Posts: 113
Threads: 20
Joined: Jan 2006
i have hlstatsx on my website although i dont know how to make it log my server nor run
anyone know?
Posts: 111
Threads: 4
Joined: Feb 2006
First of all, to run the file, you need a perl interpiter, one of the most known is active perl, you find the download here:
You need to register though, so unless you are in the vitness prodection program you should be fine
Secondly you need to have a mysql database, (I got one you can borrow, contact me on msn @ and configurer your hlstats.conf file, it should be located in the same folder as I have posted my hlstats.conf so you can use that as a template.
If you have a website, we allso can discuss on the perl hosting, once agian at msn.
## HLstatsX Configuration File
# This file is used by, and
# Note that many options can be overridden on the command line; try running with
# the --help switch for details of available command line options.
## Database Settings
# DBHost - Database server "address" or "address:port". Address can be an IP or
# a hostname. The default MySQL port is 3306 (tcp).
DBHost ""
# DBUsername - User to connect to the database as.
DBUsername "srcdsborrow"
# DBPassword - Password for the database user.
DBPassword "do_you_really_think_I_am_going_to_post_my_password?"
# DBName - Name of the database to use.
DBName "hlstats"
# DBLowPriority - Use INSERT DELAYED and DELETE LOW_PRIORITY for some queries.
# This can give better performance, but may make statistics less
# "real time". 1=on 0=off
DBLowPriority 1
## UDP Socket Settings (should match "logaddress ip port" on the game servers)
# BindIP - IP address to bind to (leave empty to use all interfaces).
BindIP ""
# Port - Port to listen on for log data from the game servers.
Port 3305
## DNS Settings
# DNSResolveIP - Resolve player IP addresses to hostnames. Requires a working
# DNS setup (on the box running 1=on 0=off
DNSResolveIP 1
# DNSTimeout - Time in seconds to wait for DNS queries to complete before
# cancelling. You may need to increase this if on a slow connection
# or if you find a lot of IPs are not being resolved. However,
# while is waiting for an IP to resolve it cannot be
# parsing log data.
DNSTimeout 5
## Rcon Settings
# Rcon - Allow HLstats to send Rcon commands to the game servers. 1=on 0=off
Rcon 1
# RconIgnoreSelf - Ignore (do not log) Rcon commands originating from the same
# IP as the server being Rcon'd. (Useful if you run any kind of
# monitoring script which polls the server regularly by Rcon.)
# 1=on 0=off
RconIgnoreSelf 0
# RconRecord - Sets whether to record Rcon commands to the Admin event table.
# This can be useful to see what your admins are doing. But if you
# run programs like PB it can also fill your database up with a lot
# of useless junk.
# 1=on 0=off
RconRecord 1
## General Settings
# MailTo - E-mail address to mail database errors to. (See also MailPath.)
MailTo ""
# MailPath - Path to the 'mail' program -- usually /bin/mail
MailPath "/bin/mail"
