SRCDS Steam group

Problem whit Quakesounds after...

Yesterday i installed DM from sourceMM. Its working fully and its okay. But now the quake sounds wont work!! I've updated my mani could it because of that, i might need to update my quake sounds aswell? Please have a look on my cfg, and txt and plz reply if you know what wrong!:

cstrike/cfg/mani_quake_sounds.cfg :
Quote:// **********************************************
// **********************************************
// New for V1.1.0c
// **********************************************
// **********************************************
// CVars for Quake Style sounds

mani_quake_sounds 1 // Turn on quake style sounds 1 = on, 0 = off
mani_quake_kill_streak_mode 0 // Reset kill streak 1 = per round/death, 0 = per death only

mani_quake_humiliation_mode 1 // 0 = off, 1 = all players hear it, 2 = players involved hear it, 3 = attacker hears it, 4 = victim hears it
mani_quake_humiliation_visual_mode 1 // 0 = off, 1 = all players see it, 2 = players involved see it, 3 = attacker sees it, 4 = victim sees it
mani_quake_humiliation_weapon "knife" // Weapon name that triggers the humiliation sound

mani_quake_firstblood_mode 1 // 0 = off, 1 = all players hear it, 2 = players involved hear it, 3 = attacker hears it, 4 = victim hears it
mani_quake_firstblood_visual_mode 1 // 0 = off, 1 = all players see it, 2 = players involved see it, 3 = attacker sees it, 4 = victim sees it
mani_quake_firstblood_reset_per_round 0 // CSS Only, 1 = reset per round, 0 = per map

mani_quake_headshot_mode 1 // 0 = off, 1 = all players hear it, 2 = players involved hear it, 3 = attacker hears it, 4 = victim hears it
mani_quake_headshot_visual_mode 2 // 0 = off, 1 = all players see it, 2 = players involved see it, 3 = attacker sees it, 4 = victim sees it

mani_quake_prepare_to_fight_mode 0 // 0 = off, 1 = on
mani_quake_prepare_to_fight_visual_mode 0 // 0 = off, 1 = on

mani_quake_multi_kill_mode 1 // 0 = off, 1 = all players hear it, 2 = players involved hear it, 3 = attacker hears it, 4 = victim hears it
mani_quake_multi_kill_visual_mode 1 // 0 = off, 1 = all players see it, 2 = players involved see it, 3 = attacker sees it, 4 = victim sees it

mani_quake_dominating_mode 1 // 0 = off, 1 = all players hear it, 2 = players involved hear it, 3 = attacker hears it, 4 = victim hears it
mani_quake_dominating_visual_mode 1 // 0 = off, 1 = all players see it, 2 = players involved see it, 3 = attacker sees it, 4 = victim sees it
mani_quake_dominating_trigger_count 4 // Kills streak required to trigger sound

mani_quake_rampage_mode 1 // 0 = off, 1 = all players hear it, 2 = players involved hear it, 3 = attacker hears it, 4 = victim hears it
mani_quake_rampage_visual_mode 1 // 0 = off, 1 = all players see it, 2 = players involved see it, 3 = attacker sees it, 4 = victim sees it
mani_quake_rampage_trigger_count 6 // Kills streak required to trigger sound

mani_quake_killing_spree_mode 1 // 0 = off, 1 = all players hear it, 2 = players involved hear it, 3 = attacker hears it, 4 = victim hears it
mani_quake_killing_spree_visual_mode 1 // 0 = off, 1 = all players see it, 2 = players involved see it, 3 = attacker sees it, 4 = victim sees it
mani_quake_killing_spree_trigger_count 8 // Kills streak required to trigger sound

mani_quake_monster_kill_mode 1 // 0 = off, 1 = all players hear it, 2 = players involved hear it, 3 = attacker hears it, 4 = victim hears it
mani_quake_monster_kill_visual_mode 1 // 0 = off, 1 = all players see it, 2 = players involved see it, 3 = attacker sees it, 4 = victim sees it
mani_quake_monster_kill_trigger_count 10 // Kills streak required to trigger sound

mani_quake_unstoppable_mode 1 // 0 = off, 1 = all players hear it, 2 = players involved hear it, 3 = attacker hears it, 4 = victim hears it
mani_quake_unstoppable_visual_mode 1 // 0 = off, 1 = all players see it, 2 = players involved see it, 3 = attacker sees it, 4 = victim sees it
mani_quake_unstoppable_trigger_count 12 // Kills streak required to trigger sound

mani_quake_ultra_kill_mode 1 // 0 = off, 1 = all players hear it, 2 = players involved hear it, 3 = attacker hears it, 4 = victim hears it
mani_quake_ultra_kill_visual_mode 1 // 0 = off, 1 = all players see it, 2 = players involved see it, 3 = attacker sees it, 4 = victim sees it
mani_quake_ultra_kill_trigger_count 14 // Kills streak required to trigger sound

