SRCDS Steam group

Cash Help!
I want to make my server so that every round to restart when one team winning the money resets to 16000 each and every time.
help please.
their is probably a script for eventscripts if not you could easily make your own
~ trewq
Okay if there isnt how could i cash reserve the players?
make your own script?
~ trewq
lol i dont know how
its easy just look at some of the examples and give it a go
I would do it for you but I dont have the server installed atm
~ trewq
Eventsctipts is incredibly easy to learn but just ask at their forums if there is a script that does what you need.
realchamp Wrote:
Hazz Wrote:Has someone helped you on these forums? If so, help someone else
Mooga Wrote:OrangeBox is a WHORE.
ugh i still cant find how to cash reserve or script to reset round to 16000 everytime.
You need a script, who sets all players moneys to 16000 every round?

event player_spawn
    es_setplayerprop event_var(userid) CCSPlayer.m_iAccount 16000
    // es_msg #multi Congraz. #lightgreenevent_var(userid)#default - Your cash has been set to #green 16000
    // Remove the "//" to add the text.
    // Post this in a .txt document, called eg. es_kanin.txt
    // - Realchamp
See, easy enough Smile
realchamp Wrote:
Hazz Wrote:Has someone helped you on these forums? If so, help someone else
Mooga Wrote:OrangeBox is a WHORE.
Spartanfrog Wrote:See, easy enough Smile

To easy Big Grin Toungue
Thnx! =D lol
but what do i put this as in event script?
Just copy it to a text file and name it what realchamp said, then install it like any other eventscript mod.
realchamp Wrote:
Hazz Wrote:Has someone helped you on these forums? If so, help someone else
Mooga Wrote:OrangeBox is a WHORE.
vietbound11 Wrote:but what do i put this as in event script?

You'll have to put it in a folder in this location:


and in the .txt file you have to put this in:

event player_spawn
    es_setplayerprop event_var(userid) CCSPlayer.m_iAccount 16000
    // es_msg #multi Congraz. #lightgreenevent_var(userid)#default - Your cash has been set to #green 16000
    // Remove the "//" to add the text.
    // Post this in a .txt document, called eg. es_kanin.txt
    // - Realchamp

and then open up your autoexec.cfg, and add this line:

es_load kanin

and change map or restart the server, then it should work.

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