SRCDS Steam group

srcds crashes on debian testing
Hi everyone,

For the last couple weeks I've been trying to run a CS:S dedicated server, but it seems like after approx 24 hours or so srcds will completely lock up, won't respond to commands, won't appear in server list, and one of my CPU cores is maxed to 100%. I have to kill srcds with a /etc/init.d/css stop (or when not running as a daemon with a <Ctrl>+c).

Here's my info:
Commandline: sudo -u gameserver ./srcds_run -game cstrike -console -tickrate 100 +maxplayers 16 +map de_dust2 -ip -port 27010 +fps_max 1100
(The "sudo -u gameserver" is so that it runs as an unprivileged user, all files/folders in the game directory are 644/755 and owned by gameserver:gameserver)

Mods Running: Mani Admin Plugin, Metamod Source, ZBlock
Linux Version: 2.6.24-1-amd64 x86_64 Debian Lenny/Testing, up-to-date
GCC Version: gcc (Debian 4.3.1-2) 4.3.1
GLIBC Version: ldd (GNU libc) 2.7
Hardware: Intel® Core™2 Duo CPU E4500 @ 2.20GHz
3 GB's RAM
No overclocking
Generic Kernel
Hosted at home on a 15 mbps up/down Fiber Optic Line

Please help, I'm tearing my hair out here Sad

EDIT: Here's my startup info in case it helps:
$sudo -u gameserver ./srcds_run -game cstrike -console -tickrate 100 +maxplayers 16 +map de_dust2 -ip -port 27010 +fps_max 1100
Auto detecting CPU
Using SSE2 Optimised binary.
Server will auto-restart if there is a crash.

Console initialized.
Game.dll loaded for "Counter-Strike: Source"
[zBlock] Attempting to load plugin
[zBlock] Module Check Completed Successfully
[zBlock] Game: "Counter-Strike: Source"
[zBlock] Hooked Server ConCommand 'sv_pure'
[zBlock] Hooked Server ConCommand 'alias'
[zBlock] Creating script file-checking list
[zBlock] Updater started
[zBlock] Checking for update...
[zBlock] Plugin successfully loaded
maxplayers set to 32
maxplayers set to 16
changelevel <levelname> : continue game on a new level
Network: IP, mode MP, dedicated Yes, ports 27010 SV / 27005 CL
Using conprintf
Loading Mani Admin Plugin 2007 V1.2BetaS SMM,

Interface IPlayerInfoManager @ 0xf6bc60a8
Interface IVEngineServer @ 0xf74310c0
Interface IGameEventManager2 @ 0xf7401080
Interface IFileSystem @ 0xf7d2bda0
Interface IServerPluginHelpers @ 0xf742da40
Interface INetworkStringTableContainer @ 0xf740b2a0
Interface IEngineTrace @ 0xf7400f38
Interface IUniformRandomStream @ 0xf74120a0
Interface IServerGameEnts @ 0xf6bb5454
Interface IEffects @ 0xf6b9e130
Interface IEngineSound @ 0xf7434a38
Interface ICvar @ 0xf73fe320
Interface IServerGameDLL @ 0xf6bb52c4
Interface IVoiceServer @ 0xf743278c
Attempting to load [./cfg/mani_admin_plugin/language/language.cfg]
Language to be used [english]
Searching for game type [Counter-Strike: Source]
Found gametypes for Counter-Strike: Source
Linux binary @ ./cstrike/bin/
Program Start at [0x8102448]
var_address = 0xf6aed408
Game Type [Counter-Strike: Source]
Message name Geiger index 0
Message name Train index 1
Message name HudText index 2
Message name SayText index 3
Message name SayText2 index 4
Message name TextMsg index 5
Message name HudMsg index 6
Message name ResetHUD index 7
Message name GameTitle index 8
Message name ItemPickup index 9
Message name ShowMenu index 10
Message name Shake index 11
Message name Fade index 12
Message name VGUIMenu index 13
Message name CloseCaption index 14
Message name SendAudio index 15
Message name RawAudio index 16
Message name VoiceMask index 17
Message name RequestState index 18
Message name BarTime index 19
Message name Damage index 20
Message name RadioText index 21
Message name HintText index 22
Sigscan info
A [0xf691b880]
B [0xf674cbd0]
C [0xf6ba0880]
D1 [0xf6bde244]
E [0xf65766b0]
F [0xf6917700]
G [0xf6910750]
H [0xf6864fc0]
I [0xf688c6f0]
J [0xf67adfb0]
K [0xf687a810]
Time for read = [0.000030]
Time for read = [0.000021]
Steam ID Player Stats memory usage 0.000000MB with 0 records
Name Player Stats memory usage 0.000000MB with 0 records
************* Mani Admin Plugin Level Init *************
Searching for game type [Counter-Strike: Source]
Found gametypes for Counter-Strike: Source
Linux binary @ ./cstrike/bin/
Error: Material "sprites/tp_beam001" : proxy "AnimatedTexture" not found!
