SRCDS Steam group

Ubuntu 6.06
They have now added all the server stuff to ubuntu. I think that ubuntu has been the best linux i have everused and would really suggest it to others.
I agree! I downloaded a copy and ran it with WMware so that I wouldn't have to to through the dual boot fiasco (I have 2 RAID 0 drives). Then I just cut and pasted the code from the Linux srcds guide and BOOM! it worked flawlessly the first time! Even though it was running on an operating system that was running on another operating system. Big Grin I just had an issue with IP addresses but since I'm going to build a $300 computer with 1 drive just for this in the future it all should be perfect.
mmm maybe u never tested another distros
Linux IsiX 64 Generic Desktop ValHalla x86_64
Intel Core 2 Duo T8400 4Gb Ram 40G SSD Intel
[Image: b_460x42_C000000-454234-696149-FFFFFF-FFF468-FFF468.png]
DoD 31 Comunity DoD 31 Spanish Comunity
Erste SS Panzer Grendier Division [DOD Clan]
fedora core is crap, freebsd was to hard to install. I havnt tryed slackware or solairs but i have them both. Ubuntu was the easyest to use for me by far.
try centos instead, but iv ever u have started as a windowslike installer u will ever can isntalla bsd or gentoo, thats the hardest one and the best one Big Grin
Linux IsiX 64 Generic Desktop ValHalla x86_64
Intel Core 2 Duo T8400 4Gb Ram 40G SSD Intel
[Image: b_460x42_C000000-454234-696149-FFFFFF-FFF468-FFF468.png]
DoD 31 Comunity DoD 31 Spanish Comunity
Erste SS Panzer Grendier Division [DOD Clan]
but as i mean, distros are user choices, the best feeling for you is the important.
Linux IsiX 64 Generic Desktop ValHalla x86_64
Intel Core 2 Duo T8400 4Gb Ram 40G SSD Intel
[Image: b_460x42_C000000-454234-696149-FFFFFF-FFF468-FFF468.png]
DoD 31 Comunity DoD 31 Spanish Comunity
Erste SS Panzer Grendier Division [DOD Clan]
freebsd install was pretty easy, the extra is the linux compat component. after that it's pretty much like any other srcds install. centos is pretty easy, just choose the dev components so that it installs the glibc stuff else you'll get errors on srcds start.
the best one i think atm is for me slackware, only thing what i must change is the kernel and other some things cause it doenst detect at boot the hdds, but with a little time in config and compiling it works greatly
Linux IsiX 64 Generic Desktop ValHalla x86_64
Intel Core 2 Duo T8400 4Gb Ram 40G SSD Intel
[Image: b_460x42_C000000-454234-696149-FFFFFF-FFF468-FFF468.png]
DoD 31 Comunity DoD 31 Spanish Comunity
Erste SS Panzer Grendier Division [DOD Clan]
Thats the way i feel about ubuntu. I tried many different distros and didn't really like them, specially Kubuntu. I have to have a distro with a desktop environment so g/f can still use the comp for internet related tasks, and ubuntu runs really smooth with the GNOME Environment.
as i said, linux is user choice. but i prefer log on to my personal pc without X sessions, its faster so. and as you well know u dont need x to browse web or check emails.
Linux IsiX 64 Generic Desktop ValHalla x86_64
Intel Core 2 Duo T8400 4Gb Ram 40G SSD Intel
[Image: b_460x42_C000000-454234-696149-FFFFFF-FFF468-FFF468.png]
DoD 31 Comunity DoD 31 Spanish Comunity
Erste SS Panzer Grendier Division [DOD Clan]
yeah tru that, but how many females know linux enough to do that.
im goin to have to guess not many, but it depends.
For my company ... we tried a lot of distro before making our final choice...

Now we use:

gentoo or fedora core ...


When installed in the right way and hardened correctly is very ... very stable...

Personnaly...i will never use ubuntu as a server...not for the easy-to-use ... but because ubuntu is made for being a personal computer...

Having srcds on ubuntu is like running servers on WinXP...

It's working...but it's not the purpose of the OS Wink

I have used fedora on the computer I have running server but it goes unbaribly slow. So I am kind of in search for an distro that is low on resources(which ubuntu seems to have). Plus im trying to run a Webserver for my site. So I need a good distro to run Apache, MySQL, and PHP5. If anything comes down to it I probley need to get a new server. Its a etower633 with 128 ram Sad. But if you have any suggestions on a Distro im open to try. Im going to download centos and give that a run.
Well they also make Ubuntu Server. I have tried dozens of distros, literally. And Ubuntu was the only one that didnt crash my laptop every hour. I also payed close attention to the running processes and Ubuntu also had the least amount of them running, also with gnome installed and running. And ubuntu was the easiest too. Server edition or desktop edition, both very easy.

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