SRCDS Steam group

Mani admin plugin install question
I am following the tutorial on installing mani admin plugin, unzipped all the folders and sub folders with files accordingly. stuck at the part where i would add my steam id in the adminlist.txt . However i simply cant find/see it in my orudie@ubuntu:~/srcds_1/cstrike/cfg/mani_admin_plugin$ ls
actionsoundlist.txt database.txt rconlist.txt
adverts.txt decallist.txt reserveslots.txt
cexeclist_all.txt default_weapon_restrict.txt restrict
cexeclist_ct.txt downloads.txt soundlist.txt
cexeclist_player.txt gametypes.txt spawnpoints.txt
cexeclist_spec.txt gimpphrase.txt texturelist.txt
cexeclist_t.txt language votequestionlist.txt
chattriggers.txt mapadverts.txt voterconlist.txt
commandlist.txt map_config webshortcutlist.txt
crontablist.txt pingimmunity.txt wordfilter.txt

or should i just have to create this file and then edit it?
That will work, yes. However, the use of adminlist.txt has been deprecated, mani admin now uses clients.txt to define admins and admin levels.

Here's the link:

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