Attempting to load [./cfg/mani_admin_plugin/language/language.cfg]
Language to be used [english]
Time for read = [0.000020]
Time for read = [0.000018]
Steam ID Player Stats memory usage 0.000000MB with 0 records
Name Player Stats memory usage 0.000000MB with 0 records
Stats Loaded in 0.0012 seconds
Steam ID Player Settings memory usage 0.001411MB with 5 records
Name Player Settings memory usage 0.000000MB with 0 records
Player Lists Loaded in 0.0012 seconds
Mani Admin Plugin Level Init Time = 0.035 seconds
Executing dedicated server config file
Error: Material "sprites/bubble" : proxy "AnimatedTexture" not found!
[zBlock] Your plugin version is up-to-date
[zBlock] Enforcing Cached Script Files...
[zBlock] Successfully enforcing 40/40 scripts
[zBlock] Forcing map: "maps/de_dust2.bsp"
Section [Scenes]: 0 resources total 0 bytes, 0.00 % of limit (2.10 MB)
Activated Here
Max Players = 379
Index 0  Function Name _ZN22CServerNetworkProperty15GetEntityHandleEv
Index 1  Function Name _ZN22CServerNetworkProperty14GetServerClassEv
Index 2  Function Name _ZNK22CServerNetworkProperty9GetEFlagsEv
Index 3  Function Name _ZN22CServerNetworkProperty9AddEFlagsEi
Index 4  Function Name _ZNK22CServerNetworkProperty8GetEdictEv
Index 5  Function Name _ZNK22CServerNetworkProperty12GetClassNameEv
Index 6  Function Name _ZN22CServerNetworkProperty7ReleaseEv
Index 7  Function Name _ZNK22CServerNetworkProperty7AreaNumEv
Index 8  Function Name _ZN22CServerNetworkProperty18GetBaseNetworkableEv
Index 9  Function Name _ZN22CServerNetworkProperty13GetBaseEntityEv
Index 10         Function Name _ZN22CServerNetworkProperty10GetPVSInfoEv
Index 11         Function Name _ZN22CServerNetworkPropertyD1Ev
Index 12         Function Name _ZN22CServerNetworkPropertyD0Ev
Index 13         Function Name _ZN22CServerNetworkProperty13_GetClassNameEv
Index 14         Function Name _ZN22CServerNetworkProperty9FireEventEv
Possible team classname [cs_team_manager]
Team index [0] Name [Unassigned]
Possible team classname [cs_team_manager]
Team index [1] Name [Spectator]
Possible team classname [cs_team_manager]
Team index [2] Name [TERRORIST]
Possible team classname [cs_team_manager]
Team index [3] Name [CT]
Found [4] team manager entities
Got edicts
appdatacache.cpp (311) : Assertion Failed: !"Implement me"
sv_pure set to 2.
Note: Changes to sv_pure take effect when the next map is loaded.
[zBlock] Attempting to set zb_authhost ""
[zBlock] zb_authhost verified
Game will not start until both teams have players.
Server logging enabled.
Server logging data to file logs/L0630000.log
L 06/30/2008 - 16:04:42: Log file started (file "logs/L0630000.log") (game "/usr/local/games/steam/csscal/cstrike") (version "3471")
L 06/30/2008 - 16:04:42: server_cvar: "sv_contact" "EDITED"
exec banned_user.cfg: file size larger than 20MB.
exec banned_ip.cfg: file size larger than 20MB.
Writing cfg/banned_user.cfg.
