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Few problems whith cs go server

I have workt whith css server for a few years and now im trying to get cs go server to work.

I have got the server up and running, but when a friends is joining the server i cant join after. But if the server is empty cant i join it but then cant my firend join. So its can only be one player on the server even if i have 32 slots server.

Thats my first problem. Then im wondering if i can use Sourcemod + Metamod on a cs go server. Its working fine on css server but how is it on a cs go ?

Sorry for my bad english, Please Help me!
I have just reinstalld a clean server and sill same problem..
Quote:hostname "test"
rcon_password "TESTTEST"
sv_password "" //Only set this if you intend to have a private server!
log on //This is set to turn on logging!

mp_freezetime 5 //The amount of time players are frozen to buy items
mp_join_grace_time 15 //The amount of time players can join teams after a round has started
sv_cheats 0 //This should always be set, so you know it's not on
sv_lan 0 //This should always be set, so you know it's not on
//**The bot commands below are mostly default with the exception of
bot_difficulty 1
bot_chatter "off"
bot_join_after_player 1
bot_quota 0
bot_quota_mode "fill"
//**The following commands manage kicks and bans
exec banned_user.cfg
exec banned_ip.cfg

My stast command:

Quote:srcds -game csgo -console -usercon +game_type 0 +game_mode 0 +mapgroup mg_bomb +map de_dust2 +Port 27016

I have reinstalld the server about 3 times and same problem.
I have the same problem. I can run cs:s no problem on the same box. If people join the server from my lan, they have no problem, but from outside the lan, only the first person can join. Then after that they timeout after entering the lobby with a "failed to ping server" error.

(08-20-2012, 07:05 AM)hchandless Wrote:  I have the same problem. I can run cs:s no problem on the same box. If people join the server from my lan, they have no problem, but from outside the lan, only the first person can join. Then after that they timeout after entering the lobby with a "failed to ping server" error.

Ok, Lets hope that somebody can help!
(08-20-2012, 05:56 PM)krita Wrote:  
(08-20-2012, 07:05 AM)hchandless Wrote:  I have the same problem. I can run cs:s no problem on the same box. If people join the server from my lan, they have no problem, but from outside the lan, only the first person can join. Then after that they timeout after entering the lobby with a "failed to ping server" error.

Ok, Lets hope that somebody can help!

Put +net_public_adr (your public IP) in the command line. Your friends will be able to connect and you will be able to connect AFTER them. If you have the same problem as me, you won't be able to join the server yourself (if you're on a lan) unless someone joins before you.
Have you guys tried port forwarding your server?

I tried looking up tutorials for cs:go but they don't really mention about port forwarding.

I'm going to assume that the ports required for cs:go is similar to css.

Try port forwarding these ports.

UDP 1200 (Friends Network)
UDP 27000 to 27015 (Gameport)
UDP 27020
TCP 27030 to 27039
TCP 27015 (SRCDS Rcon port)

The command sv_lan should be set to 0 which you already have so that looks fine.

It's worth a try...
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I've been running a cs:s server for a few years, so yea all the forwards are done. Though you don't need all the ones you listed, I have them done anyway. (I have run a cs:s server with only 27015 forwarded and it ran fine.)

I currently have a cs:s running on the same box (different ports) which runs fine. I'm not sure how it could be anything wrong with ports since players can connect to my server fine, the only problem is, I can't connect from the lan when the server is empty. I can only connect after players have joined.

The console says server requires lobby reservation but is unreserved.

It all smells like a bug to me.
Counter-Strike GO servers are giving everyone problems at the moment. Everytime I try to setup a server using the steamcmd app_update it crashes my box. That's not normal. >.<
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(08-21-2012, 06:58 PM)Ghost Assassin Wrote:  Have you guys tried port forwarding your server?

I tried looking up tutorials for cs:go but they don't really mention about port forwarding.

I'm going to assume that the ports required for cs:go is similar to css. spacebar clicker

Try port forwarding these ports.

UDP 1200 (Friends Network)
UDP 27000 to 27015 (Gameport)
UDP 27020
TCP 27030 to 27039
TCP 27015 (SRCDS Rcon port)

The command sv_lan should be set to 0 which you already have so that looks fine.

It's worth a try...
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