different.

If it works, can I delete the maps from my server host? But then i can't change map with mani mod?
[Image: cstrike2-01.png]
No you cant delete the maps because then your server wouldn't have them their to load
~ trewq
Oke and i can also add skins, sounds and other stuff?

Another question: If I bzip a map, how much faster downloads it? And is there a easy tool to bzip maps? Smile
[Image: cstrike2-01.png]
Just about 1 - 10 times faster with fastdl.

Yes, you can add skins, sounds, and other stuff(models)

Well, theres alot of good tools for bzipping, but i prefer this one:

Extract the zip folder.

Drag your maps into the batch script, and then a console will come up(Dont close it!)
When it is gone, you have the .bz2 zipped map from where you dragged it from.
if your on linux their is a command called bzip2 or on windows use
~ trewq

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