Writing cfg/banned_ip.cfg.
sv_pure value unchanged (current value is 2).
couldn't exec ./mani_admin_plugin/defaults.cfg
couldn't exec
couldn't exec
couldn't exec
******     Executing mani_server.cfg      ******
L 06/30/2008 - 16:04:42: server_cvar: "mani_reserve_slots" "0"
couldn't exec mani_quake_sounds.cfg
DeadAllTalk mode on
****** Finished executing mani_server.cfg ******
******     Executing mani_server.cfg      ******
L 06/30/2008 - 16:04:42: server_cvar: "mani_reserve_slots" "0"
couldn't exec mani_quake_sounds.cfg
****** Finished executing mani_server.cfg ******
L 06/30/2008 - 16:04:42: [META] Loaded 0 plugins from file (1 already loaded)
L 06/30/2008 - 16:04:42: [META] Loaded 0 plugins from file (1 already loaded)
Server using sv_pure 2.
Caching file CRCs for pure server...
Finished caching file CRCs for pure server in 0 seconds.
L 06/30/2008 - 16:04:42: Log file closed
Server logging data to file logs/L0630001.log
L 06/30/2008 - 16:04:42: Log file started (file "logs/L0630001.log") (game "/usr/local/games/steam/csscal/cstrike") (version "3471")
L 06/30/2008 - 16:04:42: Loading map "de_dust2"
L 06/30/2008 - 16:04:42: server cvars start
L 06/30/2008 - 16:04:42: "mani_nextmap" = "de_piranesi"
L 06/30/2008 - 16:04:42: "mani_admin_plugin_version" = "1.2BetaS SMM"
L 06/30/2008 - 16:04:42: "mani_tickrate" = "100"
L 06/30/2008 - 16:04:42: "mani_reserve_slots" = "0"
L 06/30/2008 - 16:04:42: "metamod_version" = ""
L 06/30/2008 - 16:04:42: "zb_version" = "4.1"
L 06/30/2008 - 16:04:42: "zb_status" = "1"
L 06/30/2008 - 16:04:42: "mp_hostagepenalty" = "0"
L 06/30/2008 - 16:04:42: "mp_dynamicpricing" = "0"
L 06/30/2008 - 16:04:42: "mp_buytime" = "1"
L 06/30/2008 - 16:04:42: "mp_playerid" = "0"
L 06/30/2008 - 16:04:42: "mp_fadetoblack" = "0"
L 06/30/2008 - 16:04:42: "nextlevel" = ""
L 06/30/2008 - 16:04:42: "mp_autoteambalance" = "1"
L 06/30/2008 - 16:04:42: "mp_maxrounds" = "20"
L 06/30/2008 - 16:04:42: "mp_startmoney" = "16000"
L 06/30/2008 - 16:04:42: "mp_roundtime" = "3"
L 06/30/2008 - 16:04:42: "mp_freezetime" = "3"
L 06/30/2008 - 16:04:42: "mp_c4timer" = "35"
L 06/30/2008 - 16:04:42: "mp_limitteams" = "2"
L 06/30/2008 - 16:04:42: "sv_alltalk" = "1"
L 06/30/2008 - 16:04:42: "mp_timelimit" = "25"
L 06/30/2008 - 16:04:42: "sv_gravity" = "800"
L 06/30/2008 - 16:04:42: "sv_stopspeed" = "75"
L 06/30/2008 - 16:04:42: "sv_noclipaccelerate" = "5"
L 06/30/2008 - 16:04:42: "sv_noclipspeed" = "5"
L 06/30/2008 - 16:04:42: "sv_specaccelerate" = "5"
L 06/30/2008 - 16:04:42: "sv_specspeed" = "3"
L 06/30/2008 - 16:04:42: "sv_specnoclip" = "1"
L 06/30/2008 - 16:04:42: "sv_maxspeed" = "320"
L 06/30/2008 - 16:04:42: "sv_accelerate" = "5"
L 06/30/2008 - 16:04:42: "sv_airaccelerate" = "10"
L 06/30/2008 - 16:04:42: "sv_wateraccelerate" = "10"
