SRCDS Steam group

[Monitoring] Server statistics (CPU, FPS, Traffic, Players, Uptime) with Munin
I've got rest of the files upgraded now. I'll release the files as soon as possible, but first I'll see if there's something here: Especially the FPS plugin could do some advanced mathematics to show how much the FPS is fluctuating, which usually is the best way to tell if the server is up to the speed.
Here are new versions of srcds* plugins:

These don't require external rcon tool.

Install instructions:
* Copy all files to Munin's plugin directory (/usr/share/munin/lib/plugins/)
* Link all srcds_* files to Munin's active plugin directory (/etc/munin/plugins/) doesn't need to be linked to /etc/munin/plugins/.

I'll remove the files from the /new/ directory and replace the original files once I go through the install instructions once more and probably do some improvements on the graphs too.

Thanks for all who've given feedback and positive support.
Sweet it works now for everything. One thing of note uptime, players, and inout require you to escape ! characters, while fps and cpu do not.

What do you mean by escaping '!'? I understand the escaping part, but I don't know what should be escaped. Did the plugins work for you out-of-the-box or did you have to make changes to them?

The new versions of the plugin are available now at the original site at

Feedback from server admins is highly appreciated. The plugins are easy to install, but in case the install isn't smooth for you, please post here and the plugin most likely will see another update. Thanks.
lets say my password is 1234!56 for cpu and fps I can do
env scrdpass 1234!56
but for everything else I have to use
env scrdspass 1234\!56
or else it fails authentication.
That's probably something in Munin itself. The code handling the password is the same in all the srcds plugins. Either way it's quite rare situation.
i want this on Windows server
Unfortunately there's no Munin for Windows.

Do you have access to any Linux server? It's possible to set Munin to any Linux server to monitor for example several Windows srcds servers.

PM me if you can't find way to set up Munin anywhere.
Don't most GPS provide one inside there cpanel? - Old School Gaming
[Image: b_560x95.png]

I have a error :
Quote:Apr 08 01:45:29 - Warning: Unknown option "Could" in "localdomain;localhost.localdomain:srcds_inout_192_168_0_4_27021.Could".
Apr 08 01:45:29 - Warning: Unknown option "value" in "localdomain;localhost.localdomain:srcds_players_192_168_0_4_27018.players.value".
Apr 08 01:45:29 - Warning: Unknown option "value" in "localdomain;".
Apr 08 01:45:29 - Warning: Unknown option "value" in "localdomain;localhost.localdomain:srcds_inout_192_168_0_4_27018.out.value".
Apr 08 01:45:29 - Warning: Unknown option "Could" in "localdomain;localhost.localdomain:srcds_uptime_192_168_0_4_27021.Could".
Apr 08 01:45:29 - Warning: Unknown option "value" in "localdomain;localhost.localdomain:srcds_uptime_192_168_0_4_27018.uptime.value".
Apr 08 01:45:29 - Warning: Unknown option "Could" in "localdomain;localhost.localdomain:srcds_players_192_168_0_4_27021.Could".

Thanks for fix pls
Could you provide little more information:

Which version of Munin do you have?
Which version of Linux?

Where does the error message appear?

Have you read the installation instructions in README?

Read the README and try this:

You can verify that Munin can also correctly get results from the server by
using command "munin-run". For example get FPS statistics by running following

munin-run srcds_fps_127.0.0.1_27015

Obviously replace the with your own server IP.
Version munin :
munin-node (munin-node) version 1.2.6.

Debian Lenny

munin-run return a value fps server (fps.value 537) Wink

These errors in the file /var/log/munin/munin-graph.log and /var/log/munin/munin-html.log

The statistics are generated but the logs are spammed by these errors.

and I have a question, I managed to add more servers but the problem is that they must have the same password rcon if it can not authenticate and it banned the local IP address of the server .. . Have you a solution?
(04-08-2010, 07:11 PM)Alpha Wrote:  The statistics are generated but the logs are spammed by these errors.

Don't mind the errors if it works otherwise. I think the errors are caused by the automatic munin detection system which tries to discover which plugins can be activated. For example when you run munin-node-configure you'll see error message explainin why the plugin failed instead of the by-the-book reply of either yes or no depending on whether the plugin can be activated. I think it's better to set the error message even though it may cause some other weird error messages in the log files. Otherwise it's pain to debug why the connection failed.

(04-08-2010, 07:11 PM)Alpha Wrote:  and I have a question, I managed to add more servers but the problem is that they must have the same password rcon if it can not authenticate and it banned the local IP address of the server .. . Have you a solution?


You can edit munin's configuration file /etc/munin/plugin-conf.d/munin-node (it should exist already) and add lines like following there:

env.srcdspass abcdefg123456
env.srcdspass xyz123

I'm not completely sure, but it might be possible to use syntax like:

env.srcdspass abcdefg123456
env.srcdspass xyz123

Let me know how it turns out.
Quote:Don't mind the errors if it works otherwise. I think the errors are caused by the automatic munin detection system which tries to discover which plugins can be activated. For example when you run munin-node-configure you'll see error message explainin why the plugin failed instead of the by-the-book reply of either yes or no depending on whether the plugin can be activated. I think it's better to set the error message even though it may cause some other weird error messages in the log files. Otherwise it's pain to debug why the connection failed.

ok thanks for reply

Quote:You can edit munin's configuration file /etc/munin/plugin-conf.d/munin-node (it should exist already) and add lines like following there:

yes, I configured the file as you indicate but if the rcon password is different on the servers so it does not work ....

Example :

/etc/munin/plugin-conf.d/munin-node :
env.srcdspass abcde12345

env.srcdspass abcde12345

env.srcdspass 12345abcde

server1 >> server.cfg : rcon_password "abcde12345"
server2 >> server.cfg : rcon_password "12345abcde" >> could not autentificate

In log :
Quote: Could not open socket to XXX.XXX.X.X:27021
Could not authenticate.

netstat -tupan | grep 4949 :
Quote:tcp 0 0* LISTEN 3462/munin-node

if /etc/munin/plugin-conf.d/munin-node :
env.srcdspass abcde12345

env.srcdspass abcde12345

env.srcdspass abcde12345

server1 >> server.cfg : rcon_password "abcde12345"
server2 >> server.cfg : rcon_password "abcde12345"

It's Good !!!!!

Quote:I'm not completely sure, but it might be possible to use syntax like:

I'll test Toungue
Remove the first entry which looks like:

env.srcdspass abcde12345

This may confuse everything in Munin because obviously srcds_* matches every srcds plugin. Maybe Munin first reads the srcds_fps_x.x.x.x_27015 configs and then it overrides everything with the srcds_* setting. The wildcard system is always so confusin. I prefer to use the more workful method of defining eveything with absolute settings. I don't use wildcards. They're nasty Toungue

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