SRCDS Steam group

(GMOD) Users cant see player models
I am running a server for Garry's Mod with the Stop it Slender gamemode with SRCDS. My clients cant see my player model, I have made sure the addon is in the server's addon collection and it is being downloaded by the clients, however everyone tells me my model is an ERROR. How do I fix this?

Startup: +maxplayers 14 -console -authkey <removed> +host_workshop_collection <removed> +gamemode stopitslender +map zs_last_mansion_v3

Server's Config:
//*                                                                       *\\
//*                                                                       *\\
//*                 SRCDS GARRYS MOD SERVER CONFIGURATION                 *\\
//*                              VERSION 1.0                              *\\
//*                                                                       *\\
//*                                                                       *\\
//*                                                                       *\\


//*                                                                       *\\
//*                                                                       *\\
//*                          Miscellaneous                                *\\
//*                                                                       *\\
//*                                                                       *\\

// Define your ServerName, this is the name there'll be displayed in the Internet tab.
// Default: Counter-Strike: Source
hostname ""

// Define your RCon(Remote Console) password, this is mostly used for match servers.
// I'll recommend you to set one, incase you suddenly needs it.
// Default: Just don't make it easy to quess! Use big and small letters and numbers!
// Look at the example I've set for this one. No one will quess that, only 1 out of ten billion times.
// Defualt: None.
rcon_password ""

// Define your Server password, so only people who knows it can connect.
// Default: None.
// sv_password " "

// Define your maxsize for a map(sounds, materials and models are included too)
// if your map exceeds the CVAR limit, will your map NOT be downloaded from your server.
// Default: 16
net_maxfilesize "50"

// Define your website for FastDownload.
// Extra: Are you looking for a free webhost to FastDownload?
// If so, goto this thread at
// Or this is if the other one doesn't work:
// Default: None.
sv_downloadurl " "

// Allow clients to upload their custom decals to the server.
// Default: 1
sv_allowupload 1

// Allow clients to downnload files.
// Default: 1
sv_allowdownload 1      

// Define your servers MAX Frame Per Second(FPS).
// To recieve 1000FPS on Windows, try to use "fps_max 0".
// Default: ?
fps_max "300"

// This controls your server framerate.
// Default: 0
host_framerate 60

// Amount of time in seconds a player can spray their decal.
// Default: 10
decalfrequency 60

// If this CVAR is 0, both Internet and LAN players will be able to join.
// Default: 0
sv_lan 0  

// This will define your location in the world, if somebody as Europe ONLY in their filtes and you have USA - then wouldn't be able to find your server.
// Default: 3
// 0 - Us Eastcoast.
// 1 - US Westcoast.
// 2 - South America.
// 3 - Europe.
// 4 - Asia.
// 5 - Australia.
// 6 - Middle East.
// 7 - Africa.
// 255 - World
sv_region 255

// This could be your own email or another email who do business withing this server.
// Default: None.        
// sv_contact

// This will make doors open faster, especially the door in de_nuke or any other custom spawned doors.
// Default: 0.5
phys_timescale 1.5

//*                                                                       *\\
//*                                                                       *\\
//*                           SPAWNING RULES                              *\\
//*                         (GENERAL SETTINGS)                            *\\
//*                                                                       *\\

         // ~ * WARNING ATTENTION READ THIS * ~ \\

// Do NOT set this to high, otherwise your server will be killed.
// Due to right CPU usage.

// Define the maximum number of NPCs a client can spawn.
// Default: Unknown.
sbox_maxnpcs 6

// Define the maximum number of balloons a client can spawn.
// Default: Unknown.
sbox_maxballoons 10

// Define the maximum number of dynamites a client can spawn.
// Default: Unknown
sbox_maxdynamite 500

// If this equals 1 the clients will be allowed to use noclip at any given time.
// Default: 1
sbox_noclip 1

// Define the maximum number of thrusters a client can spawn.
// Default: Unknown.
sbox_maxthrusters 100

// Define the maximum number of props a client can spawn.
// Default: Unknown.
sbox_maxprops 100

// Define the maximum number of wheels a client can spawn.
// Default: Unknown.
sbox_maxwheels 20

// Define if a player can attack another player.
// 1 = Allowed.
// 0 = Not allowed.
// Default: Unknown.
sbox_plpldamage 0

// Allows the player to use "godmode".
// Default: Unknown.
sbox_godmode 1

// Define the maximum number of hoverballs a client can spawn.
// Default: Unknown.
sbox_maxhoverballs 20