L 06/30/2008 - 16:04:42: "sv_waterfriction" = "1"
L 06/30/2008 - 16:04:42: "sv_footsteps" = "1"
L 06/30/2008 - 16:04:42: "sv_rollspeed" = "200"
L 06/30/2008 - 16:04:42: "sv_rollangle" = "0"
L 06/30/2008 - 16:04:42: "sv_friction" = "4"
L 06/30/2008 - 16:04:42: "sv_bounce" = "0"
L 06/30/2008 - 16:04:42: "sv_stepsize" = "18"
L 06/30/2008 - 16:04:42: "mp_forcecamera" = "0"
L 06/30/2008 - 16:04:42: "mp_allowspectators" = "1"
L 06/30/2008 - 16:04:42: "mp_friendlyfire" = "1"
L 06/30/2008 - 16:04:42: "sv_unlag" = "1"
L 06/30/2008 - 16:04:42: "sv_maxunlag" = ".5"
L 06/30/2008 - 16:04:42: "phys_timescale" = "1"
L 06/30/2008 - 16:04:42: "tv_delay" = "30"
L 06/30/2008 - 16:04:42: "mp_teamplay" = "0"
L 06/30/2008 - 16:04:42: "mp_fraglimit" = "0"
L 06/30/2008 - 16:04:42: "mp_falldamage" = "0"
L 06/30/2008 - 16:04:42: "mp_weaponstay" = "0"
L 06/30/2008 - 16:04:42: "mp_forcerespawn" = "1"
L 06/30/2008 - 16:04:42: "mp_footsteps" = "1"
L 06/30/2008 - 16:04:42: "mp_flashlight" = "1"
L 06/30/2008 - 16:04:42: "mp_autocrosshair" = "0"
L 06/30/2008 - 16:04:42: "decalfrequency" = "10"
L 06/30/2008 - 16:04:42: "mp_allowNPCs" = "1"
L 06/30/2008 - 16:04:42: "sv_cheats" = "0"
L 06/30/2008 - 16:04:42: "sv_pausable" = "0"
L 06/30/2008 - 16:04:42: "sv_contact" = "EDITED"
L 06/30/2008 - 16:04:42: "sv_voiceenable" = "1"
L 06/30/2008 - 16:04:42: "sv_consistency" = "1"
L 06/30/2008 - 16:04:42: "sv_mincmdrate" = "30"
L 06/30/2008 - 16:04:42: "sv_maxcmdrate" = "100"
L 06/30/2008 - 16:04:42: "sv_maxrate" = "30000"
L 06/30/2008 - 16:04:42: "sv_minrate" = "10000"
L 06/30/2008 - 16:04:42: "sv_maxupdaterate" = "100"
L 06/30/2008 - 16:04:42: "sv_minupdaterate" = "30"
L 06/30/2008 - 16:04:42: "host_framerate" = "0"
L 06/30/2008 - 16:04:42: "tv_password" = ""
L 06/30/2008 - 16:04:42: "tv_relaypassword" = ""
L 06/30/2008 - 16:04:42: "sv_password" = ""
L 06/30/2008 - 16:04:42: server cvars end
L 06/30/2008 - 16:04:42: Started map "de_dust2" (CRC "1413637712")
************* Mani Admin Plugin Level Init *************
Searching for game type [Counter-Strike: Source]
Found gametypes for Counter-Strike: Source
Linux binary @ ./cstrike/bin/
Time for read = [0.000024]
Time for read = [0.000022]
Steam ID Player Stats memory usage 0.000000MB with 0 records
Name Player Stats memory usage 0.000000MB with 0 records
Stats Loaded in 0.0012 seconds
Steam ID Player Settings memory usage 0.001411MB with 5 records
Name Player Settings memory usage 0.000000MB with 0 records
Player Lists Loaded in 0.0009 seconds
Mani Admin Plugin Level Init Time = 0.014 seconds
L 06/30/2008 - 16:04:42: server_cvar: "sv_accelerate" "5"
L 06/30/2008 - 16:04:42: server_cvar: "sv_stopspeed" "75"
Executing dedicated server config file
[zBlock] Enforcing Cached Script Files...
