SRCDS Steam group

No Srcds.exe file
ello all, i just went threw the tut and when finished there was no srcds.exe file. i have a CS:S Source server already that i got from steam however it doesnt seem as modifiable as this one is (perhaps just needing an update from the hldsupdatetool?) i dont know, very new at this. any advice would be helpful.
I have experienced this one time, what happend is that the download stoped during the opperation, you did probably download it from the "run" button on the start menu. If this is the case then it just closes the window unfinished. So my recomendation is just to start the download again.
Deep into the darkness. Pearing long I stod there, wondering, fearing, doubting.
[Image: Noe%20som%20dette2.jpg]
the first time i ran it from the command prompt like in the instructions and it ran for a good 11hrs, while waiting for a reply i ran it from the run screen, it ran for another good 3 hrs downloading even more and i just stoped it to do the command prompt again... does it normaly take this long?
no. The updatetool got a tendensy to hang itself up some times.. if it stops then just close it down and restart...
Deep into the darkness. Pearing long I stod there, wondering, fearing, doubting.
[Image: Noe%20som%20dette2.jpg]
yea.. the hldsupdatetool sometimes can take forever, and hang at a point, and just sit. If you notice it sits on one file for more then like 15 minutes, just close it and start over.

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