SRCDS Steam group

CS: S Server Lag at Round Start Only + Choke
Hey guys,

I'm running a Dual Quad-Core box with 4GB of RAM. The box is located in an official datacenter in CA and not in someone's garage. The provider says the 100 MB/s NIC and the 1500 GB/month bandwidth is enough for running twice the number of players I'm currently hosting. The server reports I'm running appear to support that claim. I have other boxes as well, but all of them are fine.

I'm having trouble with a couple of the CS:Source Server instances on this one box. It's only happening on 2 instances of this one box. Most of the server setup files for the messed up servers are identical to the ones setup on the other servers that work fine and I can't seem to track down the cause of the problem.

The box is running MetaMod Source v1.4.2.414, Mani v1.2 Beta S (the sourcemm version) and Zblock Version 4.0.

The box currently has 5 public CS: Source Public Servers instances running about 75-90 players at a given time. There are also 3 Private server instances on the box as well, but they rarely have people in them.

This problem is players begin getting choke at a rate from 1 - 10 after about 10 or more players join. The server also lags at the beginning of each round after about 12 players join. At 16 players its really bad. The server is a 100-tick 500 FPS boosted box. It's not just one or two players, but all of them.

If you guys have experienced this and found a cause, I'd love to hear what you found out. It acts like a bandwidth issue, but it's just on this instance, the rest of the servers on the box work fine.

Thanks for any help you can offer.
Mike Vail
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I help people who at least try to help themselves. Please use the "Search" button before posting a new topic.
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I'm here to share my experiences to help others. If I'm wrong about something, don't hold it against me, educate me.
I not perfect and try to learn from every failure, yours and mine.
Hey guys, Below are my configs. Can someone knowledgable please check them and make sure I'm on track with these settings. These are what I'm using for 100-Tick 500 FPS Windows 2003 Public Servers on my dedicated boxes and players are getting choke up to 45 with 20 players in a GunGame/Deathmatch server. When people use their Mics, it goes even higher. The problem is the same for all the servers on the box, including regular Valve Maps. It's especially pronounced at round start and when more than 10 are playing on the servers.


Command line:

-game cstrike +fps_max 600 -console -tickrate 100 +ip -port 27015 +maxplayers 24 +map de_dust2

Default Server.cfg file

hostname "PUBLIC SERVER" // Enter your server's name here
rcon_password "******" // Enter your server's remote console password here for executing server commands in console
sv_password "" // Enter the password for players to connect to your server (REQUIRED ON ALL PRIVATE SERVERS)
sv_contact // Enter the contact email address for server system operator here

//REGION SETTINGS - The world region to report this server in for the Valve Master Server's list.
// USA East Coast - sv_region 0
// USA West Coast - sv_region 1
// South America - sv_region 2
// Europe - sv_region 3
// Asia - sv_region 4
// Australia - sv_region 5
// Middle east - sv_region 6
// Africa - sv_region 7
// World - sv_region 255
sv_region 255

exec banned_user.cfg // executes the file holding all players banned by STEAM# |Leave as is|
exec banned_ip.cfg // executes the file holding all players banned by IP Address |Leave as is|

//SERVER RATE SETTINGS - Changing these settings could screw up your server and cause you problems!
sv_lan 0 // DO NOT CHANGE
sv_unlag 1 // DO NOT CHANGE
sv_maxunlag .5 // DO NOT CHANGE
sv_voiceenable 1 // DO NOT CHANGE
sv_minrate 2500 // DO NOT CHANGE
sv_maxrate 30000 // DO NOT CHANGE
sv_mincmdrate 30 // DO NOT CHANGE
sv_maxcmdrate 100 // DO NOT CHANGE
sv_minupdaterate 30 // DO NOT CHANGE
sv_maxupdaterate 100 // DO NOT CHANGE
sv_client_predict 1 // DO NOT CHANGE
sv_client_interpolate 1 // DO NOT CHANGE
sv_client_min_interp_ratio 1 // DO NOT CHANGE
sv_client_max_interp_ratio 1 // DO NOT CHANGE
sv_client_cmdrate_difference 30 // DO NOT CHANGE

sv_pure 0 // How strict the server is when allowing custom content like sounds, skins, etc. |0-Disabled, 1-Normal, 2-Strict|
sv_consistency 0 // Enforces files consistency between players and the server |0-No consistency, 1-Normal, 2-Total|

