SRCDS Steam group

srcds with init.d

i'm a linux noob! i've suse linux 9.0 on my server.

i'll start my srcds with the system (runlevel 3). is there any startscript?
not sure how suse does it, but the bruteforce way is to make an rc script in your /etc/rc(1,2,3,4,5,6?)'
remember you need a startup and a kill script.
In /etc/init.d is a script called "skeleton".
That's an example-script you can use to build your own script.
It has a lot of comments in it how to build it.
After that you kan use the runlevel-editor from Yast to add the links for starting the server at boottime automaticly.
Just set it on for runlevel 3 and 5.

I'm installing srcds at this moment so maybe i've build the script within a couple of days. Big Grin
Note for our MickeySoft users:
A reboot a day, keeps Dr.Watson away Big Grin
As promised, i've made a initscript and configfile you can use for SuSE or UnitedLinux. For other distros: Give it a try, the script should be LSB

The files are attached, just untar it as root in / (tar xzvf file.tgz)
All settings are put in /etc/sysconfig/srcds (which you can edit manual or through Yast). The init-script reads the settings from this file.
With insserv srcds the links in the rcX.d-folders are made you.
Note for our MickeySoft users:
A reboot a day, keeps Dr.Watson away Big Grin
Hmmm... Don't see the attachment, so i've put it on my webserver.
You can download it at here
Note for our MickeySoft users:
A reboot a day, keeps Dr.Watson away Big Grin
I've changed the script a little because the actual serverprocess wasn't killed. Only the srcds_run script. You can download it again to get the right version.
Note for our MickeySoft users:
A reboot a day, keeps Dr.Watson away Big Grin

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