SRCDS Steam group

What's your unpopular jewelry opinion?
If you're not discussing unpopular opinions, then you're off topic. BE KIND and please stay on topic :tender:
I start:

- Cartier Love Bracelets and JUC are ugly and not practical (you can't take them off? WTF!). They get quite ugly with time, they lose their shine.
- VCA Alhambra collection is ugly and plain Jane. Also, all the semiprecious stones are not practical, because they can't get wet.
- Most people only buy these collections because they are easily recognizable, not because they really like them.
- I suffer when I see people having lots of Alhambra, Love or JUC pieces, when for they same money they could have got a high-end, one-of-a-kind piece from any luxury designer.
- Ceramic jewelry pieces can't be considered fine jewelry.
I’ve never understood the obsession with huge diamond engagement rings. To me, it feels like people often prioritize size over quality or uniqueness. I’d rather have a smaller, well-cut stone or even a colored gem with meaning. Honestly, I find mood rings more fun than some traditional jewelry pieces—at least they change! I once checked a mood rings colors chart just out of curiosity, and it actually matched my emotions pretty well.

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