Hi there, code!
That is not even a problem, just take it easy. The IP is an IPv4 address and are used for the router to manage around between PCs, printers, IP-phones and other devices in your home. The IP is the public IP people needs to reach you or the thing you're hosting. The port is something in a whole other part. Your server got the port: "27015" and that's the standard for a Counter-Strike Source server and that's fine. A website for example it will be the port "80", that would be used. Because I know it's 80 is, that in a router there are 1023 standard ports. That's all the "clever" people in the world that have decided that. Then we have all the free port from 1024 - 65535. These ports are available for all the random applications on the global network. Valve have just chosen 27015 to their application. The port are basically telling what application you are trying to reach. IP for the router and port for the application on your router. It's also therefor you can't have to IPv4 addresses with the same port. Then there would be someone trying to reach that port and he will get to devices?
Okay, so basically you'll just give your friend the public IP with the port after.
That's the IP he can connect to your server with.
He is searching for on the global network and finds your router. Then he is searching for the port 27015 and your router knows that you have binded the port 27015 to your IPv4 address that are and then he knows the computer or server to reach. Wolla connection found.
I thought that a little history didn't hurt. If you learned something it's only good, then you'll not make this mistake again.