SRCDS Steam group

Tried everything to make this thing run, and still cant
[shot@localhost srcds]$ ./srcds_run -console -game cstrike +map de_dust +maxplayers 16 -debug
Auto detecting CPU
Using default binary.
Enabling debug mode
Auto-restarting the server on crash

Console initialized.
Network: IP, mode MP, dedicated Yes, ports 27015 SV / 27005 CL
Attempted to create unknown entity type event_queue_saveload_proxy!
Game .dll loaded for "Counter-Strike: Source"
maxplayers set to 16
Executing dedicated server config file
couldn't exec server.cfg
Adding master server
Adding master server


And it stays that way... for ever, I let it run at night... wake up, and start my day pissed off and dazed off thinking about my CSS server. And yes, I know, I thought it might something wrong with my server.cfg so I deleted it. Either way end up stuck on Adding master server.

I tried another thing, adding the IP adress, and I got

[shot@localhost srcds]$ ./srcds_run -console -game cstrike +ip +map de_dust +maxplayers 16
Auto detecting CPU
Using default binary.
Auto-restarting the server on crash

Console initialized.
WARNING: NNET_OpenSocket: bind: Cannot assign requested address
Couldn't allocate dedicated server UDP port
Add "-debug" to the ./srcds_run command line to generate a debug.log to help with solving this problem
Sat Jan 29 02:25:33 GMT 2005: Server restart in 10 seconds


Either way, I cant start it. I have all required ports forwarded, none of them are being used by other applications. Thanks for your help.

P3 733 Mhz
256 Mb RAMBUS 800
10 Mb Down, 1 Up
you need to use your internal ip with +ip
[Image: userbar_wow.jpg]
starting 9/24/2006 if your problem has been solved please edit your first post and add [solved] to the begining of the title. Thanks.
I tried using, the network IP assigned by MAC, I checked 2 times make sure this computer got it, it does, same thing with the Master Server.
I got confused by this as well for the first part of your post u said this
[shot@localhost srcds]$ ./srcds_run -console -game cstrike +map de_dust +maxplayers 16 -debug
Auto detecting CPU
Using default binary.
Enabling debug mode
Auto-restarting the server on crash

Console initialized.
Network: IP, mode MP, dedicated Yes, ports 27015 SV / 27005 CL
Attempted to create unknown entity type event_queue_saveload_proxy!
Game .dll loaded for "Counter-Strike: Source"
maxplayers set to 16
Executing dedicated server config file
couldn't exec server.cfg
Adding master server
Adding master server

The server is actually working properly there. Nothing else happens once it gets to "adding master server" it just waits for somone to connect to the server. Although I suggest you have a server.cfg as that determines the server name, rcon password and a whole lot of other things. I would put a basic server.cfg file up in the mean time.

What happened to me was that I got the server to the point of adding the master servers and nothing happened I tried to connect to it but what I didnt realsie was that my router was blocking the port 27025 so when I put my IP : Port into HLSW it came up with nothing, but I suugest trying and searching for your server there But rember it may need a server name in the server.cfg to be shown.
So for you make sure port 27015 isnt being blocked
Hope that helps. YOu could try pasting the IP : Port here and we can see if we can see it
Yeah no, It maybe was running, but I couldnt connect to it in any way, I made sure the port was forwarded, I tried with or without the cfg files, tried typing up IP in Steam under connect command to see if it connects and still got nothing, so I installed a different version of Linux and now its working like a charm after the first try.
ShoT Wrote:I tried using, the network IP assigned by MAC, I checked 2 times make sure this computer got it, it does, same thing with the Master Server.

Did you forward all the ports needed?
[Image: userbar_wow.jpg]
starting 9/24/2006 if your problem has been solved please edit your first post and add [solved] to the begining of the title. Thanks.
I am having this same error.

I am running Fedora Core 3. I have opened:

1200 UDP
27000-27015 UDP
27020-27050 TCP
27015 TCP
27020 UDP

I think the problem may be in the way I configured my router (SMC7004ABR). In order to allow for port ranges, I need to specify a 'trigger' port. I've tried 27015 tcp/udp, and 27011 tcp/udp, but they didn't appear to work.

I can't get this server running in either LAN or Steam configuration.

help if you can, I don't want to go back to windows if I can avoid it Smile

I got on the phone with a friend, and bypassed my router entirely... plugging my linux machine directly into the cable modem.

My friend wasn't able to see the server on steam, nor was he able to connect in favorites using a direct ip.

I also opened a web server connection, to ensure he could see the machine... and he was able to see the web server.

any ideas?

I installed on a windows machine, and without any problems at all was able to see the game on steam & on the lan.... what gives? Smile

I am not new to linux, but am rather new to Fedora Core 3 (the distro I am currently running). I realized at the point my windows machine worked that there might be a personal software firewall installed, and I attempted to disable it... but I either did not do that correctly or that wasn't the problem. To Disable (in KDE) I went into Settings->Security, and disabled everything I could, and also disabled SELinux. I also stopped the iptables service, and rebooted.

Anybody out there know some info that may help me?
Try running ethereal (comes with Fedora) in another window while running the server. This will sniff all the packets going over the network. It might give a clue if packets aren't flowing. You can also run ethereal on Windows (download link below), and compare the result.
thanks for the tip... never used ethereal before, but it was really helpfull.

It turns out that even though I disabled the iptables service and disabled the software firewall... fedora still thought it was running. Since it was a fairly fresh install, I just decided to re-install.

Works great now! I must not have been properly/fully shutting down the software firewall.
Pretty strange. Why did you think the firewall was down? Did you run "iptables -L" or something else?
I was using the GUI in Gnome.... so I went into Apps->Settings->Security, and chose 'Firewall = Disabled'.

Then for safe measure, I stopped the iptables service.
That should take down the firewall (stopping the service), but "iptables -L" is the way to be sure. It lists all the rules in the firewall.

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