SRCDS Steam group

Run Source SDS from the Command Prompt?
I was wondering if it is possible to run Source Dedicated Server from the command prompt with launch options. I know that SRCDS runs with a command window, but I was wondering if I can use the steam SDS for this. For example, launch SDS with "-game "modname" "
to get it to run a mod. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks, -George
To my knowledge, the Steam SRCDS does not work in console and mods are selected via the GUI unit at startup
i don't think i understand exactly what you mean, call me slow, but im kinda confused.. lol. but are you meaning like running a css server, and like a dod:s server, with the only real difference being -game cstrike and -game dod ....
I'm sorry if I wasnt clear before, but let me give you an example of what I am trying to do. Say I want to start a server running Gmod9 from the Windows Command Prompt. If I was using the SRCDS I would add these launch options: -console -game gmod9 -ip <insert IP here> -port 27015(default) +maxplayers <insert slot count here> +map gm_construct. Does anyone know how I would launch SDS from the command prompt with the same launch options above? -Thx, George
SDS being...? Gaming Servers
Licensed Ventrilo Host - AA Honor Provider - Great Service & Prices
The program that you launch through Steam
i dont get ya Gaming Servers
Licensed Ventrilo Host - AA Honor Provider - Great Service & Prices
so you still mean source dedicated server, just through steam? well yea you can add them parameters, right click on it in steam, and click properties, and click launch options. add it in there,a nd when you open it from steam it should work the same. in theory, as far as garrys mod, i don't know if it will work or not. the server portion of gmod is ment to be ran on a stand alone dedicated server.

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