04-25-2014, 08:50 AM
Server OS: Win7
Processor: Intel Core 2 Quad CPU Q6600 @ 2.4GHz
Ram: 4GB
Game(s): Garry's Mod
Start Up Command:
@echo off
echo Protecting srcds from crashes...
echo Type Y and press ENTER to close!
title srcds.com Watchdog
echo (%time%) SRCDS Started!
start /wait srcds.exe -game "garrysmod" -console +maxplayers 12 +gamemode "prop_hunt" +map "gm_construct" -authkey AUTHID +host_workshop_collection COLLID -port 27015
echo (%time%) WARNING: srcds closed or crashed, restarting.
goto srcds
Admin Mods: ULX Mod
Bandwidth: DL 1.5MB UL 101KB (MB - Megabyte | Mb - Megabit | KB - Kilobyte | Kb - Kilobit | 1024 = 1)
Router: Netgear D6200
Local IP of Server:
External IP:
Port Forwarding Screen Shot: http://screencloud.net/v/nMYA
Please don't be put off by the Processor, or Bandwidth, I know it isn't great. But it wouldn't prevent players from joining, I'm able to join.
The server is hosted on a completely separate machine with fresh OS.
Other Info:
UDP 1200 1200
UDP 26901 26901 (This will allow the server to show up on the master server list.)
UDP 27000 27015
TCP 27020 27039
UDP 27015 27015
UDP 27020 27020
TCP 27015 27015
I followed this post: http://forums.srcds.com/viewpost/112192#pid112192
This didn't fix the issue, but I thought it was worth mentioning it as the guy has the same issue as me.
Server OS: Win7
Processor: Intel Core 2 Quad CPU Q6600 @ 2.4GHz
Ram: 4GB
Game(s): Garry's Mod
Start Up Command:
@echo off
echo Protecting srcds from crashes...
echo Type Y and press ENTER to close!
title srcds.com Watchdog
echo (%time%) SRCDS Started!
start /wait srcds.exe -game "garrysmod" -console +maxplayers 12 +gamemode "prop_hunt" +map "gm_construct" -authkey AUTHID +host_workshop_collection COLLID -port 27015
echo (%time%) WARNING: srcds closed or crashed, restarting.
goto srcds
Admin Mods: ULX Mod
Bandwidth: DL 1.5MB UL 101KB (MB - Megabyte | Mb - Megabit | KB - Kilobyte | Kb - Kilobit | 1024 = 1)
Router: Netgear D6200
Local IP of Server:
External IP:
Port Forwarding Screen Shot: http://screencloud.net/v/nMYA
Please don't be put off by the Processor, or Bandwidth, I know it isn't great. But it wouldn't prevent players from joining, I'm able to join.
The server is hosted on a completely separate machine with fresh OS.
Other Info:
UDP 1200 1200
UDP 26901 26901 (This will allow the server to show up on the master server list.)
UDP 27000 27015
TCP 27020 27039
UDP 27015 27015
UDP 27020 27020
TCP 27015 27015
I followed this post: http://forums.srcds.com/viewpost/112192#pid112192
This didn't fix the issue, but I thought it was worth mentioning it as the guy has the same issue as me.