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Player rate tracking system using Linux's firewall (iptables)
Great. It's probably related to the "playerlimit" configuration setting. I'm still amazed how the system can work otherwise but the kicking doesn't.

Anyway, it's good that you got it working.

I starting to use this useful addon. Im using it for monitoring (i don't start the low rate kicker script, and set monitoring mode to 1)

The default low rate 25. I set it to 40.

Now the web interface show most of time 132/s
This is normal? Clients using 66 or 67 updaterate, and cmdrate.

[Image: rates.jpg]
Hmm.. that's strange. It's just as if it was counting everything as double.

Can you paste the firewall rules here. Type:

iptables -L -v -n

You probably have some of the rules twice. That's all what I'd guess now. You can empty the firewall rules with:

iptables -F INPUT

Then you can start over Smile The script will suggest the iptables rules again Smile
iptables -F INPUT

Fix it!

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