SRCDS Steam group

VERY informative guide to setting up a server in VISTA!!!
Just goto settings and unblock srcds.exe in Windows Firewall. Smile
You do know it is easier to make a shortcut of the hldsupdate tool andd set the game properties there, then run that... Then when you get the Source dedicated server icon make a copy of that too, and make the command line in the properties of that, run the shortcut and you have your server
my router is Accton - CheetahAccess .. and when i go to and click my router > counterstrike .. it says :

The CheetahAccess will not allow you to forward enough ports, to run Counter Strike. You should try using the DMZ portion of this router if it is available. Alternatively you can try switching the router to bridged mode. You will need to contact your ISP to switch to bridged mode, so they can make the required changed on their end.

howcome it wont allow me to forward the ports ?
please reply quick !
CSS Name : -LvL69#.CrayonZ .leet.
[Image: CrayonZ-1.jpg]
You obviously have an old router which does not allow you to portforward enough ports.
aww ..
well watbout .
Motorola SB4200

they dont have that on ?
CSS Name : -LvL69#.CrayonZ .leet.
[Image: CrayonZ-1.jpg]
I guess it's a newer generation, that's probably why it is not there. However if it's new, it should have the capacity available for portforward ranges.
aww .. but iwanna portforward my SRCDS server ..
ive tried alot of things i can .. friends are finding out whats wrong with it ..
and wer trying .. but still wont work !
please somebody help ! me ! D:
CSS Name : -LvL69#.CrayonZ .leet.
[Image: CrayonZ-1.jpg]
motorolla sb 4200 is a cable modem, not a router
[Image: b_350x20_C002748-004880-FFFFFF-000000.png]
i really needa portforward my server ! ==' .. cos noone can join it ..
if igive my IP to people .. they cant join it ! . . .
so its pretty lame .. but i wanna knw why they cant ! ==' and i wanna fix it . !
CSS Name : -LvL69#.CrayonZ .leet.
[Image: CrayonZ-1.jpg]
shotimazo Wrote:i really needa portforward my server ! ==' .. cos noone can join it ..
if igive my IP to people .. they cant join it ! . . .
so its pretty lame .. but i wanna knw why they cant ! ==' and i wanna fix it . !
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