SRCDS Steam group

linux scripts for srcds for all day
I think it nessesary to group in one post all useful linux script for SRCDS. Because there are more than 40 pages, hard to search...

srcds start script

Priority set script

someone know more scripts? post here
I'm searching:
- script for autorestat server if it uses more memory than i want to prevent memory leak
- script for ziping *.dem from folder and place zips to public FTP
from Russia with love
Here is the autorestart code i use for restart on crash and rcon quit without autoupdate on

create file with the below txt
then run
Filename: RESTART_srcds_run
#       Copyright (c) 2004, Valve LLC. All rights reserved.
#    a wrapper script for the main Source engine dedicated server binary.
#    Performs auto-restarting of the server on crash. You can
#    extend this to log crashes and more.

# setup the libraries, local dir first!

init() {
    # Initialises the various variables
    # Set up the defaults
    TIMEOUT=10 # time to wait after a crash (in seconds)
    CRASH_DEBUG_MSG="email debug.log to [email][/email]"
    GDB="gdb" # the gdb binary to run
    PID_FILE="" # only needed it DEBUG is set so init later
    SIGINT_ACTION="quit 0" # exit normally on sig int

    # Remove any old default pid files
    # Cant do this as they may be still running
    #rm -f hlds.*.pid

    # use the $FORCE environment variable if its set
    if test -n "$FORCE" ; then
        # Note: command line -binary will override this

    while test $# -gt 0; do
        case "$1" in
            shift ;;
            # Ensure that PID_FILE is set
            if test -z "$PID_FILE"; then
            fi ;;
            RESTART="" ;;
            shift ;;
            shift ;;
            shift ;;
            shift ;;
            shift ;;
            RESTART="yes" ;;
            STEAMERR=1 ;;
            SIGINT_ACTION="" ;;
            NO_TRAP=1 ;;
            shift ;;
            shift ;;
            # quit with syntax
            quit 2

    # Ensure we have a game specified
    if test -z "$GAME"; then
        PARAMS="$PARAMS -game $GAME"
    elif test ! -d "$GAME"; then
        echo "Invalid game type '$GAME' sepecified."
        quit 1

    if test 0 -eq "$NO_TRAP"; then
        # Set up the int handler
        # N.B. Dont use SIGINT symbolic value
        #  as its just INT under ksh
        trap "$SIGINT_ACTION" 2

    # Only detect the CPU if it hasnt been set with
    # either environment or command line
    if test "$HL_DETECT" -eq 1; then

    if test ! -f "$HL"; then
        echo "Source Engine binary '$HL' not found, exiting"
        quit 1
    elif test ! -x "$HL"; then
        # Could try chmod but dont know what we will be
        # chmoding so just fail.
        echo "Source engine binary '$HL' not executable, exiting"
        quit 1

    # Setup debugging
    if test -n "$DEBUG" ; then
        #turn on core dumps :) (if possible)
        echo "Enabling debug mode"
        if test "unlimited" != `ulimit -c` && test "`ulimit -c`" -eq 0 ; then
            ulimit -c 2000
        GDB_TEST=`$GDB -v`
        if test -z "$GDB_TEST"; then
            echo "Please install gdb first."
            echo "goto [url][/url] "
            DEBUG="" # turn off debugging cause gdb isn't installed

    if test -n "$STEAM_PASSWORD" && test -z "$STEAM_USER"; then
        echo "You must set both the steam username and password."
        quit 1

    #if test 1 -eq $PID_FILE_SET && test -n "$PID_FILE"; then
    #    HL_CMD="$HL $PARAMS -pidfile $PID_FILE"
        HL_CMD="$HL $PARAMS"

syntax () {
    # Prints script syntax

    echo "Syntax:"
    echo "$0 [-game <game>] [-debug] [-norestart] [-pidfile]"
    echo "    [-binary [srcds_i486]"
    echo "    [-timeout <number>] [-gdb <gdb>] [-autoupdate]"
    echo "    [-steamerr] [-ignoresigint] [-steamuser <username>]"
    echo "    [-steampass <password>] [-debuglog <logname>]"
    echo "Params:"
    echo "-game <game>            Specifies the <game> to run."
    echo "-debug                  Run debugging on failed servers if possible."
    echo "-debuglog <logname>    Log debug output to this file."
    echo "-norestart              Don't attempt to restart failed servers."
    echo "-pidfile <pidfile>      Use the specified <pidfile> to store the server pid."
    echo "-binary <binary>        Use the specified binary ( no auto detection )."
    echo "-timeout <number>       Sleep for <number> seconds before restarting"
    echo "            a failed server."
    echo "-gdb <gdb>              Use <dbg> as the debugger of failed servers."
    echo "-steamerr               Quit on steam update failure."
    echo "-steamuser <username>    Use this username for steam updates."  
    echo "-steampass <password>    Use this password for steam updates"
    echo "            (-steamuser must be specified as well)."
    echo "-ignoresigint           Ignore signal INT ( prevents CTRL+C quitting"
    echo "            the script )."
    echo "-notrap                 Don't use trap. This prevents automatic"
    echo "            removal of old lock files."
    echo ""
    echo "Note: All parameters specified as passed through to the server"
    echo "including any not listed."