# Mode - EXPERIMENTAL: Sets the player-tracking mode.
# Possible values:
# Normal - Recommended for public Internet server use.
# Players will be tracked by WON ID.
# NameTrack - Useful for shared-PC environments, such as
# Internet cafes, etc. Players will be tracked
# by nickname. EXPERIMENTAL!
# LAN - Useful for LAN servers where players do not
# have a real WON ID. Players will be tracked
# by IP Address. EXPERIMENTAL!
# ++ Note: Make sure you change the setting of MODE at the top of
# config.php, as well.
Mode Normal
# SkillMaxChange - Specifies the maximum number of skill points a player can
# gain at one time through frags. Because players with low
# skill ratings gain more for killing players with high skill
# ratings, this cap is needed to prevent e.g. a player with a
# skill rating of '100' killing a player with a skill rating of
# '2000' and therefore gaining several hundred or thousand
# skill points. Instead they cannot gain more than the value
# specified here. (Default is 100 skill points maximum change.)
SkillMaxChange 100
# DeleteDays - HLstats will automatically delete history events from the
# events tables when they are over this many days old.
# This is important for performance reasons. Set lower if you
# are logging a large number of game servers or find the load on
# the MySQL server is too high. Don't forget to also change the
# DELETEDAYS define at the top of config.php.
DeleteDays 21
# UseTimestamp - Set to 0 (the default) to use the current time on the database
# server for the timestamp when recording events. Set to 1 to use
# the timestamp provided on the log data. Unless you are
# processing old log files on STDIN, you probably want to set
# this to 0; otherwise you will need to ensure that the clocks on
# your game servers are accurate. 1=on 0=off
UseTimestamp 0
# DebugLevel - Set this to 1 to have debugging information printed on stdout.
# Set higher for even more debugging information. Set to 0 for
# quiet operation. It is recommended that you set this to 1 when
# first configuring HLstats, to help diagnose any problems.
DebugLevel 1
# MinActivity - HLstats will automatically hide players which have no event
# more days than this value. (Default 28 days)
# ++ Note: Make sure you change the setting of MINACTIVITY at the
# top of config.php, as well.
MinActivity 21
# AllowOnlyConfigServers - If set to 1 (default) then only servers which are config in this file are tracked. Other
# servers will NOT automatically added and tracked! This is a big scurity thing!
AllowOnlyConfigServers 0
# TrackStatsTrend - Saves every day how many players, kills etc, are in the database and gvies access to graphical
# statistics. 1=on(default) 0=off
TrackStatsTrend 1
# GlobalBanning - Set to 1 to make player bans available on all participating servers. Players who were banned permanently
# are automatic hided from rankings. 1=on 0=off(default)
GlobalBanning 0
# Servers - Array to set which servers are tracked by hlstats and to set server
# specific parameters.
# Parameters:
# AddressPort - Server address (IP:Port-Syntax).
# MinPlayers - Specifies the minimum number of players required in the server
# for most player events (objectives, frags, etc.) to be recorded.
# This prevents players from hopping on an empty server and
# boosting their skill rating by capturing the flag, etc., with no
# opposition. (Default is 2 players required on the server).
# AdminContact - E-Mail Adress. This is broadcasted to master server and displays ingame.
# HLStatsURL - URL to your HLStats. This is broadcasted to master server and displays ingame.
# RawSocketSupport - With raw sockets you get access ingame to all important stats. Its content is displayed
# into the console. Works only on unix-systems. 1=on 0=off(default)
# RawSocketHelpNotice - A help notice for players is shown ingame with PlayerEventsCommand if PlayerEvents are enabled.
# 1=on 0=off(default)
# DisplayResultsInBrowser - If enabled (1=on 0=off(default)) the player queries will displayed in the valve browser as small
# html files instead of sending the data with rawsockets to the console.
# Requires mani_admin_plugin V1.0.1f (RECOMMENED)
# MasterServerData - Broadcasting server data to the hlstats master server.
# You can set up which informations are sent:
# 0 = Nothing
# 1 = Server details (contact, url, address, map, players etc.)
# 2 = Player details (name, frags, latency, skill etc)
# 4 = Top-Players (best XXX players)
# Examples:
# Send all informations:
# MasterServerData = 7 (1+2+4)
# Send serverdata and playerdata without TopXXX:
# MasterServerData = 3 (1+2) (Default)
# Send just serverdata:
# MasterServerData = 1 (1) (Notice: Sending just players is not possible)
# Turn off communication with master server
# MasterServerData = 0
# MasterServerTopPlayers - Sets the number of broadcasted Top-Players. Default is 200 (Minimum: 50 players, Maximum: 500 players).
# MasterServerAddress - Master server address. Default is
# MasterServerPort - Master server port. Default is 27501.
# MasterServerInterval - Sets the interval broadcasting data to the master server. Default are 100 lines.
# (Minimum: 50 lines, Maximum: 1000 lines).
# BroadCastEvents - Nearly all Events will be directly broadcasted through rcon on the server.
# You will directly see, how many points you got for a kill or bomb plating etc. 1=on 0=off(default)
# BroadCastPlayerActions - Toggle broadcasting PlayerActions ingame. (f.e Touched a hostage or dropped the Bomb). 1=on 0=off(default)
# BroadCastEventsCommand - The command to broadcast the events. Default is the "say"-command
# BroadCastEventsCommandSteamid - If the BroadCastCommand needs as second argument the steamid of the player
# set this value to 1. 1=on 0=off(default)
# BroadCastEventsCommandAnnounce - Command to announce ingame summary stats and admin email etc. Default is "say".
# PlayerEvents - Determine if players can get player-specific display ingame (f.e. /skill)
# PlayerEventsCommand - The command to display player events. Default is the "say"-command.
# PlayerEventsCommandSteamid - If the PlayerEventsCommand needs as second argument the steamid of the player
# set this value to 1. 1=on 0=off(default)
# PlayerEventsCommandOSD - The command to display amx style menu for "/rank", "/session", "/kpd" commands. Default is "".
