SRCDS Steam group

sorry to be such a n00b, but...
My friend and I have founded a clan (Lamda Squadron @, and I have been trying to set up my computer as a dedicated server (not 24/7) but I use and need a router (dlink DI-524) and therefore need to forward my port. I checked out and followed to the tee, or whateever the f%^k it is, and it just doesn't want to work. I was hoping if anybody could just post as a reply or email to me ( the exact settings that you used. Thanks a lot for your time. If you are still reading this, thanks, becasue most people would have laughed at my n00bish ass and left already.
Do you need help configuring the router, or do you just want a list of ports you need to forward? In the first case you should check the manual of your router, in the latter case:

Goofy666 Wrote:[UDP] 1200 (used for Steam's Friends service)
[UDP] 27000 to 27015 (so that means all ports in between too)
[TCP] 27030 to 27039 (idem)
=> these are all Steam related ports

[UDP] 27015 and 27020 (default DS port, also used for HLTV)
[TCP] 27015 (you want to forward this for RCON access)
=> these ports are used by the dedicated server itself
May the Source be with you...

Want to know which ports to forward on your router for a Source DS? Click here!
Thanks, that was helpful, but I also need the "name" of the service using the port forwarding. I have tried both "steam" and "steam.exe" and niether work.
Do you need to configure that on your router? With the router I use I don't have to assign a service name, it also sounds weird that it won't accept 'steam' or anything like that. You should consult your router's manual for that, what brand/type of router do you use?
May the Source be with you...

Want to know which ports to forward on your router for a Source DS? Click here!
If you are running a dedicated server try srcds or srcds.exe as the service using the port name and see if that works.
you should be able to name it just about anything.. i think i named mine like "server" and then when i ran a hl2dm server for like an hour, and i named that one temp.. on a router anyways.. if your talkin a firewall.. it would problem need to be directed to the srcds executable file.

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