SRCDS Steam group

How would i restrict 1 weapon on 1 map?
Hey well i was wondering how i would restrict the glock and usp on an SK map, like i know you put stuff in the SK cfg i made but how would you write the restrictions in it? help appreciated.

Also wondering how i make everyones health start at 1 automatically.
frogert15 Wrote:Hey well i was wondering how i would restrict the glock and usp on an SK map, like i know you put stuff in the SK cfg i made but how would you write the restrictions in it? help appreciated.

Also wondering how i make everyones health start at 1 automatically.

If you use Mani AP :

Q: How do I restrict weapons by map?
A: Follow the instructions below to restrict weapons based on the map being played.
1)Log into CS Admin
2)Click on Game Servers
3)Click on your server ip address
4)Click on File Manager
5)Click on cstrike directory
6)Click on cfg directory
7)Click on mani_admin_plugin directory
8)Click on restrict directory
9)Click on the New File button at the top.
10)If the name of the map is de_prodigy then make the name of the file de_prodigy_restrict.txt (if it is de_dust then make the file name de_dust_restrict.txt)
11)Place the weapon names you want restricted here and then save the file (Names have to be exact). Looks at example names below.

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