SRCDS Steam group

HLDS on iMac
Hi I have been looking around for the past 3 days on here and over on the steampowered fourms.

I want to run a CS:S dedicated server on an old iMac I have. I have installed a "Yellow Dog" Linux distro on it and have down loaded the hldsupdatetool.bin and even the hlds_l_1120_full.bin.

I am not using root as the user

I do the "chmod +x hldsupdatetool.bin"
Then when i do the "./hldsupdatetool.bin"
i get the error "bash: ./hldsupdatetool.bin: cannot execute binary file"

The same thing happens when I try to use the hlds_l_1120_full.bin" file as well.

Any help would be great. Should I try a different distro of linux? If so could you suggest one that works with an iMac?

Thanks in advance
Your wasting you time, if its an old mac its using the PPC architecture. and as far as i know, PPC can't (and probably won't) execute x86 based files.
[Image: userbar_wow.jpg]
starting 9/24/2006 if your problem has been solved please edit your first post and add [solved] to the begining of the title. Thanks.
could be
Linux IsiX 64 Generic Desktop ValHalla x86_64
Intel Core 2 Duo T8400 4Gb Ram 40G SSD Intel
[Image: b_460x42_C000000-454234-696149-FFFFFF-FFF468-FFF468.png]
DoD 31 Comunity DoD 31 Spanish Comunity
Erste SS Panzer Grendier Division [DOD Clan]
Hello there

But I have a new IMAC. And I want to install counter Strike server on my IMAC.
What I have to do?
Show me the right way, please.

Thanks in advance.

Well officially SRCDS is not for the mac architecture, however I'd suggest reading this thread:
Game Servers -- -- Use promocode "frag" for 15% off every month!

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