SRCDS Steam group

Ports to Forward
I'm stumpted...

I know that I have to forward some ports in my router/modem to get srcsd.exe to work with my external IP on CS:S. The question is, which ports do I need to forward. I followed all of the instructions for my model DSL modem (Westell VersaLink: Model 327W) on and still I get the same error. It says it cannot allocate the dedicated server UDP port.

I have forwarded ports 27020-27039 TCP, 1200 UDP, 27000-27100 UDP, and 27015 TCP to the server-bearing PC. If it helps at all, I have two PCs running Windos XP SP2 on this router/modem. The one with the dedicated server is the 'Static NAT'. I tried disabling it as that, but it didn't help. Also, my windows and modem firewalls are both off as far as I know.

What other ports are there for me to forward???
Umm, I'm not double posting. Two completely different discussions. And if I opened all the ports I needed too, then what's the problem?
Actually, I can't start up my sever at all because of the port error it gives me, so I can't really connnect to it. But if I start it up without using my external IP (it runs as if it were a LAN server even though I have sv_lan set to 0), everything works OK. Mani Admin starts up and my MOTD shows. It even says it successfully connected to the master servers. But when I use the external IP I got using, it gives me the port error.
Your port forwarding seems ok (you only really need 27015 though). I would double check that you are forwarding to the right internal ip. Also, I would check to see if your modem has any built-in firewall. I know that when I start my server, I don't even include a +ip line in the startup and it works fine. I do know that when my router is reset, it re-assigns the internal ip's, so maybe your ports are forward to incorrect ip. Other than that, not a clue.

OK, so I went back to and saw that my IP has changed, so I updated the server shortcut and it still wouldn't work. Then I went back to the tutorial I was using in the steam forums ( and saw that all I had to do was add my external IP to my LAN connection in the network connections. Just click on your connection and click on TCP/IP settings, click advanced, and add your external IP to the list of IPs.

After doing this, I got past the UDP port error, but now I have a new problem. When it gets to:
Adding Master Server <IP>:27011
Adding Master Server <IP>:27011
it says "Couldn't establish connection to Steam servers"

Thanks for your help guys, but I just get problem after problem :-D
I have received the below error from time to time

Adding Master Server <IP>:27011
Adding Master Server <IP>:27011
it says "Couldn't establish connection to Steam servers"

The server still runs, but insecure, so I restart and it usually gets it on the first try unless the VAC servers are happens from time to time.

I am sorry that no great ideas came here to help you out.

Yeah, it makes sense that Steam may have been experiencing some difficulties at that time. When I tried to visit their website after I added the IP to my network settings, I couldn't even log onto their website so I'll try again later.

Thanks for the advice!
Well, I tried just now and got the same results. At the end, it still says it "Couldn't establish connection to Steam servers". This time, I was able to log onto their website. How long can the VAC severs be down for at a time?
Usually not this long, I know that mine was fine earlier today.
Is there any way to manually turn on VAC secure in the server console?

The sever works just fine, just doesn't come up on Steam sever list.
Tried again today, same results. Couldn't connect to Steam servers. I must be doing something wrong...?

Also found out today that other people can't connect to my sever. That's probably because it can't connect to the Steam servers, but if I run it in LAN it does connect, so it isn't Steam. Any suggestions?
I've forwarded ports 27000-27100 TCP and UDP, I don't know wut else could be blocking it
I think I love you...

You gave me a great idea. You see, I went to that site and it was the same as the one i was using. But then I had this great idea. I removed the + sign in front of "ip" in the properties of the shortcut and put ip <my IP> in the server.cfg and it connected.

Thanks so much!
I have the same problem with my server. I can see it under my LAN connection, but I too get the "cannont establish connection to Steam Servers" error. I have opened all ports like you, but no luck. We have to be doing something wrong, b/c I have no clue what's going on. If anyone has any luck or knows how to fix. Plz post!

Hey. Did you remove the enitre +ip <your ip> line from your properties, or just the +. And where and how did you add your ip address into your srcds.cfg file?


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