// Define the maximum number of effects a client can spawn.
// Default: Unknown.
sbox_maxeffects 10

// Define the maximum number of buttons a client can spawn.
// Default: Unknown.
sbox_maxbuttons 10

// Define the maximum number of lamps a client can spawn.
// Default: Unknown.
sbox_maxlamps 4

// Define the maximum number of ragdolls a client can spawn.
// Ragdoll = bodies of a model(player)
// Default: Unknown.
sbox_maxragdolls 10

// Define the maximum number of vihecles a client can spawn.
// Default: Unknown.
sbox_maxvehicles 4

// Unknown.
// Default: Unknown.
sbox_maxemitters 5

//*                                                                       *\\
//*                                                                       *\\
//*                          Brandwidth Rates                             *\\
//*                                                                       *\\
//*                                                                       *\\

// Maximum allowed brandwidth on your server.
// Default: 0 (unlimited)
sv_maxrate 0

// Minimum allowed brandwidth on your server.
// Default: 0 (unlimited)
sv_minrate 15000  

// Maximum updates per second as the server will allow.
// Default: 60
// Note: If you're using less than 66Tick, change this CVAR to a lower value.
// For 66TICK: sv_maxupdaterate 66
// For 33TICK: sv_maxupdaterate 33
sv_maxupdaterate 66

// Minimum updates per second as the server will allow.
// Default: 10
// Note: If you're using less than 66Tick, change this CVAR to a lower value than "sv_maxupdaterate xx"
// For 66TICK: sv_minupdaterate 45
// For 33TICK: sv_minupdaterate 15
sv_minupdaterate 45

// This controls your cleints maximum cmdrate.
// Do the same with this one like: sv_maxupdaterate
// Default: 40
sv_maxcmdrate 66

// This controls your cleints minimum cmdrate.
// Do the same with this one like: sv_minupdaterate
// Default: 0
sv_mincmdrate 45

//*                                                                       *\\
//*                                                                       *\\
//*                            Game Settings                              *\\
//*                                                                       *\\
//*                                                                       *\\

// This defines when to change map, if a player reached the fraglimit.
// Default: 0
mp_fraglimit 0

// Disables the autoaim function.
// Default: 0
mp_autocrosshair 0

// If you falls down and this one is set to '1' you'll lose damage, if not set to '1' you wouldn't lose damage.
// Default: 0
mp_falldamage 1

// This allows your cleints to use their flashlight if set to '1'
// Default: 0
mp_flashlight 1

// This defines if you can kill your own teammates, also known as "TA/TK", if its set to '1' you can kill your own mates.
// TA = Team-Attack
// TK = Team-Kill
// Default: 0
mp_friendlyfire 0

//*                                                                       *\\
//*                                                                       *\\
//*                             Log Settings                              *\\
//*                                                                       *\\
//*                                                                       *\\

// Defines if logs is enabled or disabled
// On = Enabled.
// Off = Disabled.
// Default: on
log off

// Toggels if the logged text have to be in one single file.
// Default: 0
sv_log_onefile 0

// If this CVAR is set to '1' then i will safe the log files in the srcds/logs directory.
// Default: 1
sv_logfile 1

// Defines if it has to log bans.
// Default: 0
sv_logbans 1

// Defines if it has to log the echo in the MAIN console.
// Default: 1
sv_logecho 1

//*                                                                       *\\
//*                                                                       *\\
//*                             AVANCED RCON                              *\\
//*                                                                       *\\
//*                                                                       *\\

// Defines how long time a ban will be if someone fails RCON authentication.
// Default: 0 (0 = Permanent)
sv_rcon_banpenalty 15

// Max number of times a user can fail RCON authentication before being banned.
// Default: 10
sv_rcon_maxfailures 3

// Number of times a user can fail RCON authentication before being banned.
// Default: 5
sv_rcon_minfailures 1

// Number of seconds to track failed RCON authentications.
// Default: 30
sv_rcon_minfailuretime 30

// Defines if the RCON has to be logged.
// Default: 1
sv_rcon_log 1

//*                                                                       *\\
//*                                                                       *\\
//*                             SourceTV                                  *\\
//*                                                                       *\\
//*                                                                       *\\

// Define if the SourceTV should be activated.
// 1 = The TV will be activated, and will join spectator on next map as a bot.
// Default: 0
tv_enable 0

// Connects a relay server to another SourceTV server/proxy
// Default: none
// Example: tv_relay <SourceTV IP:SourceTV port>
// Note: Remove the slashes infront of the command before use.

