SRCDS Steam group

overflow, too many models...........
Okay me and my friends will be playing gmod on my dedicated server and after a while (1-3 hours) my server decides to send me this great message. The massage says the following.

Host_error: CVEngineServer:: PrecacheModel: ' models/hunter/plates/plate05x075.mdl' overflow, too many models

also here is the last massage in my server log.

Warning: Table modelprecache is full, can't add models/hunter/plates/plate05x075.mdl

How do I increase or stop the modelprecache size?

Thanks in advance!!
Well, did it happen multiple times? Or can you test to see if it happens again?
realchamp Wrote:
Hazz Wrote:Has someone helped you on these forums? If so, help someone else
Mooga Wrote:OrangeBox is a WHORE.
Spartanfrog Wrote:Well, did it happen multiple times? Or can you test to see if it happens again?

Actually it happens quite often.

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