debugcore () {
    # Debugs any core file if DEBUG is set and
    # the exitcode is none 0


    if test $exitcode -ne 0; then
        if test -n "$DEBUG" ; then
            echo "bt" > debug.cmds;
            echo "info locals" >> debug.cmds;
            echo "info sharedlibrary" >> debug.cmds
            echo "info frame" >> debug.cmds;  # works, but gives an error... must be last
            echo "----------------------------------------------" >> $DEBUG_LOG
            echo "CRASH: `date`" >> $DEBUG_LOG
            echo "Start Line: $HL_CMD" >> $DEBUG_LOG

            # check to see if a core was dumped
            if test -f core ; then
            elif test -f core.`cat $PID_FILE`; then
                CORE=core.`cat $PID_FILE`
            elif test -f "$HL.core" ; then
            if test -n "$CORE"; then
                $GDB $HL $CORE -x debug.cmds -batch >> $DEBUG_LOG
            echo "End of Source crash report" >> $DEBUG_LOG
            echo "----------------------------------------------" >> $DEBUG_LOG
            echo $CRASH_DEBUG_MSG
            rm debug.cmds
            echo "Add \"-debug\" to the $0 command line to generate a debug.log to help with solving this problem"

detectcpu() {
    # Attempts to auto detect the CPU
    echo "Auto detecting CPU"

    if test -e /proc/cpuinfo; then
        CPU_VERSION="`grep "cpu family" /proc/cpuinfo | cut -f2 -d":" | tr -d " " | uniq`";
        if test $CPU_VERSION -lt 4; then
            echo "Error: srcds REQUIRES a 486 CPU or better";
            quit 1
        elif test $CPU_VERSION -ge 6; then
            FEATURES="`grep 'flags' /proc/cpuinfo`";
            SSE2="`echo $FEATURES |grep -i SSE2`"
            AMD="`grep AMD /proc/cpuinfo`";
            if test -n "$AMD"; then
                OPTERON="`grep Opteron /proc/cpuinfo`";
                PLATFORM="`uname -m`"
                if test -z "$OPTERON"; then
                    OPTERON="`grep "Athlon HX" /proc/cpuinfo`";
                    if test -z "$OPTERON"; then
                        OPTERON="`grep "Athlon(tm) 64" /proc/cpuinfo`";

                if test -n "$OPTERON" && test "x86_64" = "$PLATFORM"; then
                    echo "Using AMD-Opteron (64 bit) Optimised binary."
                    echo "Using AMD Optimised binary."
            elif  test -n "$SSE2"; then
                # CPU supports SSE2 P4 +
                echo "Using SSE2 Optimised binary."
                echo "Using default binary."
            echo "Using default binary."

    elif test "FreeBSD" = `uname`; then
        CPU="`grep 'CPU:' /var/run/dmesg.boot`"
        FEATURES="`grep 'Features=' /var/run/dmesg.boot`"
        AMD="`echo $CPU |grep AMD`"
        I686="`echo $CPU |grep 686`"
        SSE2="`echo $FEATURES |grep -i SSE2`"
        if test -n "$AMD"; then
            echo "Using AMD Optimised binary."
        elif test -n "$SSE2" ; then
            echo "Using SSE2 Optimised binary."
            echo "Using default binary."
        echo "Using default binary."

update() {

updatesingle() {
    # Run the steam update
    # exits on failure if STEAMERR is set

    if test -n "$AUTO_UPDATE"; then
        if test -f "$STEAM"; then
            echo "Updating server using Steam."
            if test "$GAME" = "cstrike"; then
                GAME="Counter-Strike Source";
            if test "$GAME" = "dod"; then

            CMD="$STEAM -command update -dir .";
            if test -n "$STEAM_USER"; then
                CMD="$CMD -username $STEAM_USER";
            if test -n "$STEAM_PASSWORD"; then
                CMD="$CMD -password $STEAM_PASSWORD";

