SRCDS Steam group

Dods server no longer works...
lots of routers dont allow loopback connections. make sure someone else outside your network is trying to connect to your external ip, not just your own tests.
HBS|Ryan Wrote:lots of routers dont allow loopback connections. make sure someone else outside your network is trying to connect to your external ip, not just your own tests.

Oh, didn't see your post. Yes, I have had people try to connect. No luck! The big problem is that I had this working a while ago, but when I flashed my bios (don't ask) It discontinued to work. I have since then restored my bios, so I HIGHLY doubt that that was the culprit. But I think maybe the new DODS witht he orangebox engine did it.

Also, I didn't have any ports forwarded when It was working a few months ago.
Today I figured out that it is difinitely a problem with my router. I connected my modem to my switch and my switch to my computer and it worked! I can't for the life of me figure out what is wrong with my router. I mean, I even bought a whole new router and it still didn't work (port forwarding and all). Is there any way to (not physically) bypass a router?
Thanks guys!

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