# PlayerEventsAdminCommand - Some messages (f.e. team-balancer) are only for admins. here you can specify a
# admin-command. Default is "".
# ShowStats - If set to 1 (default) periodically stats are shown ingame with the boradcast-command.
# TKPenalty - Penalty for a team kill (Default: 50 points).
# SuicidePenalty - Penalty for a suicide (Default: 5 points).
# AutoTeamBalance - If rcon is enabled hlstats automatically analyzed teams and balance players for fair teams.
# It will make teams numerical even and also swap players based on there skill to balance teams.
# 1=on 0=off(default)
# AutoBanRetry - Auto-bans player for 5 minutes if the disconnect from the server. Prevent players from reconnecting
# until the have a good team and won't loose many points. 1=on 0=off(default)
# TrackServerLoad - Saves every 5 min how much players are playing on the server.
# MinimumPlayersRank - Required players position to be allowed playing on the server (e.g Top500-Server).
# Admins - Steamids seperated by "," ("STEAM_0:1:XXX,STEAM_0:0:XXX,STEAM_0:1:XXX").
# SwitchAdmins - Defines if admins are switched from auto-team balancer 1=on 0=off(default).
# IgnoreBots - If enabled bots are not tracked by HLstatsX 1=on 0=off(default).
# SkillMode - Mode of skill changes on frags with following options:
# 0 = Normal (Victims lost all the points which the killer got).
# 1 = Victims lost 3/4 the points which the killer got.
# 2 = Victims lost 1/2 the points which the killer got.
# 3 = Victims lost 1/4 the points which the killer got.
# 4 = Victims lost no points.
# Mod - Valid values are BEETLE or MANI if one of such plugins are installed.
# DoNe 5 -vip lokalisering Himmelen^^
Servers[0] = ("AddressPort" => "",
"MinPlayers" => "2",
"AdminContact" => "",
"HLStatsURL" => "",
"RawSocketSupport" => "0",
"RawSocketHelpNotice" => "1",
"DisplayResultsInBrowser" => "1",
"MasterServerData" => "7",
"MasterServerInterval" => "100",
"MasterServerTopPlayers" => "200",
"BroadCastEvents" => "0",
"BroadCastPlayerActions" => "0",
"BroadCastEventsCommand" => "ma_psay",
"BroadCastEventsCommandSteamid" => "1",
"BroadCastEventsCommandAnnounce" => "ma_csay",
"PlayerEvents" => "1",
"PlayerEventsCommand" => "ma_psay",
"PlayerEventsCommandSteamid" => "1",
"PlayerEventsCommandOSD" => "ma_msay",
"PlayerEventsAdminCommand" => "",
"ShowStats" => "1",
"TKPenalty" => "50",
"SuicidePenalty" => "5",
"AutoTeamBalance" => "1",
"AutoBanRetry" => "0",
"TrackServerLoad" => "1",
"MinimumPlayersRank" => "0",
"Admins" => "",
"SwitchAdmins" => "0",
"IgnoreBots" => "1",
"SkillMode" => "0",
"Mod" => "MANI")
# DoNe 3 -allmaps lokalisering Himmelen^^
Servers[0] = ("AddressPort" => "",
"MinPlayers" => "2",
"AdminContact" => "",
"HLStatsURL" => "",
"RawSocketSupport" => "0",
"RawSocketHelpNotice" => "1",
"DisplayResultsInBrowser" => "1",
"MasterServerData" => "7",
"MasterServerInterval" => "100",
"MasterServerTopPlayers" => "200",
"BroadCastEvents" => "0",
"BroadCastPlayerActions" => "0",
"BroadCastEventsCommand" => "ma_psay",
"BroadCastEventsCommandSteamid" => "1",
"BroadCastEventsCommandAnnounce" => "ma_csay",
"PlayerEvents" => "1",
"PlayerEventsCommand" => "ma_psay",
"PlayerEventsCommandSteamid" => "1",
