SRCDS Steam group

No VAC in my server :(
i dont know why but for some reason i dont have vac in my CS:S server Sad
this is the command i used to upload the server
./srcds_run  -game cstrike +ip ***.***.***.*** -port ***** +map de_dust2 +maxplayers 14 -tickrate 100 +fps_max 600 +servercfgfile server.cfg +mapcyclefile mapcycle.txt -autoupdate &
wlfg Wrote:i dont know why but for some reason i dont have vac in my CS:S server Sad
this is the command i used to upload the server
./srcds_run  -game cstrike +ip ***.***.***.*** -port ***** +map de_dust2 +maxplayers 14 -tickrate 100 +fps_max 600 +servercfgfile server.cfg +mapcyclefile mapcycle.txt -autoupdate &

Could be that VAC was offline when you started your server. It is set to secure as default, so i see no reason why VAC wouldn't be on unless it was down at the time you started your server.
i did not see any reason 2 thats why i came here to ask u...
i will try to upload the server again...
i have i question first... what is the normal way to stop a server? i usa this: killall srcds_i686
wlfg Wrote:i did not see any reason 2 thats why i came here to ask u...
i will try to upload the server again...
i have i question first... what is the normal way to stop a server? i usa this: killall srcds_i686

Best way to start a srcds server is starting it in a screen using scripts:


cd $gamedir
process=`ps auxxwww | grep ./srcds_run | grep -v grep | awk '{print $6}'`
if [ -z "$process" ]; then
  echo "Couldn't Find Game Running. Restarting"
  nohup ./
  echo "ok"

echo "Starting CS:Source Public Server"
sleep 1
screen -A -m -d -S css ./srcds_run -game cstrike -ip <enter external IP> -port 27015 +map de_dust2 +maxplayers 16 -tickrate 100 +fps_max 600 -autoupdate

So to start the server you would just enter ./ in terminal. The reason i tell you this is for the ease of how to stop the server as well Wink

You would reattach onto the screen by typing:

screen -r css

As the -S <name> part defines the screen name. Now you are looking at the screen of the srcds server and all you need to do is press Ctrl + C to close the screen which closes the server.

May seem like hassle - but the script is well worth it as you can create a cron task which runs ./ every 5 mins say - in it checks if the server is already running, if not, start it.
i dont think i have screen :S this is not my server.. i got it as a host and i have the ssh cuz the person who gave it to me did now want to install the server himself...
what is the command to know if i have screen or dont?
i typed "which screen" and i get " /usr/bin/which: no screen in (/usr/........................................)"
Ah, usually means its not installed then.

sudo apt-get install screen
yum install screen

either one depending what you use to install stuff. Best to log in as root if you have that function.

Either you do it through screen or you keep doing the kill process - just depends how much hassle you want to go through.
i just tried to upload the server again and still no VAC... 3 servers i uploaded from the same BOX and there is no vac Sad
wlfg Wrote:i just tried to upload the server again and still no VAC... 3 servers i uploaded from the same BOX and there is no vac Sad

yeh i got 2 servers, vac is not working on them either
Team index [2] Name [Combine]
Possible team classname [team_manager]
Team index [3] Name [Rebels]
Found [4] team manager entities
Section [Scenes]: 0 resources total 0 bytes, 0.00 % of limit (2.10 MB)
net.cpp (960) : Assertion Failed: 0 == iRet && iValLen == sizeof( iVal ) && cSendBufSize <= iVal
net.cpp (968) : Assertion Failed: 0 == iRet && iValLen == sizeof( iVal ) && cRecvBufSize <= iVal
Unknown command "mp_logfile"
couldn't exec ./mani_admin_plugin/defaults.cfg
couldn't exec
couldn't exec
couldn't exec
****** Executing mani_server.cfg ******
couldn't exec mani_quake_sounds.cfg
****** Finished executing mani_server.cfg ******
****** Executing mani_server.cfg ******
couldn't exec mani_quake_sounds.cfg
****** Finished executing mani_server.cfg ******
Adding master server
Adding master server
netconnectionbuffer.cpp (241) : Assertion Failed: cubReadRemaining == 0
Could not establish connection to Steam servers.

been running servers for few month now and someting happend that rebooted my linux and now when i start srcds get this
Yeh, there is a bug since the latest update that only affects the linux srcds (typical eh?). Valve know of the problem and theres plenty of people in the same boat as you.

Just need to wait till the next update.
@wlfg: try adding the -secure switch to your command line startup.
[Image: ggbarzc2.png]
tried.. does not work
Just an update - VAC seems to be functional for linux server again.

Reboot your server and it should connect fine.

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