SRCDS Steam group

Port Forwarding
I've been trying at this for days now...

Basicly, my problem is that when I try to start my CS:S dedicated server using srcds.exe (fully updated using HldsUpdateTool.exe, target is C:\Program\srcds.exe -console -game cstrike +maxplayers 16 -ip <My external IP> -port 27015 +map scoutzknivez), after setting the maxplayers to 16 it tells me that it "Couldn't allocate dedicated server UDP port". BTW, I found my external IP on, so I'm pretty sure it's right.

I have all the necessary ports forwarded to the internal IP of the server (and maybe even a few unnecessary) shown in for my router model. Also, I have seen tutorials other than the one on and they all have the same information. No matter what I do, my server can't allocate the ports.

Now some information on my setup for you to help me with my problem. I have a Westell VersaLink: Model 327W Modem/Router with 2 PCs running Windows XP service pack 2 connected to ethernet slots 1 and 2. I have TCP ports 27020-27039 open, UDP port 1200 open, UDP ports 27000-27015 open, and TCP port 27015 open. They are all hosted by the server-bearing PC. Also, I now have the static NAT service enabled for that computer as well. I had it disabled before, which didn't help the sever at all, so I thought it wouldn't hurt.

Anyway, help on this subject would be MUCH apreciated.
Have you checked to see if the Windows Firewall is blocking the ports?
Actually, I don't have Windows Firewall enabled at all. I had to disable it to get my DSL to work. I can see that by clicking on the advanced tab in the windows firewall settings that it is enabled on my network bridge. When I click the settings button next to it, I see that I can allow things such as an FTP service, incoming echo requests and incoming mask requests. Of course this isn't a full list of the options. Will any of this help my situation?
well here is a list of the ports that have to open on your router and your windows firewall or w/e is your firewall on the pc say if its norton you just enable all ports with srcds but here is the list of ports just to make sure u have them open

Steam Friends Service UDP 1200 1200
Steam Main UDP UDP 27000 27015
Steam Main TCP TCP 27020 27039
Steam CyberCafe TCP 27040 27041
Steam Dedicated Server HLDS, SRCDS UDP 27015 27015
Steam Dedicated Server HLTV UDP 27020 27020
Steam SRCDS Rcon TCP 27015 27015

but just duble check all this and make sure your computer firewall the ports are open..if this dosnt work maybe i can help more

[Image: colexcss.png]
Silenced Wrote:I've been trying at this for days now...

Basicly, my problem is that when I try to start my CS:S dedicated server using srcds.exe (fully updated using HldsUpdateTool.exe, target is CTounguerogramsrcds.exe -console -game cstrike +maxplayers 16 -ip <My external IP> -port 27015 +map scoutzknivez), after setting the maxplayers to 16 it tells me that it "Couldn't allocate dedicated server UDP port". BTW, I found my external IP on, so I'm pretty sure it's right.

Anyway, help on this subject would be MUCH apreciated.

i see you're using the external ip try using the internal ip address for your server.
notbad hit this one on the head. If you're behind a NAT router, you can't bind the process to the external IP address. You can only bind to addresses that exist on that machine.

You need to use "+ip" with your LAN IP and then setup port forwarding correctly.

If one of the server's network interfaces handled your internet connection (ex: you used the machine as a router), then you could bind the server to your external IP.
Thanks guys. With your help, I got it to work. God I love these forums.
Well. I have tryde to get my srcds on internet for a long time.
But its only on lan.
And when i write sv_lan in console i get this -Server is
a lan server ( no heartbeat, no authention, no non-class C addresses )
???????????. and how to i set the ports? dont know how to find my
router on here is my router infomation

Product Name: SpeedTouch 5x6
Serial Number: 0535BH4UF
Software Release:
Software Variant: BN
Boot Loader Version: 1.0.18
Product Code: 35837550
Board Name: BANT-J

plese help mi!

ps: are n00b on this.
I have the same problem and I've done all that and still get the same error.
Keeperu Wrote:Well. I have tryde to get my srcds on internet for a long time.
But its only on lan.
And when i write sv_lan in console i get this -Server is
a lan server ( no heartbeat, no authention, no non-class C addresses )
???????????. and how to i set the ports? dont know how to find my
router on here is my router infomation

Product Name: SpeedTouch 5x6
Serial Number: 0535BH4UF
Software Release:
Software Variant: BN
Boot Loader Version: 1.0.18
Product Code: 35837550
Board Name: BANT-J

plese help mi!

ps: are n00b on this.

u must get your speedtouch in bridged mode then u can open all the ports you need to open im working with a speedtouch aswell iand im waiting when my provider is putting my speedtouch in bridged mode
ask your provider to do it!!
Just use another port? like 27016 or excample..:S?
guys how can i see me lan ip and do i have to put it in the port forward or (+ip) when opening scrds

how can you get the lag, away its horrible when i join
its so stupid that they made this so hard to get the server

Noob Life 4 Noobs
when i port foward and i take the router and then i have to get counter-strike or steamserver

which one its confusing because people say that you have to port forward 1200, 27015, and so on, but on steamserver you have to port forward only i thing 27015!!!

hell its confusing!!!

Noob Life 4 Noobs
ppl, my server just apear in LAN cant figure it out how to put it in NET, i dont know if it is because of port fowarding, it should be, plz tell me how to make it in NET, my friends cant connect to him only me... plz how 2 Thx for help
It will ALWAYS show on LAN for you.
For your friends you need to set portforwarding and give them your external IP (found at
~ Mooga ...w00t? - on Twitter
[Image: 76561197965445574.png]
Please do not PM me for server related help
fqdn Wrote:if you've seen the any of the matrix movies, a game server is not all that different. it runs a version of the game that handles the entire world for each client connected. that's the 2 sentence explanation.

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