SRCDS Steam group

Sv_Downloadurl issues
Server OS: Windows 7 SP1 (64 bit)
Processor: Intel I7 2600k @ 4.4Ghz
Ram: 8Gb
Game(s): Garrysmod BETA
Start Up Command: Using the SRCDS link with
"D:\Program Files (x86)\Valve\HLServer\orangebox\srcds.exe" -console -game garrysmodbeta -autoupdate  +maxplayers 20 +gamemode "spacebuild" +map sb_gooniverse
Admin Mods: Evolve (garrysmodBETA addon)

Ok, you peoples have probably heard this alot but my server refuses to transfer files to the clients, im trying to send models and materials in a Bzip2 format.. any help?
//Basic settings
"hostname"          "<myservername>"       //Server name
"rcon_password"     "<not for your eyes>"     //Remote control password
"sv_password"       "<not for your eyes>"     //Server password
"mp_flashlight"     "1"
"gamemode"          "spacebuild"
"sv_region"         "3" // eastcoast: 0 - westcoast: 1 - south america: 2 - europe: 3 - asia: 4 - australia: 5 - middle east: 6 - africa: 7 - world: 255
"sv_lan"            "0"     //Lan only (1) or no (0)
"sv_pure"           "1"
"sv_allowupload"    "1"
"sv_allowdownload   "1"
"sv_downloadurl"    "<not for your eyes>/GM/Garrysmodbeta.Bz2"
Change<not for your eyes>/GM/Garrysmodbeta.Bz2

to<not for your eyes>/GM/garrysmodbeta/

Basically remove the 's' in https and in the last part, make the G lowercase and replace '.Bz2' with a forward slash.
(10-17-2012, 02:03 PM)Highdef Wrote:  Change<not for your eyes>/GM/Garrysmodbeta.Bz2

to<not for your eyes>/GM/garrysmodbeta/

Basically remove the 's' in https and in the last part, make the G lowercase and replace '.Bz2' with a forward slash.

Got it running non FastDll but, new problem - ive tried downloading the files by connecting to the server as .Bz2's and as non compressed files, it downloads for about 3 mins then it doesnt install anything and i get error models?
any helps?

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