sb_licenseid xxxxx
sb_licensecode xxxxx
sb_action ar
sb_advert 111

mp_autokick 0 // Will the server kick players if idle for too long per sv_timeout setting |1-YES 0-NO|
mp_spawnprotectiontime 0 // Time in seconds to kick players who team-kill after the round restarts
mp_autocrosshair 0 // Allows a clients automatic crosshair sizing feature |1-YES 0-NO|
mp_autoteambalance 0 // Will the server autobalance the teams (uses the sv
mp_buytime .45 // Time in minutes after round starts that you can use your buy menu
mp_c4timer 35 // Time in seconds before bomb explodes after planting
mp_dynamicpricing 0 //Is Valve's Dynamic weapon pricing on |1-YES 0-NO|
mp_fadetoblack 0 // Player's screens go black after they die until rounds ends |1-YES 0-NO|
mp_flashlight 1 // Is the flashlight enable |1-YES 0-NO|
mp_forcecamera 0 // Sets the moveable spectator camera for players so they can only view where they died |1-YES 0-NO|
mp_footsteps 1 // Can you hear footsteps of other players |1-YES 0-NO|
mp_maxrounds 0 // Sets the number of rounds played before map changes |O-Disabled, Any number other than 0 will disable mp_timelimit)
mp_freezetime 0 // Amount of time in seconds that you freeze while at round start |PUBS are usually 0, MATCH is 15|
mp_friendlyfire 0 // Enable/Disable friendly fire |1-ON 0-OFF|
mp_hostagepenalty 0 // How many hostages a Terrorist can kill before being kicked from the server, |0 to disable|
mp_limitteams 1 // Number of players one team can have over the other team
mp_winlimit 0 // Max number of rounds one team can win before a map change occurs (mp_timelimit will be ignored it this is other than 0)
mp_playerid all // Amount if info to Displays about players |Normal is ALL|
mp_roundtime 10.00 // Amount of time in minutes rounds will last
mp_timelimit 40 // Amount of time in minutes before map change will change
mp_tkpunish 1 // Punish Team Killers (TK'ers) on next round? |1-YES 0-NO|
mp_startmoney 5000 // Amount of cash players will start with when they join
mp_allowspectators 1 // Sets whether people spectate other players |1-YES 0-NO|
mp_chattime 10 // Amount of time in seconds players can chat after the game is over before map changes

sv_allowdownload 1 // Can players download custom content from the server? |1-YES 0-NO|
sv_allowupload 1 // Can players upload spray content to the server? |1-YES 0-NO|
sv_alltalk 1 // Can players to the other team? |1-YES 0-NO|
sv_cheats 0 // Can people cheat on the server without getting VAC-Banned? |1-YES 0-NO|
sv_gravity 800 // Sets map gravity - The lower the number, the more you float? |800 is Normal|
sv_timeout 65 // How long in seconds before an inactive player is kicked off the server
sv_pausable 0 // Can players pause the game? |1-YES 0-NO|
sv_airaccelerate 150 // |Normal is 10|
sv_friction 4 // |Normal is 4|
sv_maxspeed 320 // |Normal is 320|
sv_stepsize 18 // |Normal is 18|
sv_stopspeed 75 // |Normal is 75|
sv_turbophysics 1 // Determines how fast objects move when shot |Default is 1|
phys_pushscale 1 // This variable determines how an object will fly away from you when shot |Default is 1|

sv_downloadurl "" // Set link inside "" if you have an HTTP download server for maps, sounds, skins, etc.
decalfrequency 30 // How often in seconds can people spray again
host_framerate 0 // Leave at 0 for best quality Demo recording
setpause 0 // Leave at 0 please

log on // Enables server logging for troubleshooting |Leave on|
mp_logdetail 3 // Leave at 3
sv_logbans 1 // Logs server bans in the server logs |Leave at 1|
sv_logecho 1 // Echo log information to the console for troubleshooting |Leave at 1|
sv_logfile 1 // Log server information in the log file for troubleshooting |Leave at 1|
sv_log_onefile 1 // Log server information to only one file for troubleshooting |Leave at 1|

bot_quota 0 // Set this value to the number of Bots you want to auto-join at startup
bot_quota_mode fill // |if FILL - Bots are used to keep player count up to the bot_quota setting, otherwise use NORMAL|
bot_difficulty 1 // |0-EASY, 1-NORMAL, 2-HARD, 3-EXPERT|
bot_chatter OFF // Bots can talk |OFF, RADIO, MINIMAL NORMAL|
bot_auto_follow 0 // Bots will always follow other players on their team |1-YES 0-NO|
bot_auto_vacate 1 // Bots will begin leaving as players join - All bots will be gone when bot_quota is reached |1-YES 0-NO|
bot_join_after_player 0 // Bots will only join server after at least one player joins the game |1-YES 0-NO|
bot_defer_to_human 0 // Will Bots plant bomb or rescue hostages? |1-YES 0-NO|
bot_prefix "{BOT}" // Prefix Used in the name of all Bots place "//" in front of line to disable it
bot_allow_rogues 1 // Bots will ignore orders & don't complete objectives |1-YES 0-NO|
bot_walk 0 //Bots can only walk |1-YES 0-NO|
bot_join_team any //Set what team Bots will join when needed |CT, T, ANY|
bot_eco_limit 2000 //Bots can't buy if their cash falls below this amount in dollars

bot_allow_grenades 1 // BOTS can have grenades |1-YES 0-NO|
bot_all_weapons 1 // BOTS can have any weapon |1-YES 0-NO|
bot_allow_pistols 1 // BOTS can have pistols |1-YES 0-NO|
bot_allow_sub_machine_guns 1 // BOTS can have SMGs |1-YES 0-NO|
bot_allow_shotguns 1 // BOTS can have shotguns |1-YES 0-NO|
bot_allow_rifles 1 // BOTS can have rifles |1-YES 0-NO|
bot_allow_snipers 1 // BOTS can have sniper rifles |1-YES 0-NO|
bot_allow_machine_guns 1 // BOTS can have machine guns |1-YES 0-NO|
About Me:
I help people who at least try to help themselves. Please use the "Search" button before posting a new topic.
If you post, give us the info we need from the "READ ME FIRST" sticky at the top of each thread!

