SRCDS Steam group

SRCDS crashes when someone joins the server
After i installed freak fortress 2,everytime someone or me enters the server srcds crashes

Server OS: Windows 7 32-bit
Processor: Core i3
Ram: 4gb
Game(s): TF2
Start Up Command: -console -game tf +map vsh_oilrig_v14 +maxplayers 32
Admin Mods: SourceMod, MetaMod
Im not sure if theres any issues on this but,here we go the server.cfg:
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hostport 27015                       // The port of the server (default is 27015)
hostname "Freak Fortress Brasil 2.11"        // Name of server
sv_lan 0                             // Change it to 1 if you want a LAN only Server
sv_region 2                          // Europe
rcon_password "1337banana"                 // Password for most things
sv_password ""            // To make a private server
sv_contact [b]classified[/b]        // The contacts email address

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mp_buytime 3            // Sets the amount of minutes players are able to buy
mp_startmoney 2000      // Sets the amount of starting money, max=16000
mp_c4timer 35           // Sets the amount of secs before C4 explodes
mp_flashlight 1         // 1 enables flashlight, 0 disables it
mp_footsteps 1          // 1 enables hearing footsteps, 0 disables it
mp_falldamage 1         // Falling damage, || 1 = enable 0 = disable
mp_hostagepenalty 0     // Sets the number of hostages a player can kill before they are booted from the server. || 0 is disabled
mp_freezetime 2         // Sets the seconds before players can move in the beginning of a round
sv_maxspeed 320         // Max speed users can run at || Default = 320
sv_gravity 800          // Server gravity, less = higher jumping. || Default = 800
sv_maxvelocity 3500     // Maximum velocity an object can have ingame || Default= 3500
sv_turbophysics 1       // Mow you can stand on barrels, tables, and push/pull them by +use
phys_pushscale 3        // changes gravity physics when shooting something as it blows back X times further
sv_pushaway_force 30000 // 30000 is the default value, Lower= harder to move Higher= easier to move)  

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// Advanced RCON
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sv_rcon_banpenalty 10
sv_rcon_maxfailures 10
sv_rcon_minfailures 5
sv_rcon_minfailuretime 30

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mp_timelimit 40  // Timelimit is how many minutes for a map.
mp_winlimit 0    // When a team reaches this amount of wins it has won the map. || 0=disabled
mp_maxrounds 0   // When two teams finish playing this amount of rounds the map ends || 0=disabled
mp_roundtime 5   // Round time, in minutes. After this amount of minutes has passed || a scenario win is awarded. Min 1, Max 9

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mp_autoteambalance 0 // Toggles the forcing of clients to join teams to make it balanced. 1=on and 0=off
mp_limitteams 0      // There can be a tolerance of 1 person more on 1 team before autoteambalance kicks in

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mp_friendlyfire 0        // Toggles friendly fire 1=on and 0=off
mp_tkpunish 1            // Toggles the forcing of a player to sit out the next round if he has tked
mp_autokick 1            // Kick idle team-killing players. 1=on and 0=off
mp_spawnprotectiontime 5 // Kick players who team-kill within this many seconds of a round restart.
sv_timeout 40            // After this many seconds without a message from a client, the client is dropped

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mp_allowspectators 1 // toggles whether the server allows spectator mode or not. 1=on and 0=off
mp_forcecamera 0     // Restricts spectatorcamera view for dead players. 1=on and 0=off

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sv_maxrate 9999              // Max bandwidth rate allowed on server, 0=unlimited, max=20000
sv_minrate 5000             // Min bandwidth rate allowed on server, 0=unlimited, 4000=good to keep dialup gamers off the server
sv_maxupdaterate 100        // Maximum updates per second that the server will allow, increasing this will take more cpu power, 100 is max
sv_minupdaterate 10         // Minimum updates per second that the server will allow, increasing this will take more CPU power
decalfrequency 60           // The user can only spray their spray every x seconds
fps_max 500                 // Frame rate limiter
sv_unlag 1                  // Enable lag compensation
sv_maxunlag 1                    // Maximum lag compensation
sv_logsdir D:\SRCDS\cstrike\logs // The directory where the logs will be saved

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sv_downloadurl ""                                 // Your download host...
sv_allowdownload 1                                      // Allow clients to download files
sv_allowupload 1                                        // Allow clients to upload customizations files like logospray files
net_maxfilesize 100                                     // Max size for users to download is 100MB

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log on           // SERVER LOGGING, creates a logfile (needed for statsprograms), "log off" to turn off logging
sv_logbans 1     // Log server bans in server logs
sv_logecho 0     // Echo log information to the consol (makes lots of spam)
sv_logfile 1     // Log server information to a log file
sv_log_onefile 1 // Log everything in one file

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sv_cheats 0   //Enable cheats || 1 = on 0 = off
sv_pausable 0 // disable clients' ability to pause the server

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mp_chattime 5    // Amount of seconds players can chat after the game is over
sv_voiceenable 1 // VOICE disabled, if you want VOICE enabled then change 0 into 1
sv_consistency 0 // Enables users to pass certain conistency byass ceck (eg. Scope overaly) || 1 = on 0 = off
sv_alltalk 1     // Enables talking to Live people when Dead

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// Ammo
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ammo_338mag_max 100     // awp
ammo_357sig_max 5000    // p228
ammo_45acp_max 5000     // ump45, mac10, usp
ammo_50AE_max 5000      // deagle
ammo_556mm_box_max 1000 // m249
ammo_556mm_max 600      // galil, sg552, famas, m4a1, sg550
ammo_57mm_max 5000      // p90, fiveseven
ammo_762mm_max 600      // scout, ak47, g3sg1, aug
ammo_9mm_max 5000       // mp5navy, tmp, glock, elite
ammo_buckshot_max 1280  // m3, xm1014

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exec banned_user.cfg
exec classres.cfg

echo ***************
echo ***************
echo ***************
echo ***************

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In your config, you have "log on // SERVER LOGGING, creates a logfile (needed for statsprograms), "log off" to turn off logging" in there. I've solved every issue I've ever had with a SRCDS by looking at the log. If you can, I'd like you to copy and past the most recent log that you and post it here. Thanks.
I recommend changing from "mp_forcecamera 0" to "mp_forcecamera 1".

I had an issue because of this config long ago and apparently it's glitched when set to "0"

I hope this fixes your issue!
Experienced SRCDS server host and leader of The World of NOPE [TWoN].

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