SRCDS Steam group

Counter Strike: Global Offensive Server
Hi everyone.
Well i got this problem. I'm trying to make a Dedicated Server for Global Offensive, but it seems not to function correct.

Here's some pictures of the problem.

This is the install dir. Doesn't looks like a server.

Have google'd for alot of different tutorials how to make the server, but can't find any more detailed guide. Please help? Smile

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Quote:This area is for general SRCDS related errors. If you having problems related to installing a server on a specific operating system, please post in the correct area.
When posting a problem, please start a new thread and give us the following information. If you do not, you will be directed back to this post.
When your problem has been resolved, please add [resolved] to the beginning of the subject to make it easier for people to find solutions to similar problems.

Server OS: Specific version. ex: Windows Server 2003 64-bit, Ubuntu Server 32-bit
Processor: Please list the model, number of physical cores per processor, and the clock speed (in GHz). Also note if it is hyperthreaded (P4s).
Ram: In GB. Speed not required.
Game(s): Which game you are running that is having issues. This is important!
Start Up Command: The FULL command. If you are using a batch script, show the full command line used to start the server.
Admin Mods: Any admin mods that are being used such as Mani, SourceMod, MetaMod, and BeetlesMod

kinda would help to have more info as this is posted rightouside the general area ;P
[Image: b_350_20_323957_202743_F19A15_111111.png]
[Image: b_350_20_692108_381007_FFFFFF_000000.png]
I am working on putting a new Global Offensive server.

1. I downloaded "SteamCMD" and installed it in a folder for itself.
2. I log in with my steam in SteamCMD command prompt, and install server with
Quote:force_install_dir c:\go\
3. After the command is entered, I'll type
Quote:app_update 740 validate
4. Command prompt start to download to the selected destination, but the content looks completely wrong, and does not look like a server. I do not know what I'm doing wrong, and that's what I want to know. Have tried up to 10 times now, but the same error happens every time.

Actually, I've got this error, at the start of the installation.

Quote:CWinPerfCounters::Init<>:Failed to add \LogicalDisk<c:>\Avg. Disk Queue Length to perfomance monitoring.

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.png   Unavngivet.png (Size: 38.04 KB / Downloads: 7)
Your installing the server wrong.

Follow this guide exactly. I've successfully downloaded, updated, and installed a cs:go server even though I do not own the game.
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(09-11-2012, 12:10 PM)Ghost Assassin Wrote:  Your installing the server wrong.

Follow this guide exactly. I've successfully downloaded, updated, and installed a cs:go server even though I do not own the game.

Theres a step i skip, because in the download, there's no "command prompt" as in video tutorials
Create the folder first, and after that put your install/update in that folder.

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