I'm here to share my experiences to help others. If I'm wrong about something, don't hold it against me, educate me.
I not perfect and try to learn from every failure, yours and mine.
i think 24 is not good with 100tick, 66 is better
sv_minrate I recomend 10k (10000)
from Russia with love
have u assigned the affinity of the game servers to different cores to spread out the load?!

i also recommend
>18 slots 66tick
<18 slots 100tick
Thanks for the hints, and the Affinity is current set to autobalance
About Me:
I help people who at least try to help themselves. Please use the "Search" button before posting a new topic.
If you post, give us the info we need from the "READ ME FIRST" sticky at the top of each thread!

I'm here to share my experiences to help others. If I'm wrong about something, don't hold it against me, educate me.
I not perfect and try to learn from every failure, yours and mine.
I have upgraded the server to Windows 2008 and set the affinity manually on all the servers. Resetting the affinity manually seems to have helped some, even though the reports indicate the CPUS on the server are all running far below 20%. I just dont get this.

Are some servers more prone to choke than others, (i.e. Gungame vs standard maps)? It would seem that if there's alot of action going on that there is more traffic and the likelyhood of choke would increase, but I'm not sure.
About Me:
I help people who at least try to help themselves. Please use the "Search" button before posting a new topic.
If you post, give us the info we need from the "READ ME FIRST" sticky at the top of each thread!

I'm here to share my experiences to help others. If I'm wrong about something, don't hold it against me, educate me.
I not perfect and try to learn from every failure, yours and mine.
Its obviously getting bottlenecked somewhere. Are you sure it's a 100 MB/s NIC? Yeah servers with a load of plugins or big plugins (Gun Game) tend to have more choke and more people, thus more action, means more possible choke.
realchamp Wrote:
Hazz Wrote:Has someone helped you on these forums? If so, help someone else
Mooga Wrote:OrangeBox is a WHORE.
Sure seems like a bottleneck is occurring. I actually reduced my servers back to 66-tick to see if the issue would go away and no, the choke is still there, just not as much. Additionally, I have to select the LAN/10MB setting for the download speed in STEAM's settings or the choke gets worse. I'm on a 768 kps cable connection and using that setting won't work for me.

While investigating this issue, I've noticed problems with CS: Source where literally every server I go into is somewhat laggy and choke is happening. Until early week, I almost never saw choke on a server. Now I see it in literally every server. 100-Tick servers seem to be the worst, but 66-tick servers, including the ones I'm running are all doing it too. There's this strange lag spike at the beginning of each round too. It's more pronounced as more players join.

I'm starting to think this is bigger than just my servers. It seems to have started a few weeks ago after a STEAM update. Has anyone else here seen what I'm seeing?

I'm currently conducting a survey via my website to see how many other people are have this problem. So far, the results are showing almost every one surveyed is, to varying degrees.

Thanks for the interesting discussion.
About Me:
I help people who at least try to help themselves. Please use the "Search" button before posting a new topic.
If you post, give us the info we need from the "READ ME FIRST" sticky at the top of each thread!

I'm here to share my experiences to help others. If I'm wrong about something, don't hold it against me, educate me.
I not perfect and try to learn from every failure, yours and mine.
Yea, it seems like everyone I talk to is having this problem. Spoke with 10 more people today about it. It's ruining the game.
About Me:
I help people who at least try to help themselves. Please use the "Search" button before posting a new topic.
If you post, give us the info we need from the "READ ME FIRST" sticky at the top of each thread!

I'm here to share my experiences to help others. If I'm wrong about something, don't hold it against me, educate me.
I not perfect and try to learn from every failure, yours and mine.
When I used to run my deathmatch gungame, choke was just stupid, 20-40 for everyone. Then I changed it to just gungame is went a bit lower but would spike up alot still. Found out the dedicated server I was renting was just a vmare server. I spent a good month trying to fix it then found that out. It sounds like something is bottlenecking.
use a tool like winmtr or pingplotter and see if there is packet loss between you and any of your servers, chances are your isp is overloaded (chances are even greater if you are on a cable connection). i was experiencing up to 50% packet loss at of their routers when i was on cable during peak hours.
THANKS! I'll try that out tonight and let you know. I really appreciate the help.
About Me:
I help people who at least try to help themselves. Please use the "Search" button before posting a new topic.
If you post, give us the info we need from the "READ ME FIRST" sticky at the top of each thread!

I'm here to share my experiences to help others. If I'm wrong about something, don't hold it against me, educate me.
I not perfect and try to learn from every failure, yours and mine.

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