// Give the TV a name.
// Default: SourceTV
tv_name SrcTV @ 27020

// Change the port of the TV.
// You can set this port at any port, just not the same as the main server is running on!(27015, is standard)
// Default: 27020
tv_port 27020

// Sets the maximum bandwidth spend per client in bytes/second.
// How highter the value is, how more smooth will the SourceTV run.
// Beware, it will increase the brandwidth and CPU usage dramatically.
// Default: 5000
tv_maxrate 5000

// Set a password for the TV, just as "sv_password" for the server.
// Default: none.
tv_password " "

// Sets a required password for relay proxies.
// Default: none.
tv_relaypassword " "

// Sets maximum client number for local SourceTV server/proxy.
// How more slots on, how more cleints will be able to connect to it and that will increase your brandwidth/CPU usage!
// default: 128
tv_maxclients 20

// Sets a SourceTV broadcast title shown in the spectator GUI.
// Default: SourecTV
tv_title <WWW.SRCDS.COM>

// Disables other spectators chat lines (client only).
// Default: 0
tv_nochat 0

// Automatically records every game, demo file name format is auto-YYYYMMDD-hhmm-map.dem.
// The file will be safed in: "srcds/cstrike".
// This is recommended with much use of your server, so you won't miss your importan kills.
tv_autorecord 0

//*                                                                       *\\
//*                                                                       *\\
//*          Performance, Spectator, Physics and other CVARS              *\\
//*                                                                       *\\
//*                                                                       *\\

// Defines if the gravity has to be low or high, if its high you will not be able to jump.
// And how lower the value is, how higther you will rice into the air.
// Default: 800
sv_gravity 800

// Defines the friction.
// Default: 4
sv_friction 4

// This controls who a dead player will be able to look.
// 0 = Free look both CT & T.
// 1 = Only the players OWN team can be spectated.
// Default: 0
mp_forcecamera 0      

// Defines if both Terroists and Counter Terroist can talk together(Will sometimes make ALOT of noice, and slow down your server)
// Default: 0
sv_alltalk 0

// If this one is enabled teammates can talk with hetogether in-game.
// Default: 1 (Not recommanded when using big servers)
sv_voiceenable 1  

// If this one is set to '1' EVERYBODY will be able the pause the server(Not recommanded!)
// Default: 0
sv_pausable 0  
// Forces all cleints to pass consistency check for custom skins, sounds and maps.
// If you have those, you'll be FORCED to use standard!
// Default: 0
sv_consistency 0

// This controls if the players can use lawfully cheats, but is limited.
// Commands for cheats:
// noclip - Makes you fly around and can't take damage.
// r_drawothermodels 2 - Gives a weird wireframe screen of everything through walls. (Set to 1 for normal game play)
// mat_wireframe 1/2/3 - Gives you a much worse effect of wireframe. (0 = Standard game play)
// Default: 0
sv_cheats 0

// Allows cleints to go be a Specator.
// Default: 1
mp_allowspectators 1

// When you reach the last round and everybody is dead, there be an amount of seconds before loading a new map.
// Lower value = Faster map load.
// Default: 10
mp_chattime 10

// After this many seconds without a message from a client, the client is dropped.
// Default: 65
sv_timeout 60    

// The max speed a player can move with when they are holding down [SHIFT]
// Default: 75
sv_stopspeed 75

//*                                                                       *\\
//*                                                                       *\\
//*                          EXECUTING CONFIGS                            *\\
//*                                                                       *\\
//*                                                                       *\\

// Executing Ban files.
exec banned_user.cfg
exec banned_ip.cfg


//*                                                                       *\\
//*                                                                       *\\
//*                 SRCDS GARRYS MOD SERVER CONFIGURATION                 *\\
//*                              VERSION 1.0                              *\\
//*                                                                       *\\
//*                                                                       *\\

Note: I removed the server's name and rcon password
Player models are usually kept in a folder called models. Needs a .lua file as well.
Its stored as a .GMA file mounted on the server from the addons folder. its a workshop addon. Also I can see the model, but others cant even though they download it from the Workshop.
It could be possible that users are not downloading the addon, if this is true how do I set it to download for users?
If they can't see the model it's because it's missing. You need to provide Steam API key.


Quote:+host_workshop_collection 1234 -authkey XXX

To get your api key visit this link and apply for one if you already haven't
[Image: YrZ5uQn.png]
[Image: ZmzaHAD.png]

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