SRCDS Steam group

Server Maliciously Crashed!?!!!!
My server was crashed by someone a long ways away i'm guessing using some sort of steam or linux exploit. I'm running mandrake 10.1 and i have no clue how he could do that, or even worse, how to fix it. He said all he needed was the server ip and next thing ya know, it crashes. Any help would be great!
barnhapj Wrote:My server was crashed by someone a long ways away i'm guessing using some sort of steam or linux exploit. I'm running mandrake 10.1 and i have no clue how he could do that, or even worse, how to fix it. He said all he needed was the server ip and next thing ya know, it crashes. Any help would be great!

He wrote or downloaded a crash.cfg script. All you ave to do is enter the IP address of the server, and get in to the game and it will crash it if he executes it. It was made by myg0t. It rarely works though. (I know this from a person who is in myg0t.)
So how do I make it so it doesnt work on my server, cuz this guy is being a prick and i cant stop him. I'm about to dos his ass but thats kinda illegal and i dont wanna take that route
Hmm, ever think about baning his steamid, maybe reporting this to, and steam itself?
[Image: userbar_wow.jpg]
starting 9/24/2006 if your problem has been solved please edit your first post and add [solved] to the begining of the title. Thanks.
I banned him, didnt know about the, or how to tell steam itself about it. I'll give that a shot. How do you tell steam themselves?
Probably show them a demo or something, or post on the forums for, i think yuo might need absolute proof hes crashign the server.
[Image: userbar_wow.jpg]
starting 9/24/2006 if your problem has been solved please edit your first post and add [solved] to the begining of the title. Thanks.
Are you sure this guy doesn't have your rcon password? I know of no "crash.cfg" script a client can run in Source. The most likely explanation is usually the simplest. If you use svdownloadurl and point to your cstrike dir, be careful that your server.cfg isn't readable via http.

You should also null-route his IP address. If you're using linux, try:

route add <his ip>

His packets will never make it to you at all, which rules out any chance of that particular person bothering you again. If he is swapping IP's by cycling his modem, you can route an entire class 24 (1-254 on the last IP octet) like:

route add a.b.c.0/24

Use such a measure as a last resort though, since it will block anyone using that ISP in a particular area.

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