SRCDS Steam group

Need help, strange error
Hello all
I've strange error which apears in all servers(i have 8 in 1 machine) in same time
and after 10-30 min i can't connect to server for reboot remote
Quote:pipes.cpp (514) : Assertion Failed: m_cAPIPipePending == 0
pipes.cpp (514) : Assertion Failed: m_cAPIPipePending == 0
pipes.cpp (514) : Assertion Failed: m_cAPIPipePending == 0
pipes.cpp (514) : Assertion Failed: m_cAPIPipePending == 0
pipes.cpp (514) : Assertion Failed: m_cAPIPipePending == 0
pipes.cpp (514) : Assertion Failed: m_cAPIPipePending == 0
pipes.cpp (514) : Assertion Failed: m_cAPIPipePending == 0
pipes.cpp (514) : Assertion Failed: m_cAPIPipePending == 0
pipes.cpp (514) : Assertion Failed: m_cAPIPipePending == 0
pipes.cpp (514) : Assertion Failed: m_cAPIPipePending == 0
L 10/02/2007 - 18:48:03: "lolik<100><STEAM_ID_PENDING><>" connected, address "82
Client "lolik" connected (
pipes.cpp (514) : Assertion Failed: m_cAPIPipePending == 0
pipes.cpp (194) : Assertion Failed: m_pInternalPipe->BWrite( buf, true )
pipes.cpp (402) : Assertion Failed: m_pInternalPipe->BWait( k_nMillSecSanityTime
any one had this problem or know what is this?
google don't know Rolleyes

my server conf
q6600, 2gb, win 2k3 sp2
from Russia with love
That is very very weird. Can you give some more info please - what game are you trying to host? Do you have the latest files?

Have you tried an update with -verify_all to make sure your DS files aren't corrupted somehow?
I have
6 CSS servers
1 DoD
all are up to dated
from Russia with love
Has this always happened, or just started happening recently? Also, do those error messages appear immediately after you start the server, or after 10-30 mins?

I think you should report this to Valve with your OS and hardware specs, as without seeing the source code to the DLL it's hard to see where things are going wrong. One thing you COULD try is to run your server without being VAC secured.
server work about ~1 day maybe more
and than apear that error at all servers at same time
after 20 min i lost connection with server
I can't connect to server with Radmin or Remote control
it's totaly out of control
only manual reboot help
May be this is DOS attak from out side? or some blackhall in srcds that hacker use to shut down the server?
may be if I install linux the error disapear or not?
from Russia with love
Can you ping the server after this happens? Go to a console and type:


Where is the IP of the machine (use ipconfig in a console on the server machine to find this).

If you can ping the server then at least we can determine that this problem is specific to hlds / srcds and not just the whole network connection on your server.

You could try Linux as a last resort if you're happy to. I would advise using Linux anyway as I personally think it's more stable and reliable.
Ответ от число байт=32 время=7мс TTL=126
Ответ от число байт=32 время=7мс TTL=126
Ответ от число байт=32 время=7мс TTL=126
Ответ от число байт=32 время=49мс TTL=126

Статистика Ping для
Пакетов: отправлено = 4, получено = 4, потеряно = 0
(0% потерь)
Приблизительное время приема-передачи в мс:
Минимальное = 7мсек, Максимальное = 49 мсек, Среднее = 17 мсек

sorry not in english
ping is ok

Ответ от число байт=32 время=27мс TTL=126
Ответ от число байт=32 время=83мс TTL=126
Ответ от число байт=32 время=32мс TTL=126
Ответ от число байт=32 время=7мс TTL=126

Статистика Ping для
Пакетов: отправлено = 4, получено = 4, потеряно = 0
(0% потерь)
Приблизительное время приема-передачи в мс:
Минимальное = 7мсек, Максимальное = 83 мсек, Среднее = 37 мсек

but at 2 time ping is higher

Can anyone crack the srcds that it will show an error "pipes.cpp...." ? I have 8 dedicated servers and probably because of this error on all servers system is shutdown?
from Russia with love

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