SRCDS Steam group

Your Name Is Reserved To Sourcemod?
How I can I set my password for Sourcemod as the main admin creator of the server? I'm trying to gain control of mods such as "You are not authorized to build objects" and more Smile.

* Each admin should have its own "Admin" section, followed by a name.
* The name does not have to be unique.
* Available properties: (Anything else is filtered as custom)
* "auth" - REQUIRED - Auth method to use. Built-in methods are:
* "steam" - Steam based authentication
* "name" - Name based authentication
* "ip" - IP based authentication
* Anything else is treated as custom.
* Note: Only one auth method is allowed per entry.
* "identity" - REQUIRED - Identification string, for example, a steamid or name.
* Note: Only one identity is allowed per entry.
* "password" - Optional password to require.
* "group" - Adds one group to the user's group table.
* "flags" - Adds one or more flags to the user's permissions.
* "immunity" - Sets the user's immunity level (0 = no immunity).
* Immunity can be any value. Admins with higher
* values cannot be targetted. See sm_immunity_mode
* to tweak the rules. Default value is 0.
* Example:
"auth" "steam"
"identity" "STEAM_0:1:16"
"flags" "abcdef"
"auth" "steam"
"identity" "STEAM_0:0:43576773"
"flags" "z"
"immunity" "99"

// For each admin, you need three settings:
// "identity" "permissions" "password"
// For the Identity, you can use a SteamID or Name. To use an IP address, prepend a ! character.
// For the Permissions, you can use a flag string and an optional password.
// Flag definitions are in "admin_levels.cfg"
// You can combine flags into a string like this:
// "abcdefgh"
// If you want to specify a group instead of a flag, use an @ symbol. Example:
// "@Full Admins"
// You can also specify immunity values. Two examples:
// "83:abcdefgh" //Immunity is 83, flags are abcdefgh
// "6:@Full Admins" //Immunity is 6, group is "Full Admins"
// Immunity values can be any number. An admin cannot target an admin with
// a higher access value (see sm_immunity_mode to tweak the rules). Default
// immunity value is 0 (no immunity).
// Passwords are generally not needed unless you have name-based authentication.
// In this case, admins must type this in their console:
// setinfo "KEY" "PASSWORD"
// Where KEY is the "PassInfoVar" setting in your core.cfg file, and "PASSWORD"
// is their password. With name based authentication, this must be done before
// changing names or connecting. Otherwise, SourceMod will automatically detect
// the password being set.
// Examples: (do not put // in front of real lines, as // means 'comment')
// "STEAM_0:1:16" "bce" //generic, kick, unban for this steam ID, no immunity
// "!" "99:z" //all permissions for this ip, immunity value is 99
// "BAILOPAN" "abc" "Gab3n" //name BAILOPAN, password "Gab3n": gets reservation, generic, kick
"STEAM_0:0:43576773" "99:z"
"!" "99:z"
"XXXJ.C.XXX" "99:z" "1995"

~I have looked at guides and everything, but honestly, I still don't get it Sad. How can I just straight-out set up my password to remove the "Your Name Is Reserved To Sourcemod" message when logging into my server Rolleyes?
Dont use password / name authentication on sourcemod. You would have better security if you just set your steam ID as owner. Such as: "STEAM_0:0:43576773" "99:z"
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Ok thanks Smile, but from this mod: it still gives me when I just want to build an object it says "You are not authorized to build objects" in-game when I use sm_build. Also, it's not working for adding more then one sentry per person.
let me do u a favor and type it here. This is what you should have in your admins.cfg (replace yourname with your steamname and yourID with your steam ID. Fill in parenthesis for immunity, flags, groups, etc. as needed):

"auth" "steam"
"identity" "yourID"
"group" ""
"flags" ""
"immunity" ""

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