SRCDS Steam group

Need help with TF2 Config
Hey gang, i was referred here from the Steam forums and i thought that this site might be more helpful. I am trying to get a TF2 Dedicated server going on my VPS, its a linux server running CentOS 5. I followed some guides and got the server downloaded and updated (i think) and im going to be testing it with a config that i can just copy pasta from somewhere, I looked at a few forums that pointed to "FULL" command lists for the server configuations, but i just pretty much saw gibberish.

I was wondering if somebody could help me write a config for my server, i would like it to be a 24/7 2fort server (ya its cleche i know but i like it), and if at all possible i would like to have a lowered respawn time, but its not really required
actually i have a larger problem, i cant get the server to run

I used this command
"./srcds_run -console -game tf -port 27015 +ip +map ctf_2fort +maxplayers 14"

and it tried to run and here is the error that it gave me
Auto detecting CPU
./srcds_run: line 238: test: -lt: unary operator expected
./srcds_run: line 241: test: -ge: unary operator expected
Using default binary.
Server will auto-restart if there is a crash.
Unable to determine CPU Frequency
Tue Oct 30 20:02:29 EDT 2007: Server Quit
This is the wrong forum for this question. Please refer to the SRCDS windows forum and ask this question.

Dracona -- maybe you should delete or move this post to the Windows forum.
chris22_25 Wrote:This is the wrong forum for this question. Please refer to the SRCDS windows forum and ask this question.

Dracona -- maybe you should delete or move this post to the Windows forum.

why would i move this to the windows forum, i stated earlier that i am trying to get this running on a LINUX install. Last time i checked, Linux/Unix was not windows, and since its also about the configuration files I though that i would just put it in tutorials.
There is a linux srcds forum as well...

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