"PlayerEventsCommandOSD" => "ma_msay",
"PlayerEventsAdminCommand" => "",
"ShowStats" => "1",
"TKPenalty" => "50",
"SuicidePenalty" => "5",
"AutoTeamBalance" => "1",
"AutoBanRetry" => "0",
"TrackServerLoad" => "1",
"MinimumPlayersRank" => "0",
"Admins" => "",
"SwitchAdmins" => "0",
"IgnoreBots" => "1",
"SkillMode" => "0",
"Mod" => "MANI")
#DoNE 1 -Allmaps lokalisering NTNU
Servers[1] = ("AddressPort" => "",
"MinPlayers" => "2",
"AdminContact" => "",
"HLStatsURL" => "",
"RawSocketSupport" => "0",
"RawSocketHelpNotice" => "1",
"DisplayResultsInBrowser" => "1",
"MasterServerData" => "7",
"MasterServerInterval" => "100",
"MasterServerTopPlayers" => "200",
"BroadCastEvents" => "0",
"BroadCastPlayerActions" => "0",
"BroadCastEventsCommand" => "ma_psay",
"BroadCastEventsCommandSteamid" => "1",
"BroadCastEventsCommandAnnounce" => "ma_csay",
"PlayerEvents" => "1",
"PlayerEventsCommand" => "ma_psay",
"PlayerEventsCommandSteamid" => "1",
"PlayerEventsCommandOSD" => "ma_msay",
"PlayerEventsAdminCommand" => "",
"ShowStats" => "1",
"TKPenalty" => "50",
"SuicidePenalty" => "5",
"AutoTeamBalance" => "1",
"AutoBanRetry" => "0",
"TrackServerLoad" => "1",
"MinimumPlayersRank" => "0",
"Admins" => "",
"SwitchAdmins" => "0",
"IgnoreBots" => "1",
"SkillMode" => "0",
"Mod" => "MANI")
## DoNe #4 - (NO@woop)
Servers[2] = ("AddressPort" => ""
"MinPlayers" => "2",
"AdminContact" => "",
"HLStatsURL" => "",
"RawSocketSupport" => "0",
"RawSocketHelpNotice" => "1",
"DisplayResultsInBrowser" => "1",
"MasterServerData" => "7",
"MasterServerInterval" => "100",
"MasterServerTopPlayers" => "200",
"BroadCastEvents" => "0",
"BroadCastPlayerActions" => "0",
"BroadCastEventsCommand" => "ma_psay",
"BroadCastEventsCommandSteamid" => "1",
"BroadCastEventsCommandAnnounce" => "ma_csay",
"PlayerEvents" => "1",
"PlayerEventsCommand" => "ma_psay",
"PlayerEventsCommandSteamid" => "1",
"PlayerEventsCommandOSD" => "ma_msay",
"PlayerEventsAdminCommand" => "",
"ShowStats" => "1",
"TKPenalty" => "50",
"SuicidePenalty" => "5",
"AutoTeamBalance" => "1",
"AutoBanRetry" => "0",
"TrackServerLoad" => "1",
"MinimumPlayersRank" => "0",
"Admins" => "",
"SwitchAdmins" => "0",
"IgnoreBots" => "1",
"SkillMode" => "0",
"Mod" => "MANI")
# DoNe 7 - office only (us)
Servers[0] = ("AddressPort" => "",
"MinPlayers" => "2",
"AdminContact" => "",
"HLStatsURL" =>
"RawSocketSupport" => "0",
"RawSocketHelpNotice" => "1",
"DisplayResultsInBrowser" => "1",
"MasterServerData" => "7",
"MasterServerInterval" => "100",
"MasterServerTopPlayers" => "200",
"BroadCastEvents" => "0",
"BroadCastPlayerActions" => "0",
"BroadCastEventsCommand" => "ma_psay",
"BroadCastEventsCommandSteamid" => "1",
"BroadCastEventsCommandAnnounce" => "ma_csay",
"PlayerEvents" => "1",
"PlayerEventsCommand" => "ma_psay",
"PlayerEventsCommandSteamid" => "1",
"PlayerEventsCommandOSD" => "ma_msay",
"PlayerEventsAdminCommand" => "",
"ShowStats" => "1",
"TKPenalty" => "50",
"SuicidePenalty" => "5",
"AutoTeamBalance" => "1",
"AutoBanRetry" => "0",
"TrackServerLoad" => "1",
"MinimumPlayersRank" => "0",
"Admins" => "",
"SwitchAdmins" => "0",
"IgnoreBots" => "1",
"SkillMode" => "0",
"Mod" => "MANI")
Deep into the darkness. Pearing long I stod there, wondering, fearing, doubting.