mani_quake_god_like_mode 1 // 0 = off, 1 = all players hear it, 2 = players involved hear it, 3 = attacker hears it, 4 = victim hears it
mani_quake_god_like_visual_mode 1 // 0 = off, 1 = all players see it, 2 = players involved see it, 3 = attacker sees it, 4 = victim sees it
mani_quake_god_like_trigger_count 16 // Kills streak required to trigger sound

mani_quake_wicked_sick_mode 1 // 0 = off, 1 = all players hear it, 2 = players involved hear it, 3 = attacker hears it, 4 = victim hears it
mani_quake_wicked_sick_visual_mode 1 // 0 = off, 1 = all players see it, 2 = players involved see it, 3 = attacker sees it, 4 = victim sees it
mani_quake_wicked_sick_trigger_count 18 // Kills streak required to trigger sound

mani_quake_ludicrous_kill_mode 1 // 0 = off, 1 = all players hear it, 2 = players involved hear it, 3 = attacker hears it, 4 = victim hears it
mani_quake_ludicrous_kill_visual_mode 1 // 0 = off, 1 = all players see it, 2 = players involved see it, 3 = attacker sees it, 4 = victim sees it
mani_quake_ludicrous_kill_trigger_count 20 // Kills streak required to trigger sound

mani_quake_holy_shit_mode 1 // 0 = off, 1 = all players hear it, 2 = players involved hear it, 3 = attacker hears it, 4 = victim hears it
mani_quake_holy_shit_visual_mode 1 // 0 = off, 1 = all players see it, 2 = players involved see it, 3 = attacker sees it, 4 = victim sees it
mani_quake_holy_shit_trigger_count 24 // Kills streak required to trigger sound

// **********************************************
// **********************************************
// New for V1.1.0e
// **********************************************
// **********************************************

// Individual player setting for quake style sounds and visuals, 1 = on by default, 0 = off by default. Players can then type quake to
// alter whether they wish to hear and see quake style information

mani_player_settings_quake 1

// mani_quake_auto_download is a cvar to control whether quake sounds
// are auto downloaded to a client. If set to 0 you must provide your own .res files
// to initiate transfers to a client. If you change this value from 1 to 0 while the
// server is running you must restart your server.

mani_quake_auto_download 1

My quakesoundlist.txt

// quakesoundlist.txt
// Place all your quake style sounds in this file
// All the sounds in here must an accompanying .res file
// for the maps you wish to use the sounds with. See
// the documentation or have a look at the example
// .res files in the file.
// This file can uses aliases to define
// the sound name, they should not be altered !!!
// The second part on each line is the location
// and name of the file itself. You can change
// this to be wherever you want.

"firstblood" sound/quake/firstblood2.wav
"humiliation" sound/quake/humiliation2.wav
"multikill" sound/quake/multikill.mp3
"monsterkill" sound/quake/monsterkill.mp3
"ultrakill" sound/quake/ultrakill.mp3
"godlike" sound/quake/godlike.mp3
"headshot" sound/quake/headshot2.wav
"dominating" sound/quake/dominating.mp3
"holyshit" sound/quake/holyshit.mp3
"killingspree" sound/quake/killingspree.mp3
"ludicrouskill" sound/quake/ludicrouskill.mp3
"prepare" sound/quake/prepare.mp3
"rampage" quake/rampage.mp3
"unstoppable" quake/unstoppable.mp3
"wickedsick" quake/wickedsick2.wav

plz answer, ty for now Bonsai
The quakesoundlist.txt Should be put-



ok, another question then:

Ok i placed my quakesoundlist.txt into cstrike/cfg/mani_admin_Plugin. Shall i do like this :
"firstblood" quake/firstblood2.wav
Or shall do like this:
"firstblood" sound/quake/firstblood2.wav

When i have the first version whitout sound it says in console, its giving me an error something like:
"error:couldnt play firstblood2.wav proably missing from disk!"

Please answer!
"firstblood" quake/firstblood2.wav

That way
troyton Wrote:"firstblood" quake/firstblood2.wav

That way

ok done here's the erro:
Failed to load sound "quake\headshot2.wav", file probably missing from disk/repository

and the sounds are placed in quake.. :S :S!!
In the quakesoundlist.txt it ses the sounds file names should not be altered
troyton Wrote:In the quakesoundlist.txt it ses the sounds file names should not be altered

so your saying i should do: "firstblood" quake/firstblood

What im saying is try using the Sounds that come with the mani quake sounds not firstblood2 and other ones
argh right i did first used normal now i edited to the custom sounds again and now its working fine and good, ty for all.


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