SRCDS Steam group

Team Fortress 2 Settings
Hi everyone! Thank you all very much for maintaining and contributing to such a useful forum - with the information here I was able to get my SRCDS running with very little trouble.

I have a couple of TF2 specific questions that I'm curious if anyone can answer.

- At the class selection screen it numbers them 1-9. On some servers I have seen this show you how many players are currently using each class.

- After a death, my server currently includes the enemy team in the spectator cycle.

Does anyone know of settings that would change these options? In the big scheme of things these are pretty ticky tacky complaints that I can definitely live without, but I'd like to incorporate them if the information is out there.

Thanks in advance!
Filth Wrote:Hi everyone! Thank you all very much for maintaining and contributing to such a useful forum - with the information here I was able to get my SRCDS running with very little trouble.

I have a couple of TF2 specific questions that I'm curious if anyone can answer.

- At the class selection screen it numbers them 1-9. On some servers I have seen this show you how many players are currently using each class.

- After a death, my server currently includes the enemy team in the spectator cycle.

Does anyone know of settings that would change these options? In the big scheme of things these are pretty ticky tacky complaints that I can definitely live without, but I'd like to incorporate them if the information is out there.

Thanks in advance!

Not sure about your first problem, but the second should be solved by adding this to your server.cfg:

mp_forcecamera 1
As far as I know the number of players in each class was released in a recent update. Try updating your game server
AMMUT Wrote:As far as I know the number of players in each class was released in a recent update. Try updating your game server

Hm, I built the machine and installed everything from the OS through the server last night so it ought to be up to date. Is there something besides the customized HLDS update tool that I need to do? Could it be a client-side setting?

And thank you Muppet, I will give that a try when I get home today.

On an unrelated note, has anyone heard any rumblings about moderation plugins (ala Mani's Admin) for TF2? Right now my server is password protected, but I'd like to open it up if I can reserve slots for my friends. Map voting would likewise be a plus.
mp_forcecamera 1 worked for disabling enemy view in the spectator cycle.
The numbers were removed in favor of the player icons on the bottom right hand side of the screen. I myself liked the numbers over the icons... There is a rather large thread about it on the Steam forums.
Can you provide the link please? I'd be curious to read it.
#8 Rolleyes
Wow, I hadn't even noticed there was a new way to tell what classes were being used. I much prefered the number system and hope they either revert to it or allow it to be both a client and DS option.
Filth Wrote:On an unrelated note, has anyone heard any rumblings about moderation plugins (ala Mani's Admin) for TF2? Right now my server is password protected, but I'd like to open it up if I can reserve slots for my friends. Map voting would likewise be a plus.

I too have been waiting for this, but sadly, it's not going to happen (immediately). Wrote:Mani and TF2 (Orange Source)
Written by Viper
Wednesday, 10 October 2007

Because we get a lot of questions I thought it would be time to explain a bit about the new Orangebox Source engine used with Team Fortress 2 (and also soon CS:S and all other old Source games).

Basically the Mani Admin Plugin will not work with the new Source engine used with TF2 and it never will. The only hope we have right now is that MetaMod: Source and it's admin part, SourceMod will be updated soon and finished so we have an admin tool back to use.

As we all know, the Mani Admin Plugin will not be updated anymore and therefor will also not work with any newer versions of the Source engine (like the Orange box TF2).

For news about MetaMod: Source and Sourcemod visit

Note: MetaMod: Source itself is NOT an admin tool, it's purely used to intercept HL2 functions for plugins written for MetaMod like SourceMod or Steambans. As soon as Sourcemod is finished and written for the new MetaMod: Source for the TF2 engine, you are able to work with admin functionality again.

Mani for MetaMod: Source will also NOT work with the newer Source engine.

I found kind of a poor man's reserved slots trick..
Set maxplayers to 24 (sigh, I wish I could say 32 for this), then set sv_visiblemaxplayers to like 22. Then have your friends connect by either of these 2 methods:

1. At the console, type "connect <your server's IP>"
2. Make a shortcut for TF2, then edit the shortcut and add +connect <blahblah>

Then they get right in, and the general public is going to just connect via the server browser. Even connecting to a favorite does a full check, and will deny people from connecting.

Or just wait for the admin mods to update, SourceMM already works with Orange box engine, it shouldn't be long before sourcemod and others work.
kilorat Wrote:I found kind of a poor man's reserved slots trick..

That's awesome, thanks for the workaround.

This admin plugin is working pretty good currently:

Need the beta version of the TF2 Metamod (1.6 at the time of this posting)

I have not had any problems with it as of yet. I have it running on CDL DragonWolves Lair East (console do connect the pub messages are working pretty well too aside from the ugly colors. Admin list, admin menu and everything works great.
[Image: hammaf1.png]
Google "Beetle's Mod" if you're still looking for an admin mod for TF2.
that guy Wrote:Google "Beetle's Mod" if you're still looking for an admin mod for TF2.

Been bouncing back and forth, and finally settled on running both. Features I need from each. Meh, it works.
[Image: banner_350x20_C692108-381007-FFFFFF-000000.png]

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