[zBlock] Successfully enforcing 40/40 scripts
[zBlock] Forcing map: "maps/de_dust2.bsp"
Section [Scenes]: 0 resources total 0 bytes, 0.00 % of limit (2.10 MB)
Activated Here
Max Players = 379
Index 0  Function Name _ZN22CServerNetworkProperty15GetEntityHandleEv
Index 1  Function Name _ZN22CServerNetworkProperty14GetServerClassEv
Index 2  Function Name _ZNK22CServerNetworkProperty9GetEFlagsEv
Index 3  Function Name _ZN22CServerNetworkProperty9AddEFlagsEi
Index 4  Function Name _ZNK22CServerNetworkProperty8GetEdictEv
Index 5  Function Name _ZNK22CServerNetworkProperty12GetClassNameEv
Index 6  Function Name _ZN22CServerNetworkProperty7ReleaseEv
Index 7  Function Name _ZNK22CServerNetworkProperty7AreaNumEv
Index 8  Function Name _ZN22CServerNetworkProperty18GetBaseNetworkableEv
Index 9  Function Name _ZN22CServerNetworkProperty13GetBaseEntityEv
Index 10         Function Name _ZN22CServerNetworkProperty10GetPVSInfoEv
Index 11         Function Name _ZN22CServerNetworkPropertyD1Ev
Index 12         Function Name _ZN22CServerNetworkPropertyD0Ev
Index 13         Function Name _ZN22CServerNetworkProperty13_GetClassNameEv
Index 14         Function Name _ZN22CServerNetworkProperty9FireEventEv
Possible team classname [cs_team_manager]
Team index [0] Name [Unassigned]
Possible team classname [cs_team_manager]
Team index [1] Name [Spectator]
Possible team classname [cs_team_manager]
Team index [2] Name [TERRORIST]
Possible team classname [cs_team_manager]
Team index [3] Name [CT]
Found [4] team manager entities
Got edicts
L 06/30/2008 - 16:04:42: server_cvar: "sv_password" "***PROTECTED***"
L 06/30/2008 - 16:04:42: server_cvar: "mp_friendlyfire" "1"
L 06/30/2008 - 16:04:42: server_cvar: "mp_footsteps" "1"
L 06/30/2008 - 16:04:42: server_cvar: "mp_autoteambalance" "1"
L 06/30/2008 - 16:04:42: server_cvar: "mp_flashlight" "1"
L 06/30/2008 - 16:04:42: server_cvar: "mp_forcecamera" "0"
L 06/30/2008 - 16:04:42: server_cvar: "sv_alltalk" "1"
L 06/30/2008 - 16:04:42: server_cvar: "sv_pausable" "0"
L 06/30/2008 - 16:04:42: server_cvar: "sv_cheats" "0"
sv_pure value unchanged (current value is 2).
L 06/30/2008 - 16:04:42: server_cvar: "sv_consistency" "1"
L 06/30/2008 - 16:04:42: server_cvar: "sv_airaccelerate" "10"
L 06/30/2008 - 16:04:42: server_cvar: "sv_maxspeed" "320"
L 06/30/2008 - 16:04:42: server_cvar: "mp_limitteams" "2"
L 06/30/2008 - 16:04:42: server_cvar: "mp_hostagepenalty" "0"
L 06/30/2008 - 16:04:42: server_cvar: "sv_voiceenable" "1"
L 06/30/2008 - 16:04:42: server_cvar: "mp_allowspectators" "1"
L 06/30/2008 - 16:04:42: server_cvar: "mp_dynamicpricing" "0"
L 06/30/2008 - 16:04:42: server_cvar: "mp_autocrosshair" "0"
L 06/30/2008 - 16:04:42: server_cvar: "mp_fadetoblack" "0"
L 06/30/2008 - 16:04:42: server_cvar: "sv_friction" "4"
L 06/30/2008 - 16:04:42: server_cvar: "sv_gravity" "800"
L 06/30/2008 - 16:04:42: server_cvar: "sv_stepsize" "18"
L 06/30/2008 - 16:04:42: server_cvar: "sv_stopspeed" "75"
[zBlock] Attempting to set zb_authhost ""
[zBlock] zb_authhost verified
L 06/30/2008 - 16:04:42: server_cvar: "sv_unlag" "1"
L 06/30/2008 - 16:04:42: server_cvar: "sv_maxunlag" ".5"
