SRCDS Steam group

Gracefully shutting down a server.
Hi guys,

I was wondering if there is a gracefull way to shutdown a running CSS server. I've been doing it by kill -9 but for some reason that doesn't feel 'right'.

Any ideas ? Have I missed something whilst searching the net for this ?

thnx in advance for your suggestions..
Erm I am rather new to this as well but have you tried typing "exit" while the server is runing
quit will exit source back to screen prompt gracefully!
or you can just do Ctrl + C. Same thing, just quicker.

Natural Selection
if u use screen just kill the screen process or reatach it with screen -r <name> and kill it with Ctrl + C
I'm not using Screen... I'm running the server straight off the command prompt via a script, creating a pid file ... This always worked for our MOH:AA servers as that only starts of 1 process... For HL/CSS 2 processes are started so both need to be killed... I guess i'll have to change my script then see if I can 'catch' both the PID's for the started processes so I can kill them both ...
I just use CTRL + C and that kills both the screen and the srcds
United Strike Marine Corps
USMC-CO| θ (theta)
CTL+ C will quit server but wont report mem loss so I would surgest quit as a prefered method!
try using rcon to stop the server.
[Image: userbar_wow.jpg]
starting 9/24/2006 if your problem has been solved please edit your first post and add [solved] to the begining of the title. Thanks.
try using rcon to stop the server.
[Image: userbar_wow.jpg]
starting 9/24/2006 if your problem has been solved please edit your first post and add [solved] to the begining of the title. Thanks.
Hansz Wrote:I'm not using Screen... I'm running the server straight off the command prompt via a script, creating a pid file ... This always worked for our MOH:AA servers as that only starts of 1 process... For HL/CSS 2 processes are started so both need to be killed... I guess i'll have to change my script then see if I can 'catch' both the PID's for the started processes so I can kill them both ...

I'm also not using screen and made a initscript which kills both the processes.
Atm I'm rewriting the srcds_run script, because Valve was a little bit lazy with the loop for catching a servercrash and restart it. They could have done a better job Rolleyes
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A reboot a day, keeps Dr.Watson away Big Grin

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