SRCDS Steam group

Server runs in LAN only
I'm not a noob so please don't have me check my sv_lan command or something stupid like that. I ran the server in this same configuration very successfully at school and as soon as I got home, I realized that something is blocking the connection. Basically, it plays well in LAN and everything works but people outside the LAN can not see it or connect to it. I tried everything on my router and still nothing.

I have the server computer as a DMZ. Also, port forwarding is setup as follows:

Application: CSS
Start Port: 27015
End Port: 27020
Protocol: Both (TCP and UDP)

Anything wrong with this ^^^


IPSec Passthrough = Disabled
PPTP Passthrough = Disabled

DMZ ONLY, disable port forwarding. Or try the other way around.
If that doesn't work, it can be the router. What type of router do you have?
~ Mooga ...w00t? - on Twitter
[Image: 76561197965445574.png]
Please do not PM me for server related help
fqdn Wrote:if you've seen the any of the matrix movies, a game server is not all that different. it runs a version of the game that handles the entire world for each client connected. that's the 2 sentence explanation.
Mooga Wrote:DMZ ONLY, disable port forwarding. Or try the other way around.
If that doesn't work, it can be the router. What type of router do you have?

I'm pretty sure I tried both things. Its a Linksys WCG200. I legit spent 4h messing around with random stuff and nothing worked.
adv4nced53 Wrote:
Mooga Wrote:DMZ ONLY, disable port forwarding. Or try the other way around.
If that doesn't work, it can be the router. What type of router do you have?

I'm pretty sure I tried both things. Its a Linksys WCG200. I legit spent 4h messing around with random stuff and nothing worked.

are you trying to run this server from your home?
Are you sure you have a 2000 and not a 200?
Or else go to this site:

And push Ad
It workt for me Wink
Good luck
See if this post helps:
Asher Software

seDirector (formerly SRCDS Admin) - a management suite for all of your Source Engine servers (auto-update in Windows, too)
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