L 06/30/2008 - 16:04:42: server_cvar: "sv_voiceenable" "1"
L 06/30/2008 - 16:04:42: server_cvar: "sv_minrate" "10000"
L 06/30/2008 - 16:04:42: server_cvar: "sv_maxrate" "30000"
L 06/30/2008 - 16:04:42: server_cvar: "sv_mincmdrate" "30"
L 06/30/2008 - 16:04:42: server_cvar: "sv_maxcmdrate" "100"
L 06/30/2008 - 16:04:42: server_cvar: "sv_minupdaterate" "30"
L 06/30/2008 - 16:04:42: server_cvar: "sv_maxupdaterate" "100"
L 06/30/2008 - 16:04:42: server_cvar: "mp_freezetime" "3"
L 06/30/2008 - 16:04:42: server_cvar: "mp_buytime" "1"
L 06/30/2008 - 16:04:42: server_cvar: "mp_roundtime" "3"
L 06/30/2008 - 16:04:42: server_cvar: "mp_startmoney" "16000"
L 06/30/2008 - 16:04:42: server_cvar: "mp_c4timer" "35"
L 06/30/2008 - 16:04:42: server_cvar: "mp_fraglimit" "0"
L 06/30/2008 - 16:04:42: server_cvar: "mp_maxrounds" "20"
L 06/30/2008 - 16:04:42: server_cvar: "mp_playerid" "0"
L 06/30/2008 - 16:04:42: server_cvar: "mp_timelimit" "25"
L 06/30/2008 - 16:04:42: "{FM} Troy<3><BOT><>" connected, address "none"
L 06/30/2008 - 16:04:42: "{FM} Troy<3><BOT><Unassigned>" joined team "TERRORIST"
Game will not start until both teams have players.
L 06/30/2008 - 16:04:42: "{FM} Troy<3><BOT><>" entered the game
Server logging enabled.
L 06/30/2008 - 16:04:42: Log file closed
Server logging data to file logs/L0630002.log
L 06/30/2008 - 16:04:42: Log file started (file "logs/L0630002.log") (game "/usr/local/games/steam/csscal/cstrike") (version "3471")
L 06/30/2008 - 16:04:42: server_cvar: "sv_contact" "EDITED"
exec banned_user.cfg: file size larger than 20MB.
exec banned_ip.cfg: file size larger than 20MB.
Writing cfg/banned_user.cfg.
Writing cfg/banned_ip.cfg.
couldn't exec
couldn't exec
couldn't exec
couldn't exec
******     Executing mani_server.cfg      ******
L 06/30/2008 - 16:04:42: server_cvar: "mani_reserve_slots" "0"
couldn't exec mani_quake_sounds.cfg
****** Finished executing mani_server.cfg ******
******     Executing mani_server.cfg      ******
L 06/30/2008 - 16:04:42: server_cvar: "mani_reserve_slots" "0"
couldn't exec mani_quake_sounds.cfg
****** Finished executing mani_server.cfg ******
Adding master server
Adding master server
L 06/30/2008 - 16:04:42: World triggered "Round_Start"
L 06/30/2008 - 16:04:42: "{FM} Troy<3><BOT><TERRORIST>" triggered "Got_The_Bomb"
L 06/30/2008 - 16:04:42: "{FM} Keith<4><BOT><>" connected, address "none"
L 06/30/2008 - 16:04:42: "{FM} Keith<4><BOT><Unassigned>" joined team "CT"
L 06/30/2008 - 16:04:42: World triggered "Game_Commencing"
L 06/30/2008 - 16:04:42: "{FM} Keith<4><BOT><>" entered the game
L 06/30/2008 - 16:04:42: "{FM} Andy<5><BOT><>" connected, address "none"
L 06/30/2008 - 16:04:42: "{FM} Andy<5><BOT><Unassigned>" joined team "TERRORIST"
L 06/30/2008 - 16:04:42: "{FM} Andy<5><BOT><>" entered the game
L 06/30/2008 - 16:04:42: "{FM} Dave<6><BOT><>" connected, address "none"
L 06/30/2008 - 16:04:42: "{FM} Dave<6><BOT><Unassigned>" joined team "CT"
L 06/30/2008 - 16:04:42: "{FM} Dave<6><BOT><>" entered the game
Connection to Steam servers successful.
   VAC secure mode is activated.

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