SRCDS Steam group

[Monitoring] Server statistics (CPU, FPS, Traffic, Players, Uptime) with Munin
No, that has been tested and the method does not work ...
First of all remove the [srcds_*] set altogether.

After that you can start defining settings for the individual plugins without using wildcards.
[Srcds_ *] has been deleted, I tried this and no change ... The IP address is banned even if I return a value value.fps
The IP address gets banned if the plugin tries to connect too many times with wrong password. Remove the ban from the server and then make sure that you've got passwords set correctly in munin configuration files. You can use the munin-run program to check if you've got the passwords set correctly. If you receive FPS value from the server, then the password is correct and the IP won't be banned.

If you have many servers, then it's better to fix one server at a time.
The password is correct, no error possible.

If you put in /etc/munin/plugin-conf.d/munin-node the front line this:
env.srcdspass pass1

env.srcdspass pass1

env.srcdspass pass1

env.srcdspass pass2

env.srcdspass pass2

env.srcdspass pass2

then everything is ok even with different passwords.
Excatly. It doesn't look nice in the configuration file, but at least it works. It would be nice to write [Srcds_*_xx.xx.xx.xx_27015] and [Srcds_*_xx.xx.xx.xx_27014], but I can't guarantee it works. It's up to Munin.
[Srcds_*_xx.xx.xx.xx_27015] doesn't work Wink
Im having trubble after upgrading the server to FC14.
We are monitoring 9 gameservers on 4 fysic.servers + 2 webbservers.
This isnt new, saying thouse have been monitored for quite some time.
2 TF2 + 7 DOD:S

The cpu and fps is working on all servers but non of the other graphs..

If I do:munin-run
I get:uptime.value 5.6

and the same for the other as:
players.value 2
in.value 5554
out.value 4640

In the gameservers logs I get theese lines for ex:
L 01/24/2011 - 21:25:39: rcon from "": command "stats"
L 01/24/2011 - 21:25:40: rcon from "": command "stats"
L 01/24/2011 - 21:25:41: rcon from "": command "stats"
L 01/24/2011 - 21:25:41: rcon from "": command "stats"
L 01/24/2011 - 21:25:42: rcon from "": command "stats"

I have been searching for a solution since early dec. when the server got going.
Dubble checked and checked everything over and over ... I bet its a stupid error..

Thanks in advance !
It's stupid error all right Toungue

The problem is this:
- Earlier version of Munin allowed sloppy code
- Newer version of Munin doesn't allow sloppy code

Here's the FIX:

Open all of the srcds_* files and make sure there is line:

exit 0;

in the end of the function "print_config".

Here's example:

sub print_config {
    exit 0;

I'll try to get the fixed version released properly.
(01-26-2011, 06:20 PM)css Wrote:  
sub print_config {
    exit 0;

Worked great !

Thanks sir !
You need a webbserver with linux as OS.

Then install munin and munin-node with apt-get or yum.
No - you can have a linuxserver running the webbserver and also monitor srcds servers (linux and windows machines running srcds instances).
Some is running srcds-servers on the same machine as they have the webb, so its not limited to only pure webbservers.
But if the gameservers is running on linux, then it can monitor how the machine is working.
Thats the best with Munin, you can track down problems much faster and can even spot them before they get a real problem.

among you, someone would have created a plugin that would post the statistics of all the players who are online per day?

An example here:

thanks for share Smile

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