Q: How can I make the "exit" or "quit" command restart my server?
A: In windows this can be done via a batch script. This can also be done in a similar method in linux.
Below is an example of an auto-restart script.
Just set the vars as needed
A: In windows this can be done via a batch script. This can also be done in a similar method in linux.
Below is an example of an auto-restart script.
Just set the vars as needed
:: SRCDS Guardian 2.0 ::
:: Mooga ::
:: srcds.com ::
:: Thanks To Black-Sky & Drocona for making SRCDS Guardian ::
:: This script is open source. Feel free to edit at will. ::
:: ::
:: This script was writen for the use of the srcds.com ::
:: online community. If you are interested in running a ::
:: Source Dedicated Server or need help, drop by our ::
:: forums at... http://forums.srcds.com ::
:: This will keep the window clean and easy to read
@echo off
:: Window and Log name ::
:: Replace "My Server" ::
set servername="My server"
:: Your start command ::
set runcmd=C:\hl2server\orangebox\srcds.exe -console -game tf -maxplayers 24 +fps_max 200 -port 27015 +map ctf_2fort -tickrate 66
:: Sets the title of the window
title SRCDS Guardian 2.0 %servername%
:: Clears the window incase there is anything there
:: Prints to the window what we are doing
echo SRCDS Guardian 2.0 has been started!
echo **************************************************************************
echo To close the server, close this windows and type exit in the server window
echo **************************************************************************
>> %servername%_Guardian.log echo.
>> %servername%_Guardian.log echo (%date%)(%time%) SRCDS Guardian 2.0 has been started!
echo (%date%)(%time%) %servername% is now starting...
>> %servername%_Guardian.log echo (%date%)(%time%) %servername% is now starting...
:: This is a return point in case the server crashes or is closed
echo (%date%)(%time%) %servername% is now online
>> %servername%_Guardian.log echo (%date%)(%time%) %servername% is now online
echo Watching %servername% for crashes...
>> %servername%_Guardian.log echo (%date%)(%time%) Watching %servername% for crashes...
::Start the actual server
start /wait %runcmd%
echo (%date%)(%time%) Crash or Close detected!
>> %servername%_Guardian.log echo (%date%)(%time%) Crash or Close detected!
echo (%date%)(%time%) %servername% is now restarting...
>> %servername%_Guardian.log echo (%date%)(%time%) %servername% is now restarting...
::Server crashed or closed, so we point it to the return point to start the server again
goto restart
~ Mooga ...w00t? - SRCDS.com on Twitter
Please do not PM me for server related help
Please do not PM me for server related help
fqdn Wrote:if you've seen the any of the matrix movies, a game server is not all that different. it runs a version of the game that handles the entire world for each client connected. that's the 2 sentence explanation.