            $CMD -game "$GAME"
            if test $? -ne 0; then
                if test -n "$STEAMERR"; then
                    echo "`date`: Steam Update failed, exiting."
                    quit 1
                    echo "`date`: Steam Update failed, ignoring."
                    return 0
            if test -n "$STEAMERR"; then
                echo "Could not locate steam binary:$STEAM, exiting.";
                quit 1
                echo "Could not locate steam binary:$STEAM, ignoring.";
                return 0

    return 1
run() {
    # Runs the steam update and server
    # Loops if RESTART is set
    # Debugs if server failure is detected
    # Note: if RESTART is not set then
    # 1. DEBUG is set then the server is NOT exec'd
    # 2. DEBUG is not set the the server is exec'd

    if test -n "$RESTART" ; then
        echo "Auto-restarting the server on crash"

        #loop forever
        while true
            # Update if needed

            # Run the server

            debugcore $retval

            echo "`date`: Server restart in $TIMEOUT seconds"

            # don't thrash the hard disk if the server dies, wait a little
            sleep $TIMEOUT
        done # while true
        # Update if needed

        # Run the server
        if test -z "$DEBUG"; then
            # debug not requested we can exec
            exec $HL_CMD
            # debug requested we can't exec
            debugcore $?

quit() {
    # Exits with the give error code, 1
    # if none specified.
    # exit code 2 also prints syntax

    # default to failure
    if test -z "$exitcode"; then

    case "$exitcode" in
        echo "`date`: Server Quit" ;;
        syntax ;;
        echo "`date`: Server Failed" ;;

    # Remove pid file
    if test -n "$PID_FILE" && test -f "$PID_FILE" ; then
        # The specified pid file
        rm -f $PID_FILE

    # reset SIGINT and then kill ourselves properly
    trap - 2
    kill -2 $$

# Initialise
init $*

# Run

# Quit normally
quit 0

Then i use this to start it:

screen -dmS dust ./RESTART_srcds_run +game cstrike +maxplayers 12 +ip -tickrate 100 +port 27015 +map de_dust2 +fps_max 0

it works great

Original source:
This is a great script - thanks for posting, I am going to link to the original post in on of my threads about auto restart Smile
Could someone please help me with details on where to locate said file I created for RESTART_srcds_run.txt

Also do you write the code;
//Auto Restart config using "quit"
screen -415_canal_beta1.bsp ./RESTART_srcds_run +game dod +maxplayers 24 +ip -tickrate 66 +port 27016 +map 415_canal_beta1.bsp +fps_max 0
in the autoexec.cfg file...

P.S. Please excuse me noobness... I started a gaming server business as a learning expirence to learn hands on as I am studying Mutlimedia right now. So please bare with me and thank you in advance for any extra help you can provide. Thank you.
it goes in your srcds folder. same folder that has srcds_run in it.

also the file name shouldnt end in .txt

JessiePwns Wrote:Could someone please help me with details on where to locate said file I created for RESTART_srcds_run.txt

Also do you write the code;
//Auto Restart config using "quit"
screen -415_canal_beta1.bsp ./RESTART_srcds_run +game dod +maxplayers 24 +ip -tickrate 66 +port 27016 +map 415_canal_beta1.bsp +fps_max 0
in the autoexec.cfg file...

P.S. Please excuse me noobness... I started a gaming server business as a learning expirence to learn hands on as I am studying Mutlimedia right now. So please bare with me and thank you in advance for any extra help you can provide. Thank you.
also you need to make the file executable with
chmod +x RESTART_srcds_run
Hey there,

Thanks for the recognition! I just added another script; this one will install a TF2 server. It could very easily be adapted to run any SRCDS game, however. Hope this helps!

[Image: banner_560x95.png]
Hi there !

I'm searching for a script that could possibly stop my server, update it, and then restart it. Then I would use it with cron to run it everyday at 8:00am.

I already made a script that stop/start/restart the server with the good user.

If someone has something like that, I'll take it Smile
[Image: b_350x20_C692108-381007-FFFFFF-000000.png]
Nevermind, I've done it, it's easy:

/etc/init.d/tf2script stop
cd /home/STEAMDIR
sudo -u USER ./steam -command update -game "tf" -dir . -verify_all
/etc/init.d/tf2script start
[Image: b_350x20_C692108-381007-FFFFFF-000000.png]
Hi guys!

Can someone help with such problem:

I do have 3 servers running on same machine. One of them crashing almost everyday, but i do not have any scripts for restart on crash, cause this server crashes and screen is still in processes.
i have a dedicated linux server.. but i do not have root access..i can access the folder that holds the run file but cannot exec any commands.. can this still be done ????

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