SRCDS Steam group

[SOLVED] SteamCMD not updating GMod server properly?
Okay, I'm confused now.
I heard of the recent exploit in GMod that went on last night, and I freaked out and updated my server to the patch with the fix for this exploit after it came out.
I ran a utility to clean up any traces of the exploit as well.
SteamCMD now refuses to update my GMod server.
Even after deleting critical files such as garrysmod/bin, a few extraneous folders, and even srcds.exe, my server still thinks it's up to date.
Here is the code I use to update my server:

:: PonyPwnage Murder update script

:: Make things pretty
@ECHO off

:: Variables
SET path_to_steamcmd="C:\PonyPwnage\Garry's Mod\SteamCMD"

SET path_to_server="C:\Desktop\PonyPwnage\Garry's Mod\Murder"

:: Execution code
color a
title PonyPwnage Murder update script
echo Updating the PonyPwnage Murder server...
%path_to_steamcmd%\steamcmd.exe +login anonymous +force_install_dir %path_to_server% +app_update 4020 validate +quit
echo Done.
echo Check console for any errors, then:

Here is the code that I used to clean up the exploit:
@echo off
title Exploit file cleanup - MFSiNC

if exist "hl2.exe" (
    cd "garrysmod"

if not exist steam.inf (
    echo You're running this from the wrong place!
    echo Put this file in your garrysmod folder, either server or client, and re-run it.

echo This will remove the files used in the exploit/virus.
echo To see exactly what will be removed, open this batch file with Notepad.

echo Cleaning..

taskkill /F /IM hl2.exe > nul
taskkill /F /IM srcds.exe > nul

::Files, clientside
if exist "engine_win32.dll" (
    attrib -h "engine_win32.dll"
    del /F /Q "engine_win32.dll"    

if exist "materials\cooltexture.vtf" (
    del /F /Q "materials\cooltexture.vtf"

if exist "bin\game_shader_generic_engine.dll" (
    attrib -h "bin\game_shader_generic_engine.dll"
    del /F /Q "bin\game_shader_generic_engine.dll"

if exist "download\engine_win32.dll" (
    attrib -h "download\engine_win32.dll"
    del /F /Q "download\engine_win32.dll"

if exist "download\cfg" (
    RD /S /Q "download\cfg"

::Files, serverside
if exist "lua\autorun\server\default.lua" (
    attrib -h "lua\autorun\server\default.lua"
    del /F /Q "lua\autorun\server\default.lua"

echo Done.

Any and all help would be appreciated!

EDIT: Here's the output SteamCMD throws at me when I run UpdateMurder.bat:
Quote:Updating the PonyPwnage Murder server...
Redirecting stderr to 'C:\PonyPwnage\Garry's Mod\SteamCMD\logs\stderr.txt'
[ 0%] Checking for available updates...
[----] Verifying installation...
Steam Console Client © Valve Corporation
-- type 'quit' to exit --
Loading Steam3...OK.

Connecting anonymously to Steam Public...Success.
Initial App state (0x4) installed
App state (0x20104) validating, progress: 0.06 (2076600 / 3750980463)
App state (0x20104) validating, progress: 2.90 (108811856 / 3750980463)
App state (0x20104) validating, progress: 4.31 (161558511 / 3750980463)
App state (0x20104) validating, progress: 5.07 (190236574 / 3750980463)
App state (0x20104) validating, progress: 6.61 (248072868 / 3750980463)
App state (0x20104) validating, progress: 11.04 (414272164 / 3750980463)
App state (0x20104) validating, progress: 15.87 (595151524 / 3750980463)
App state (0x20104) validating, progress: 17.51 (656678390 / 3750980463)
App state (0x20104) validating, progress: 21.73 (815253159 / 3750980463)
App state (0x20104) validating, progress: 23.96 (898751305 / 3750980463)
App state (0x20104) validating, progress: 26.67 (1000229285 / 3750980463)
App state (0x20104) validating, progress: 28.71 (1077022991 / 3750980463)
App state (0x20104) validating, progress: 30.63 (1149105206 / 3750980463)
App state (0x20104) validating, progress: 34.18 (1282066597 / 3750980463)
App state (0x20104) validating, progress: 38.54 (1445730818 / 3750980463)
App state (0x20104) validating, progress: 41.53 (1557744441 / 3750980463)
App state (0x20104) validating, progress: 46.15 (1731001077 / 3750980463)
App state (0x20104) validating, progress: 50.09 (1878959892 / 3750980463)
App state (0x20104) validating, progress: 55.50 (2081650327 / 3750980463)
App state (0x20104) validating, progress: 60.15 (2256103703 / 3750980463)
App state (0x20104) validating, progress: 65.75 (2466340245 / 3750980463)
App state (0x20104) validating, progress: 68.89 (2583927113 / 3750980463)
App state (0x20104) validating, progress: 71.64 (2687211849 / 3750980463)
App state (0x20104) validating, progress: 76.16 (2856702121 / 3750980463)
App state (0x20104) validating, progress: 81.68 (3063735064 / 3750980463)
App state (0x20104) validating, progress: 87.51 (3282463633 / 3750980463)
App state (0x20104) validating, progress: 92.25 (3460422542 / 3750980463)
App state (0x20104) validating, progress: 95.61 (3586163515 / 3750980463)
App state (0x20104) validating, progress: 99.18 (3720137122 / 3750980463)
Success! App '4020' already up to date.
Check console for any errors, then:
Press any key to continue . . .
Fixed: I'm a goddamn retard.

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