SRCDS Steam group

Vista Console doesnt work Gui Does
I need some help
Im setting a server up

The gui works and ppl can connect to it
but when i put -console it doesnt show up on the server list

any infomation you need just ask
Are you port forwarding right? and make sure your start up line is correct.
doombunny Wrote:Are you port forwarding right? and make sure your start up line is correct.

yes they are right
how do you think gui is working?
dont they use the same ports duh
Oh sorry misread it. lol. well is the start up like correct?
If you're using the console then you need to specify everything as commandline arguments

Assuming you're running CSSource, you'll need to do something like:

srcds_run -game "Counter-Strike Source" -maxplayers XX -port XXXXX +map de_dust -autoupdate

Basically, look at what settings you use on the GUI and replicate those on the command line.
#6 This is a tutorial on how to set up a SRCDS server inside Windows Vista.

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