SRCDS Steam group

Multiple Server Hosting Help
So i've tried to host two servers at once lately and the other REFUSES to show up in either my lan or my internet, I don't quite understand why i have forwarded all the other ports but it just will not start up, and what's even more confusing is that the second server starts up without any errors for me to go off of.
2nd Server
@echo off
REM Simple script made by me that launches the game, killing any previous instances
taskkill /f /im srcds.exe
start srcds.exe -console -game garrysmod -port 27080 +clientport 27035 +tv_port 27045 +gamemode bhop +map surf_mesa +maxplayers 18 -tickrate 66 -condebug -disableluarefresh -command

1st Server This one always starts up fine but the other one won't even show up in the server browser, all the ports are forwarded udp/tcp and to the same ip, but still no change
@echo off
REM Simple script made by me that launches the game, killing any previous instances
taskkill /f /im srcds1.exe
start srcds1.exe -console -game garrysmod +clientport 27005 -port 27015 +gamemode bhop +map bhop_lost_world +maxplayers 18 -tickrate 100 -condebug -disableluarefresh

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