SRCDS Steam group

TF2 Error
Try deleting the entire contents of the "orangebox/hl2". Thats all the generic Source engine textures and such which seems to be the issue. Then run the update tool to re-download them. If not, do the same with orangebox/tf/materials.
We have the same problems with our DOD:S Server.

So I guess they (Valve) doesn't exactly test their work properly or they don't care or maybe their testing environment differs from the data you get via steam (their shit has all files).

The missing error.pcf (and 3 more files) is with DOD:Source ever since.
The last update with DOD:S caused the same messages, missing woodfloor008a.vmt etc. Missing although used in default-maps, not custom maps.

The majority of the error messages I have found with the orangebox servers are avoidable and would have been found, if tested.

So I guess we either need to complain about it, get the files elsewhere or wait until her royal highness (Valve again) cares to fix it.

(Not to mention, that srcds_run-Shellscript has not been adjusted to new directory structure, so -autoupdate won't work in DOD, as srcds_run expects steam in same directory, but it is a dirlevel up, also a bug ever since. I am a programmer myself and for doing something like that I would get fired)

We should compare the materials of the different orangebox-games.
Maybe if merge all together, we will have everything...

dod_donner: (list reduced to unqiue lines)
Failed to load $include VMT file (materials/WOOD/WOODSTAIR002A.vmt)
Failed to load $include VMT file (materials/GLASS/GLASSWINDOWBREAK070A.vmt)

Maybe you have these files...
I'm still getting this issue and I'm running srcds TF2 on Debian Linux.

Someone please post a fix! Big Grin

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